标签:otl pap plot gzip 价格 try 结束 简单的 cts
创建一个DuApp的类,定义_init_()方法用来处理每一的请求,sellDate_list_url()方法用来构建该商品的发售日期,brand_list_url()方法构建商品品类列列表,product _detail_url()方法构建商品详情,getTime获取具体时间精确到某年某月某日,有的是直接某个季节,text_save()方法保存数据到csv文件中,data_write将数据写入新文件。Filename为写入CSV文件的途径
Import pymongo导入模块;为了连接MongoDB,需要使用PyMongo库里面的MongoClient传入MongoDB的IP及端口,第一个参数为地址host,第二个为默认端口,不用给其传输数据,默认就是27017。设置回送地址127.0.0.1,用来测试,爬取到的
# !/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- import execjs import requests import json import re import time import datetime import arrow import os import xlwt import pymongo class DuApp(object): def __init__(self): # 数据库 self.conn = pymongo.MongoClient(host=‘‘, port=27017) self.db = self.conn.Duapp # 选择集合 self.collection = self.db.DuappPro self.headers = { ‘Host‘: "app.poizon.com", ‘User-Agent‘: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)" " Chrome/53.0.2785.143 Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI " "MiniProgramEnv/Windows WindowsWechat", ‘appid‘: "wxapp", ‘appversion‘: "4.4.0", ‘content-type‘: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", ‘Accept-Encoding‘: "gzip, deflate", ‘Accept‘: "*/*", } self.img_path = ‘image‘ def get_brand_list_url(self, lastId, tabId): """ 构建商品品类列表 :param lastId: 起始页 :param tabId: 分类id :return: """ with open(‘sign.js‘, ‘r‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘)as f: all_ = f.read() ctx = execjs.compile(all_) sign = ctx.call(‘getSign‘, ‘lastId{}limit20tabId{}19bc545a393a25177083d4a748807cc0‘.format(lastId, tabId)) brand_list_url = ‘https://app.poizon.com/api/v1/h5/index/fire/shoppingTab?‘ ‘tabId={}&limit=20&lastId={}&sign={}‘.format(tabId, lastId, sign) return brand_list_url def get_product_detail_url(self, productId): """ 构建商品详情url :param productId: 商品id :return: """ with open(‘sign.js‘, ‘r‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘)as f: all_ = f.read() ctx = execjs.compile(all_) sign = ctx.call(‘getSign‘, ‘productId{}productSourceNamewx19bc545a393a25177083d4a748807cc0‘.format(productId)) product_detail_url = ‘https://app.poizon.com/api/v1/h5/index/fire/flow/product/detail?‘ ‘productId={}&productSourceName=wx&sign={}‘.format(productId, sign) return product_detail_url def get_brand_list_data(self, brand_list_url): """ 商品分类列表 :param url: 商品分类列表url :return: """ response = requests.get(url=brand_list_url, headers=self.headers) return response def get_product_detail_data(self, product_detail_url): """ 商品详情 :param url: 商品详情地址 :return: """ response = requests.get(url=product_detail_url, headers=self.headers) return response def get_recensales_list_data(self, recensales_list_url): """ 商品地址 :param recensales_list_url: 商品地址 :return: """ response = requests.get(url=recensales_list_url, headers=self.headers) return response def get_recensales_list_data(self, recensales_list_url): """ 商品地址 :param recensales_list_url: 商品地址 :return: """ response = requests.get(url=recensales_list_url, headers=self.headers) return response def getTime(self, flag, dayhourminute): ‘‘‘ 获取几小时之前,几分钟前,几天前,几个月前,及几年前的具体时间 flag, 1:天;2:小时;3:分钟;4:月,5:年 :param flag: 1:天;2:小时;3:分钟;4:月,5:年 :param dayhourminute: 整数值 :return: 具体时间 %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ‘‘‘ tn = datetime.datetime.now() t = None ttime = ‘‘ if flag <= 1: if flag == 1: t = datetime.timedelta(days=dayhourminute) elif flag == 2: t = datetime.timedelta(hours=dayhourminute) elif flag == 3: t = datetime.timedelta(minutes=dayhourminute) strtime = tn - t ttime = strtime.strftime(‘%Y-%m-%d‘) else: dt = arrow.now() if flag == 4: ttime = dt.shift(months=-dayhourminute).format("YYYY-MM-DD") elif flag == 5: ttime = str(int( datetime.datetime.now().strftime( "%Y")) - dayhourminute) + "-" + datetime.datetime.now().strftime( "%m-%d") return ttime def download(self, picDict): # list for pic in picDict: url = pic[‘logoUrl‘] time_str = str(round(time.time() * 1000)) # 当前时间戳 img_name = time_str + ‘.png‘ try: path = os.path.join(self.img_path, img_name) if not os.path.exists(path): r = requests.get(url) r.raise_for_status() # 使用with语句可以不用自己手动关闭已经打开的文件流 with open(path, "wb") as f: # 开始写文件,wb代表写二进制文件 f.write(r.content) print("下载完成") else: print("文件已存在") except Exception as e: print("下载失败:" + str(e)) def get_data(self): # 商品品类列表 # app里面为购买menu 搜索下面table 这里只看了球鞋 # tabId 4 为球鞋品类, lastId 1 为翻页参数 for i in range(1, 999): try: logoUrlList = [] product_mongo_data_list = [] brand_list_url = self.get_brand_list_url(i, 4) # 商品品类列表data response = self.get_brand_list_data(brand_list_url) contents = json.loads(response.content, encoding=‘UTF-8‘) lists = contents.get(‘data‘) lists = lists.get(‘list‘) for product in lists: productId = product.get(‘productId‘) # productId = 47209 # 测试使用 # 商品详情 product_detail_url = self.get_product_detail_url(productId) # 商品详情data response = self.get_product_detail_data(product_detail_url) product_contents = json.loads(response.content, encoding=‘UTF-8‘) # 解析商品信息 logoUrl = product_contents.get(‘data‘) logoUrl = logoUrl.get(‘detail‘) logoUrl = logoUrl.get(‘logoUrl‘) # 图片 --主图 picDict = {‘productId‘: productId, ‘logoUrl‘: logoUrl} logoUrlList.append(picDict) # 放入一个集合 title = product_contents.get(‘data‘) title = title.get(‘detail‘) title = title.get(‘title‘) # 标题 sellDate = product_contents.get(‘data‘) sellDate = sellDate.get(‘detail‘) sellDate = sellDate.get(‘sellDate‘) # 发售日期 articleNumber = product_contents.get(‘data‘) articleNumber = articleNumber.get(‘detail‘) articleNumber = articleNumber.get(‘articleNumber‘) # 编号 color = product_contents.get(‘data‘) color = color.get(‘detail‘) color = color.get(‘color‘) # 颜色说明 authPrice = product_contents.get(‘data‘) authPrice = authPrice.get(‘detail‘) authPrice = authPrice.get(‘authPrice‘) # 价格 imageAndText = product_contents.get(‘data‘) imageAndText = imageAndText.get(‘detail‘) imageAndText = imageAndText.get(‘imageAndText‘) # 详情页 product_mongo_data = {‘productId‘: productId, ‘logoUrl‘: logoUrl, ‘title‘: title, ‘sellDate‘: sellDate, ‘articleNumber‘: articleNumber, ‘color‘: color, ‘authPrice‘: authPrice, ‘imageAndText‘: imageAndText} print(product_mongo_data) product_mongo_data_list.append(product_mongo_data) #批量存储 self.collection = self.db.DuappPro self.collection.insert_many(product_mongo_data_list) # 购买数据 self.get_res(product_mongo_data) except Exception as e: print(e) print("something error") # 没有数据或者遇到异常,结束 break def text_save(self, filename, data): # filename为写入CSV文件的路径,data为要写入数据列表. file = open(filename, ‘w+‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) for i in range(len(data)): s = str(data[i]).replace(‘[‘, ‘‘).replace(‘]‘, ‘‘) # 去除[],这两行按数据不同,可以选择 s = s.replace("‘", ‘‘).replace(‘,‘, ‘‘) + ‘\n‘ # 去除单引号,逗号,每行末尾追加换行符 file.write(s) file.close() print("保存文件成功") # 将数据写入新文件 def data_write(self, file_path, datas): f = xlwt.Workbook() sheet1 = f.add_sheet(u‘sheet1‘, cell_overwrite_ok=True) # 创建sheet # 将数据写入第 i 行,第 j 列 i = 0 for data in datas: for j in range(len(data)): sheet1.write(i, j, data[j]) i = i + 1 f.save(file_path) # 保存文件 def text_save(self,filename, data): # filename为写入CSV文件的路径,data为要写入数据列表. file = open(filename, ‘w+‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) for i in range(len(data)): s = str(data[i]).replace(‘[‘, ‘‘).replace(‘]‘, ‘‘) # 去除[],这两行按数据不同,可以选择 s = s.replace("‘", ‘‘).replace(‘,‘, ‘‘) + ‘\n‘ # 去除单引号,逗号,每行末尾追加换行符 file.write(s) file.close() print("保存文件成功") # 将数据写入新文件 def data_write(self,file_path, datas): f = xlwt.Workbook() sheet1 = f.add_sheet(u‘sheet1‘, cell_overwrite_ok=True) # 创建sheet # 将数据写入第 i 行,第 j 列 i = 0 for data in datas: for j in range(len(data)): sheet1.write(i, j, data[j]) i = i + 1 f.save(file_path) # 保存文件 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: duapp = DuApp() duapp.get_data() # duapp.text_save(‘duapp.txt‘,product_mongo_data_list) # duapp.data_write(‘duapp.xlsx‘,product_mongo_data_list) # res_mongo_data_list=duapp.get_res(product_mongo_data_list) # 下载图片 # duapp.download(logoUrlList)
import pandas as pd df =pd.DataFrame(pd.read_csv(‘C:/Users/lenovo/Desktop/DuappPro.csv‘)) df.head()
df.drop(‘logoUrl‘,axis=1,inplace=True) df.head()
df = df.drop_duplicates() df.head()
def matplotlibAns(self): # matplotlib中有可用的模块,这里使用pyplot模块 data = self.collection.find({‘title‘: {‘$regex‘: ‘adidas‘}}) year = [2010, 2012, 2014, 2016] price = [20, 40, 60, 100] for du in data: time.append(du[‘sellDate‘]) price.append(du[‘authPrice‘]) #生成图表 pyplot.plot(year, price) #设置横坐标为time,纵坐标为price,标题为time price ans pyplot.xlabel(‘time‘) pyplot.ylabel(‘price‘) pyplot.title(‘time price ans‘) #设置纵坐标刻度 pyplot.yticks([0, 150000, 250000, 750000, 900000]) #设置填充选项:参数分别对应横坐标,纵坐标,纵坐标填充起始值,填充红色 pyplot.fill_between(time, price, 10, color = ‘red‘) #显示图表 pyplot.show()
4. 查看毒App每年发布鞋子数量的走势
def matplotlibYear(self): pipeline=[{$project:{year:{$substr:["$date",0,4]},"daily_count":1}}, {$group:{_id:"$year",year_count:{$sum:"$daily_count"}}}] data=self.collection.aggregate(pipeline) year = [] people = [] for x in data: year.append(x[‘_id‘]) people.append(x[‘year_count‘]) # 生成图表 pyplot.plot(year, people) # 设置横坐标为year,纵坐标为population,标题为Population year correspondence pyplot.xlabel(‘year‘) pyplot.ylabel(‘price‘) pyplot.title(‘year price ans‘) # 设置纵坐标刻度 pyplot.yticks([0, 5000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000, 30000]) # 设置填充选项:参数分别对应横坐标,纵坐标,纵坐标填充起始值,填充绿色 pyplot.fill_between(year, people, 10, color=‘red‘) # 显示图表 pyplot.show()
# !/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- import execjs import requests import json import re import time import datetime import arrow import os import xlwt import pymongo class DuApp(object): def __init__(self): # 数据库 self.conn = pymongo.MongoClient(host=‘‘, port=27017) self.db = self.conn.Duapp # 选择集合 self.collection = self.db.DuappPro self.headers = { ‘Host‘: "app.poizon.com", ‘User-Agent‘: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)" " Chrome/53.0.2785.143 Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI " "MiniProgramEnv/Windows