Advanced Networking Option - Version to [Release 11.2 to 12.2] Oracle Net Services - Version to [Release 12.2] Information in this document applies to any platform.
This document will demonstrate the steps required to configure
SSL/TLS on RAC or SIHA. Instruction is by example and also shows various
methods to check the state of the configuration.
"SSL" in this document refers to either SSL or TLS protocols.
1) Configure TCPS protocol endpoints.
In Oracle RAC, clients access one of three scan listeners and are
then routed to database listeners. To support SSL all of these listeners
must have TCPS protocol endpoints. Follow steps 1.1 & 1.2 below to add TCPS endpoints to the database (node) listeners and then the scan listeners.
Before starting, a check of the listener resources shows support for TCP endpoints:
[oracle@net-rac1 ~]$ crsctl stat res -p |grep ENDPOINTS
2) Update the "local_listener" startup parameter on each node.
sends the endpoint values stored in local_listener to the SCAN
listeners so that they can create appropriate service handlers. Add the
TCPS endpoints for the database/node listener that were created in step 1 to the local_listener startup parameter on each node.
The local listener ip address is unique to each
node. State the local instance sid value when issuing alter system,
e.g., sid=‘instance‘.
2.1) Select a node and identify the local listener endpoints:
[oracle@net-rac1 admin]$ lsnrctl status |grep PORT
The TCPS protocol endpoint is easily identified by the PROTOCOL value.
2.2) Before modifying, review the current local_listener value and make note of it.
[oracle@net-rac1 admin]$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
SQL> show parameter local_listener
NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ local_listener string (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(A DDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=10. 141.155.188)(PORT=1521))))
2.3) Add the TCPS endpoint identified in step 2.1 to the
local_listener value. Be sure to also set the sid to the local nodes
instance name. Set the scope to memory so that changes can be verified
before updating the spfile.
SQL> alter
system set
scope=memory sid=‘NETRAC1‘;
After modification:
SQL> show parameter local_listener;
NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ local_listener string (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(A DDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=10. 141.155.188)(PORT=1521))(ADDRE SS=(PROTOCOL=TCPS)(HOST=10.141 .155.188)(PORT=1523))))
If the RAC cluster is using COST to restrict
instance registration all local/node listener COST value lists must
include TCPS. Without a TCPS rule the scan listeners TCPS handlers will
go into a blocked state. For more information please see DocID: 1537743.1 "Scan Listener TCPS Service Handlers are Blocked after Implementing COST on an SSL Cluster"
2.4) Once updated in memory PMON notifies the scan listeners (via
registration) of the new local_listener value. Using lsnrctl confirm
that the scan listeners have created service handlers for the new TCPS
endpoints. If the handlers were created properly then commit the change
to the spfile by re-issueing the command with "scope=both" (memory and
spfile). If the scan listeners do not show the new TCPS handlers then
retrace steps and correct any errors. The scan listeners are mirrors of
each other so only one scan listener needs to be checked.
Writing final changes to the spfile:
SQL> alter
system set
scope=both sid=‘NETRAC1‘;
2.5) Update the remaining nodes until all nodes are properly registering their TCPS endpoints with the scan listeners.
3) Create SSL certificates and wallets for the cluster and also for clients that will be connecting to the cluster over SSL.
The choice and usage of a CA (Certificate
Cuthority) for certificate signing is up to the reader. DocID 1489301.1
provides the steps to emulate a CA environment using orapki if a CA is
not already available in your organization.
To make a successful SSL connection the server and connecting
clients must have unique SSL certificates that are signed by the same
trusted Certificate Authority. Using the method of choice for your
organization create certificate requests for the cluster and then for a
test client that will connect to the database over SSL. Have those
requests signed by the CA and then build wallets using the signed user
certificates and trusted root certificate. (If this is not a familiar
process use DocID 1489301.1).
In this SSL setup example there are two wallets, one for the
cluster and one for a test client. The user DN‘s for those entities and
for the CA are as follows:
Note that the cluster and client wallets have
unique identities but share the same trusted certificate. This is the
proper wallet setup for an SSL connection.
4) Wallet placement and creation of the obfuscated wallet.
finished cluster wallet that was created in step 3 should now to be
copied to each node of the cluster. There is no specific rule to wallet
placement except that the wallet location should be accessable by both
the Database (PMON) and by the scan and local listeners which are
normally running out of the GI home.
In this example we have chosen a DB home wallet location on each node:
In addition to the PKCS12 wallet or ewallet.p12, an additional
wallet file named cwallet.sso must also be created. The cwallet.sso is
an obfuscated mirror copy of the ewallet.p12 and is the file that is
accessed by PMON and listeners. If the cwallet.sso is created on the
cluster it can be copied along with the ewallet.p12 to the wallet
directory on each node. The cwallet.sso can also be created on each node
separately if ewallet.p12 is already in place. Use the following
command run from the same location as ewallet.p12 to create cwallet.sso
(you will be prompted for the wallet password).
[oracle@net-rac1 wallet]$ orapki wallet create -wallet /u01/app/oracle/product/ -auto_login Oracle PKI Tool : Version - Production Copyright (c) 2004, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Enter wallet password:
[oracle@net-rac1 wallet]$ ls -al
drwxr-xr-x. 2 oracle oracle 4096 Feb 7 11:12 . drwxr-xr-x. 5 oracle oracle 4096 Feb 15 11:00 .. -rw-------. 1 oracle oracle 2549 Feb 15 16:13 cwallet.sso -rw-------. 1 oracle oracle 2472 Feb 7 11:11 ewallet.p12
5) Define wallet locations in listener.ora and sqlnet.ora.
mentioned earlier both PMON and the listener processes of each node
must be able to access the wallets. Each node‘s sqlnet.ora and
listener.ora will need to have wallet locations defined. This step
should be performed on all nodes.
5.1) Listeners on an 11.2 RAC
cluster will normally run out of the Grid Infrastructure (GI) home. Edit
the $GRID_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora and add the following items:
5.2) Instances on an 11.2 RAC cluster run out of the Database
home. Edit the database $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/sqlnet.ora and add
the following items:
wallets in place and ora files edited the PMON and listener processes
must be restarted so that they pick up the new wallet settings. With the
restart the instances will also use the local_listener values that were
added in step 2. Re-confirm that scan listeners have the proper tcps
handlers, correct any discrepancies.
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Feb 22 17:38:17 2015 Copyright (c) 2004, 2014, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 12 Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
8) Testing from a remote client.
8.1) Create a wallet directory and add the location to the clients sqlnet.ora.
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Feb 22 17:56:22 2015 Copyright (c) 2004, 2014, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 12 Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
NOTE:1504785.1 - Listener Does Not Create Handlers for Started Services With Multiple Endpoint Registration (ORA-12520, ORA-12516) NOTE:1489301.1 - Using Orapki as Certificate Authority NOTE:1537743.1 - Scan Listener TCPS Service Handlers are Blocked after Implementing COST on an SSL Cluster