标签:isp glob 处理 desc operator 冗余 Fix statement pre
每个节点将记录其运行的查询的信息,同时充当全局事务管理器(GTM)。为了评估集群范围内的问题,常常需要合并来自所有节点的日志。使用clx logdump来合并和评估日志。
Query Type
SQLERR | 这些数据库错误包括语法错误、超时通知和权限问题。默认情况下,所有的SQLERR查询都将被记录下来(session_log_error_queries)。 |
SLOW | 查询执行时间超过了session_log_slow_threshold_ms指定的阈值。(慢SQL) |
记录 CREATE, DROP, ALTER),SET GLOBAL or SESSION command. 默认所有DDL都被记录(session_log_ddl). |
BAD | 查询读取的行数超过返回预期结果所需的行数。这可能表示计划不好或缺少索引,默认关闭(session_log_bad_queries). |
ALTER CLUSTER | 通过ALTER cluster命令对集群所做的更改总是自动记录到query.log中。此日志记录不受全局变量控制。 |
SET [GLOBAL | SESSION] variable_name = desired_value;
Default Value
Session Variable
session_log_bad_queries | Log BAD queries to the query.log | false |
session_log_ddl | Log DDL statements to query.log | true | |
session_log_error_queries | Log ERROR statements to query.log | true | |
session_log_slow_queries | Log SLOW statements to query.log | true | |
session_log_slow_threshold_ms | Query duration threshold in milliseconds before logging this query | 10000 |
session_log_users | Log LOGIN/LOGOUT to user.log | false |
[timestamp] [hostname] clxnode INSTR [query type] [sid] [db] [user] [ac] [xid] [sql] [status] [time and breakdowns] [internal counters]
Label | Description |
timestamp | 日期和时间,包括时区。时间同步在所有节点上是非常重要的。 |
hostname | 节点ID和记录条目的主机的名称。此节点充当此事务的GTM。 |
process name | ClustrixDB进程名(clxnode). |
INSTR | 这个固定的冗余出现在每行的查询类型之前。 |
query type | 定义日志的类型: SLOW, DDL, BAD, SQLERR, ALTER CLUSTER. |
SID | 会话ID:用于对给定会话的活动进行分组。 |
db | DB name |
user | 执行查询的用户。如果使用基于语句的复制,则在排除来自主服务器的语句故障时搜索复制帐户。 |
ac | 自动提交(Y / N)指标。这对于确定查询是否在用户定义的显式事务中使用非常有用。DDL使用内部生成的显式事务,并且始终为N。 |
xid | 事务ID。在排除锁定问题时,将会话链接到XID非常有用。 |
sql | 这是完整查询的文本。省略号表示文本被截断以适应4KB的限制。 |
status | 方括号中包含的查询结果。例如,这可能是受影响的行或错误消息。 |
time | 从接收、编译和处理查询到返回输出或发生错误所花费的总时间。这在分析慢速查询时特别有用。 |
对于执行时间超过一个ms的任何查询,运行时间将进一步细分。 | |
translate | Time spent in translate_dml(). |
prefetch | Time spent building the Sierra stub. |
plan | Time spent to plan and normalize the query. |
compile | Time spent in compiling Sierra. |
execute | Time spent in invocation. |
| |
reads | The number of times the database reads from a container. This may differ from the number of rows_read. |
inserts | The number of times the database inserts into a container. This includes both the number of calls and the number of rows written. |
deletes | The number of times the database deletes from a container. This includes both the number of calls and the number of rows deleted. |
updates | The number of times the database updates a container. This includes both the number of calls and the number of rows updated. |
counts | Number of calls by the query execution engine to operators BARRIER_ADD and BARRIER_FETCHADD. |
rows_read |
Total number of rows read to get all needed data for the query, including reads from indices. Essentially, the total number of rows processed by the last query. This may differ from from the number of rows_output by the query. |
forwards | Number of rows forwarded to specific nodes. |
broadcasts | Number of rows that were broadcast to all nodes. |
rows_output | Total number of rows returned or output by the last query. This is usually the same as the number of rows returned from a query but may occasionally contain counts from internal processes. |
semaphore_matches | Number of calls by the query execution engine to operator SEM_ACQUIRE. |
fragment_executions | Number of query fragments executed for the query. |
cpu_runtime_ns | This represents the aggregate total CPU time spent by all nodes to run the query. |
cpu_waits | The number of times the query waited for another query to finish due to the Fair Scheduler. |
cpu_waittime_ns | The amount of time spent waiting for CPU due to the Fair Scheduler. |
barriers | Number of barriers created for the query. This is used to synchronize message communication between nodes. |
barrier_forwards | Number of barriers created to synchronize messaging for forwarded rows. |
barrier_flushes | Number of flush operations performed on barriers. |
bm_fixes | Number of attempted page fixes by the Buffer Manager. |
bm_loads | Number of pages loaded from disk by the Buffer Manager. |
bm_waittime_ns | Nanoseconds spent blocked on Buffer Manager page fixes. |
lockman_waits | Count of the number of times that the query had to wait for a lock to be released by another query. |
lockman_waittime_ms | The total time spent waiting for other queries to release locks on needed rows. |
trxstate_waits | Number of calls to trxstate_check that had to block. |
trxstate_waittime_ms | Milliseconds spent blocked in trxstate_check. |
wal_perm_waittime_ms | Milliseconds spent waiting because the WAL is more than 75% full. |
bm_perm_waittime_ms | Milliseconds spent waiting for the Buffer Manager to grant write permission for pages. |
sigmas | The number of sigma containers used by the query. |
sigma_fallbacks | The number of sigma containers that ran out of memory and had to fall back to disk. |
row_count | The total number of rows updated, inserted or deleted by the last query. |
found_rows | The number of rows affected by the last statement, but not necessarily output by that statement . A value of 0 or -1 means no rows were found. |
insert_id | Not currently being used, always displayed as 0. |
fanout | Y/N indicator that tells if fanout was used for this query. |
attempts | Number of attempts to automatically retry the query execution after it failed. |
标签:isp glob 处理 desc operator 冗余 Fix statement pre