标签:pos 性能分析 tar nta get with clu pac tip
tutorial to compile and use esay profiler with c++ on ubuntu 16.04
git clone https://github.com/yse/easy_profiler.git
cd easy_profiler && mkdir build && cd build && cmake-gui ..
make -j8
sudo make install
find_package(easy_profiler REQUIRED)
#easy_profiler_Dir /usr/local/lib/cmake/easy_profiler
target_link_libraries(my_application easy_profiler)
#include <easy/profiler.h>
void foo() {
EASY_FUNCTION(profiler::colors::Magenta); // Magenta block with name "foo"
EASY_BLOCK("Calculating sum"); // Begin block with default color == Amber100
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
EASY_BLOCK("Addition", profiler::colors::Red); // Scoped red block (no EASY_END_BLOCK needed)
sum += i;
EASY_END_BLOCK; // End of "Calculating sum" block
EASY_BLOCK("Calculating multiplication", profiler::colors::Blue500); // Blue block
int mul = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < 11; ++i)
mul *= i;
//EASY_END_BLOCK; // This is not needed because all blocks are ended on destructor when closing braces met
void bar() {
EASY_FUNCTION(0xfff080aa); // Function block with custom ARGB color
void baz() {
EASY_FUNCTION(); // Function block with default color == Amber100
标签:pos 性能分析 tar nta get with clu pac tip