标签:frame 问题 class 需要 The cep fast version sse
/** * @author WGR * @create 2019/9/7 -- 15:06 */ public class OssException extends RuntimeException implements Serializable { ? private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; ? private Object[] errFormatArr; ? public OssException(String message,Object... obj) { super(message); this.errFormatArr = obj; } ? //由于实际需要,因此又追加以下两种构造方法 public OssException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } ? public OssException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } ? public Object[] getErrFormatArr() { return errFormatArr; } ? public void setErrFormatArr(Object[] errFormatArr) { this.errFormatArr = errFormatArr; } }
@Slf4j @ControllerAdvice public class OssExceptionHandler { ? @ExceptionHandler(value = Exception.class) @ResponseBody public ModelAndView handle(Exception ex) { //使用FastJson提供的FastJsonJsonView视图返回,不需要捕获异常 FastJsonJsonView view = new FastJsonJsonView(); ? R result = null; if (ex instanceof OssException) {//自义异常 result = M.getErrR(ex.getMessage(),((OssException) ex).getErrFormatArr()); }else if(ex instanceof MaxUploadSizeExceededException) {//Spring的文件上传大小异常 result = M.getErrR("exception.maxUploadSizeExceededException",PropUtil.getInteger("upload.maxSize")); }else if(ex instanceof DataAccessException) {//Spring的JDBC异常 result = M.getErrR("exception.dataAccessException"); }else {//其他未知异常 result = M.keyErrR("exception.other"); } ? //开发过程中打印一下异常信息,生产过程可关闭 if(result.getErrCode() != 60113) { //20181225 登陆会话失效,不打印了 String stackTrace = StackUtil.getStackTrace(ex); log.error("----->"+stackTrace); } ? ? //电脑端,封装异常信息 20181128 安全测试问题要求关闭详细异常信息 //if(WebUtil.isComputer()) result.setErrdetail(stackTrace); result.setErrdetail(ex.getMessage()); //20190128 异常信息简易的还需加入 view.setAttributesMap(result); ? return new ModelAndView(view); } ? ? ? }
标签:frame 问题 class 需要 The cep fast version sse