WindowsWechat", ‘appid‘: "wxapp", ‘appversion‘: "4.4.0", ‘content-type‘: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", ‘Accept-Encoding‘: "gzip, deflate", ‘Accept‘: "*/*", } self.img_path = ‘image‘ def get_recensales_list_url(self, lastId, productId): """ 构建最近购买记录url :param lastId: 起始页 :param productId: 商品id :return: """ with open(‘sign.js‘, ‘r‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘)as f: all_ = f.read() ctx = execjs.compile(all_) sign = ctx.call(‘getSign‘, ‘lastId{}limit20productId{}sourceAppapp19bc545a393a25177083d4a748807cc0‘.format( lastId, productId)) recensales_list_url = ‘https://app.poizon.com/api/v1/h5/product/fire/recentSoldList?‘ ‘productId={}&lastId={}&limit=20&sourceApp=app&sign={}‘.format(productId, lastId, sign) return recensales_list_url def get_brand_list_url(self, lastId, tabId): """ 构建商品品类列表 :param lastId: 起始页 :param tabId: 分类id :return: """ with open(‘sign.js‘, ‘r‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘)as f: all_ = f.read() ctx = execjs.compile(all_) sign = ctx.call(‘getSign‘, ‘lastId{}limit20tabId{}19bc545a393a25177083d4a748807cc0‘.format(lastId, tabId)) brand_list_url = ‘https://app.poizon.com/api/v1/h5/index/fire/shoppingTab?‘ ‘tabId={}&limit=20&lastId={}&sign={}‘.format(tabId, lastId, sign) return brand_list_url def get_product_detail_url(self, productId): """ 构建商品详情url :param productId: 商品id :return: """ with open(‘sign.js‘, ‘r‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘)as f: all_ = f.read() ctx = execjs.compile(all_) sign = ctx.call(‘getSign‘, ‘productId{}productSourceNamewx19bc545a393a25177083d4a748807cc0‘.format(productId)) product_detail_url = ‘https://app.poizon.com/api/v1/h5/index/fire/flow/product/detail?‘ ‘productId={}&productSourceName=wx&sign={}‘.format(productId, sign) return product_detail_url def get_brand_list_data(self, brand_list_url): """ 商品分类列表 :param url: 商品分类列表url :return: """ response = requests.get(url=brand_list_url, headers=self.headers) return response def get_product_detail_data(self, product_detail_url): """ 商品详情 :param url: 商品详情地址 :return: """ response = requests.get(url=product_detail_url, headers=self.headers) return response def get_recensales_list_data(self, recensales_list_url): """ 商品地址 :param recensales_list_url: 商品地址 :return: """ response = requests.get(url=recensales_list_url, headers=self.headers) return response def get_recensales_list_data(self, recensales_list_url): """ 商品地址 :param recensales_list_url: 商品地址 :return: """ response = requests.get(url=recensales_list_url, headers=self.headers) return response def getTime(self, flag, dayhourminute): ‘‘‘ 获取几小时之前,几分钟前,几天前,几个月前,及几年前的具体时间 flag, 1:天;2:小时;3:分钟;4:月,5:年 :param flag: 1:天;2:小时;3:分钟;4:月,5:年 :param dayhourminute: 整数值 :return: 具体时间 %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ‘‘‘ tn = datetime.datetime.now() t = None ttime = ‘‘ if flag <= 1: if flag == 1: t = datetime.timedelta(days=dayhourminute) elif flag == 2: t = datetime.timedelta(hours=dayhourminute) elif flag == 3: t = datetime.timedelta(minutes=dayhourminute) strtime = tn - t ttime = strtime.strftime(‘%Y-%m-%d‘) else: dt = arrow.now() if flag == 4: ttime = dt.shift(months=-dayhourminute).format("YYYY-MM-DD") elif flag == 5: ttime = str(int( datetime.datetime.now().strftime( "%Y")) - dayhourminute) + "-" + datetime.datetime.now().strftime( "%m-%d") return