标签:lin 方法 color pack configure one exe end get
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: mysqlclient 1.3.13 or newer is required; you have 0.9.3.
version = Database.version_info # if version < (1, 3, 13): # raise ImproperlyConfigured(‘mysqlclient 1.3.13 or newer is required; you have %s.‘ % Database.__version__)
File "D:\data\gitee.com\ExamOnline\venv\lib\site-packages\django\db\backends\mysql\operations.py", line 146, in last_executed_query
query = getattr(cursor, ‘_executed‘, None) # if query is not None: # query = query.decode(errors=‘replace‘) return query
标签:lin 方法 color pack configure one exe end get