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mySql 随堂练习(1)

时间:2019-11-20 23:48:51      阅读:112      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:mysql   where   table   char   com   distinct   练习   time   imm   


create database if not exists hainan_data;
use hainan_data;

create table contract(
contract_num int,
customer_id int,
name varchar(10),
company varchar(20),
start_time date,
end_time date,
dp_num int,
pl_mun int,
all_buy int);
#drop table contract;



create table customer(
id int primary key,
name varchar(10),
company varchar(20),
sales varchar(10));

create table data(
name varchar(10),
company varchar(20),
request_time date,
used_num int);

insert into contract values(01,1,"tom","tomA","2013-05-01","2013-06-05",10,20,30),


select * from contract;

insert into customer values(1,"tom","tomA","张雪君"),
select * from customer;

insert into data values("jim","jimB","2013-06-20",100),

select * from data;



alter table customer add address varchar(50);



drop table customer;



select distinct name from customer;



select name as 客户名称,company as 公司名称 from customer where sales in("张雪君","严鼎文");



select * from contract 
where customer_id in (2,3,5,6) 
and start_time between "2012-01-01" and "2013-07-31" 
group by contract_num;



select * from customer where sales="鲍海地" order by id;



select count(contract_num) from contract where customer_id in (select id from customer where sales="鲍海地");



select id,customer.name,sum(all_buy) as 购买数量 from customer left join contract on id=customer_id group by contract_num;



select * from customer left join contract on id=customer_id where all_buy>=100;


#12统计每个客户在2013-07-01至2013-07-31 7月份月度使用总量,要求按合同统计

select customer.name,contract_num,sum(used_num) as 月度使用量 from customer 
left join contract on id=customer_id 
left join data on customer.name=data.name 
where request_time between "2013-07-01" and "2013-07-31"
group by contract_num;



insert into customer values (7,"test","test","test");


mySql 随堂练习(1)

标签:mysql   where   table   char   com   distinct   练习   time   imm   


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