ttime def download(self, picDict): # list for pic in picDict: url = pic[‘logoUrl‘] time_str = str(round(time.time() * 1000)) # 当前时间戳 img_name = time_str + ‘.png‘ try: path = os.path.join(self.img_path, img_name) if not os.path.exists(path): r = requests.get(url) r.raise_for_status() # 使用with语句可以不用自己手动关闭已经打开的文件流 with open(path, "wb") as f: # 开始写文件,wb代表写二进制文件 f.write(r.content) print("下载完成") else: print("文件已存在") except Exception as e: print("下载失败:" + str(e)) def get_data(self): # 商品品类列表 # app里面为购买menu 搜索下面table 这里只看了球鞋 # tabId 4 为球鞋品类, lastId 1 为翻页参数 for i in range(1, 999): try: logoUrlList = [] product_mongo_data_list = [] brand_list_url = self.get_brand_list_url(i, 4) # 商品品类列表data response = self.get_brand_list_data(brand_list_url) contents = json.loads(response.content, encoding=‘UTF-8‘) lists = contents.get(‘data‘) lists = lists.get(‘list‘) for product in lists: productId = product.get(‘productId‘) # productId = 47209 # 测试使用 # 商品详情 product_detail_url = self.get_product_detail_url(productId) # 商品详情data response = self.get_product_detail_data(product_detail_url) product_contents = json.loads(response.content, encoding=‘UTF-8‘) # 解析商品信息 logoUrl = product_contents.get(‘data‘) logoUrl = logoUrl.get(‘detail‘) logoUrl = logoUrl.get(‘logoUrl‘) # 图片 --主图 picDict = {‘productId‘: productId, ‘logoUrl‘: logoUrl} logoUrlList.append(picDict) # 放入一个集合 title = product_contents.get(‘data‘) title = title.get(‘detail‘) title = title.get(‘title‘) # 标题 sellDate = product_contents.get(‘data‘) sellDate = sellDate.get(‘detail‘) sellDate = sellDate.get(‘sellDate‘) # 发售日期 articleNumber = product_contents.get(‘data‘) articleNumber = articleNumber.get(‘detail‘) articleNumber = articleNumber.get(‘articleNumber‘) # 编号 color = product_contents.get(‘data‘) color = color.get(‘detail‘) color = color.get(‘color‘) # 颜色说明 authPrice = product_contents.get(‘data‘) authPrice = authPrice.get(‘detail‘) authPrice = authPrice.get(‘authPrice‘) # 价格 imageAndText = product_contents.get(‘data‘) imageAndText = imageAndText.get(‘detail‘) imageAndText = imageAndText.get(‘imageAndText‘) # 详情页 product_mongo_data = {‘productId‘: productId, ‘logoUrl‘: logoUrl, ‘title‘: title, ‘sellDate‘: sellDate, ‘articleNumber‘: articleNumber, ‘color‘: color, ‘authPrice‘: authPrice, ‘imageAndText‘: imageAndText} print(product_mongo_data) product_mongo_data_list.append(product_mongo_data) #批量存储 self.collection = self.db.DuappPro self.collection.insert_many(product_mongo_data_list) # 购买数据 self.get_res(product_mongo_data) except Exception as e: print(e) print("something error") # 没有数据或者遇到异常,结束 break def text_save(self, filename, data): # filename为写入CSV文件的路径,data为要写入数据列表. file = open(filename, ‘w+‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) for i in range(len(data)): s = str(data[i]).replace(‘[‘, ‘‘).replace(‘]‘, ‘‘) # 去除[],这两行按数据不同,可以选择 s = s.replace("‘", ‘‘).replace(‘,‘, ‘‘) + ‘\n‘ # 去除单引号,逗号,每行末尾追加换行符 file.write(s) file.close() print("保存文件成功") # 将数据写入新文件 def data_write(self, file_path, datas): f = xlwt.Workbook() sheet1 = f.add_sheet(u‘sheet1‘, cell_overwrite_ok=True) # 创建sheet # 将数据写入第 i 行,第 j 列 i = 0 for data in datas: for j in range(len(data)): sheet1.write(i, j, data[j]) i = i + 1 f.save(file_path) # 保存文件 def