标签:date let pac 撤销 ges 删除用户 delete select rop
#查询数据库所有用户 SELECT USER,host FROM mysql.user #新建数据库用户 create user ‘tianxftest1‘@‘%‘ IDENTIFIED by ‘456123‘ #赋予用户角色 revoke all PRIVILEGES on ‘pmp_user‘.* FROM ‘tianxftest1‘@‘%‘ IDENTIFIED by ‘456123‘ #删除用户如下 drop user tianxftest1@ ; drop user tianxftest1@‘%‘; #查看用户权限 show grants for tianxftest1; #授权用户拥有数据库的所有权限 grant all privileges on fe.* to fe_group@localhost identified by ‘123456 #刷新权限表 flush privileges #作用到某个数据库的具体某张表 grant select, insert, update, delete on testdb.orders to dba@localhost; #作用到某张表的具体列上 grant select(id, se, rank) on testdb.apache_log to dba@localhost; #撤销某个用户的某个权限 revoke all on *.* from dba@localhost;
标签:date let pac 撤销 ges 删除用户 delete select rop