标签:style http io os ar 使用 java for sp
在网络不稳定时,openfire容易出现掉包情况,原因是在客户端掉线时,openfire并不能马上知道客户端已经断线,至于要多久才能发现客户端断线,跟服务器端设置的Idle Connections 时间有关。默认为360秒。
package com.penngo.test; import java.awt.EventQueue; public class ReceiptDialog extends JDialog { private JTextField textField; /** * Launch the application. */ public static void main(String[] args) { EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { ReceiptDialog dialog = new ReceiptDialog(); dialog.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); dialog.setVisible(true); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); } /** * Create the dialog. */ public ReceiptDialog() throws Exception{ setBounds(100, 100, 450, 300); getContentPane().setLayout(null); textField = new JTextField(); textField.setBounds(20, 20, 301, 22); getContentPane().add(textField); textField.setColumns(10); Connection.DEBUG_ENABLED = true; // 打开smack debug ConnectionConfiguration config = new ConnectionConfiguration("", 5222);//52222 config.setSendPresence(true); final Connection connection = new XMPPConnection(config); // 如果对方的消息要求回执,自动回复回执。 ProviderManager pm = ProviderManager.getInstance(); pm.addExtensionProvider(DeliveryReceipt.ELEMENT, DeliveryReceipt.NAMESPACE, new DeliveryReceipt.Provider()); pm.addExtensionProvider(DeliveryReceiptRequest.ELEMENT, DeliveryReceipt.NAMESPACE, new DeliveryReceiptRequest.Provider()); DeliveryReceiptManager.getInstanceFor(connection).enableAutoReceipts(); connection.connect(); String domain = connection.getServiceName(); // test1登录,发送消息给test2 // String from = "test1"; // final String to = "test2" + "@" + domain; //test2登录,发送消息给test1 String from = "test2"; final String to = "test1" + "@" + domain; connection.login(from, "123456", "pc"); // Presence p = new Presence(Presence.Type.available); // p.setMode(Mode.chat); // p.setStatus("在线"); // connection.sendPacket(p); final Chat chat = connection.getChatManager().createChat(to, null); JButton sendButton = new JButton("发送"); sendButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Message message = new Message(); message.setFrom(connection.getUser()); message.setTo(to); message.setBody(textField.getText()); DeliveryReceiptManager.addDeliveryReceiptRequest(message); // 回执设置,要求对方收到消息后提供回执 System.out.println("发送=======" + message.toXML()); try{ chat.sendMessage(message); } catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } }); sendButton.setBounds(331, 19, 93, 23); getContentPane().add(sendButton); } }
运行结果,在smack debug window中查看数据
标签:style http io os ar 使用 java for sp