标签:android style blog http io color os ar 使用
Pause | Pauses playing the movie. |
Play | Starts playing the movie. |
Stop | Stops playing the movie, and rewinds it to the beginning. |
audioClip | Returns the AudioClip belonging to the MovieTexture. |
duration | The time, in seconds, that the movie takes to play back completely. |
isPlaying | Returns whether the movie is playing or not. |
isReadyToPlay | If the movie is downloading from a web site, this returns if enough data has been downloaded so playback should be able to start without interruptions. |
loop | Set this to true to make the movie loop. |
renderer.material.mainTexture = movie;
movie.loop = true;
(1)视频流直接从设备存储器中获得,所以文件只能是单独提供,视频文件放置在StreamingAssets 文件夹中
(2) 视频播放过陈中,unity将会停止;播放结束后unity自动恢复;播放过程中屏幕中的颜色会变为播放器的背景颜色,播放之后恢复。
(4)能够支持的格式: .mov, .mp4, .mpv, and .3gp ,H.264,MPEG-4 Part 2 video
Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie ("StarWars.mp4", Color.black, FullScreenMovieControlMode.CancelOnInput);
Mobile movie texture for android
这个插件使用开源视频编解码库Theora,所以他只能支持ogg格式的视频和音频,换句话说其他格式就要转换到 ogg格式,在运行中对视频进行解码然后通过unity GL底层库在相应的区域进行绘制。相对于AVPro QuickTime这个插件提供的功能相对简单,不过这个很方面扩展,比较纠结的是提供的seek视频定点功能不是很完善,位置偏差较大,还不适合精确的应用。
2 总结用来一天时间整理一下,整体说unity提供的视频功能还是很不理想,如果仅仅是播放游戏中的过场等等的还是足够的,但是对于现在的需求还不足够,希望unity能在这方面继续提升吧
标签:android style blog http io color os ar 使用