标签:style blog color os ar for sp strong div
os.name #‘nt‘ for windows, ‘posix‘ for linux/unix os.getcwd() #get current work directory,即Python脚本工作的目录路径 os.getenv() #get the environment variables os.setenv() #set the ... os.listdir(mdir) #list all files and directories name under mdir os.remove(mfile) #delete mfile os.system() #run shell command os.linesep #行终止符, ‘\r\n‘ for windows, ‘\n‘ for linux, ‘\r‘ for mac os.path.split(mpath) #return (directory,filename) os.path.isfile(mstr) os.path.isdir(mstr) os.path.existe(mdir) # if the mdir exist
标签:style blog color os ar for sp strong div