get_res(self,list): product_mongo_data_list=[] for d in list: for a in d: productId=a[‘productId‘] # 最近购买 recensales_list_url = self.get_recensales_list_url(0, productId) # 最近购买data response = self.get_recensales_list_data(recensales_list_url) recensales_contents = json.loads(response.content, encoding=‘UTF-8‘) lists = recensales_contents.get(‘data‘) lists = lists.get(‘list‘) for ecensales in lists: avatar = ecensales.get(‘avatar‘) userName = ecensales.get(‘userName‘) sizeDesc = ecensales.get(‘sizeDesc‘) formatTime = ecensales.get(‘formatTime‘) # 处理时间 realTime = ‘‘ try: if ‘刚刚‘ in formatTime: tn = datetime.datetime.now() realTime = tn.strftime(‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S‘) elif ‘分钟‘ in formatTime: formatTime = formatTime.replace(‘分钟前‘, ‘‘) # 替换 转换为购买时间,当前时间减formatTime realTime = self.getTime(3, int(formatTime)) elif ‘小时前‘ in formatTime: formatTime = formatTime.replace(‘小时前‘, ‘‘) # 替换 转换为购买时间,当前时间减formatTime realTime = self.getTime(2, int(formatTime)) elif ‘天前‘ in formatTime: formatTime = formatTime.replace(‘天前‘, ‘‘) # 替换 转换为购买时间,当前时间减formatTime realTime = self.getTime(1, int(formatTime)) elif ‘月‘ in formatTime and ‘日‘ in formatTime and ‘年‘ not in formatTime: # 在前面拼接当前年份 如:2019年 formatTime = str(datetime.datetime.now().year) + ‘年‘ + formatTime realTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(formatTime, ‘%Y-%m-%d‘) elif ‘年‘ in formatTime and ‘月‘ in formatTime and ‘日‘ in formatTime: realTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(formatTime, ‘%Y-%m-%d‘) else: # 不符合上面的格式,就默認為當前日期 tn = datetime.datetime.now() realTime = tn.strftime(‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S‘) except: tn = datetime.datetime.now() realTime = tn.strftime(‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S‘) price = ecensales.get(‘price‘) ecensale_mongo_data = {‘productId‘: productId, ‘avatar‘: avatar, ‘userName‘: userName, ‘sizeDesc‘: sizeDesc, ‘formatTime‘: realTime, ‘price‘: price} print(ecensale_mongo_data) product_mongo_data_list.append(ecensale_mongo_data) self.collection = self.db.DuappRes #批量存储 self.collection.insert_many(product_mongo_data_list) return product_mongo_data_list def text_save(self,filename, data): # filename为写入CSV文件的路径,data为要写入数据列表. file = open(filename, ‘w+‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) for i in range(len(data)): s = str(data[i]).replace(‘[‘, ‘‘).replace(‘]‘, ‘‘) # 去除[],这两行按数据不同,可以选择 s = s.replace("‘", ‘‘).replace(‘,‘, ‘‘) + ‘\n‘ # 去除单引号,逗号,每行末尾追加换行符 file.write(s) file.close() print("保存文件成功") # 将数据写入新文件 def data_write(self,file_path, datas): f = xlwt.Workbook() sheet1 = f.add_sheet(u‘sheet1‘, cell_overwrite_ok=True) # 创建sheet # 将数据写入第 i 行,第 j 列 i = 0 for data in datas: for j in range(len(data)): sheet1.write(i, j, data[j]) i = i + 1 f.save(file_path) # 保存文件 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: duapp = DuApp() duapp.get_data() # duapp.text_save(‘duapp.txt‘,product_mongo_data_list) # duapp.data_write(‘duapp.xlsx‘,product_mongo_data_list) # res_mongo_data_list=duapp.get_res(product_mongo_data_list) # 下载图片 # duapp.download(logoUrlList)
答::学习爬虫真的不是轻松的事,得循序渐进,一步一步慢慢来。要创建回送地址,还要连接操作,pip install PyExecjs这串代码也不能忘了;爬取信息自然要连接网页的数据库,这里就要学会用创建选择集合self.collection,要连接的地址host,user—Agent:使服务器可以识别用户使用的操作系统及版本、浏览器、CPU等。爬取到信息后要返回appversion。对我难度最大的还是各种信息的收集,每次解析网站,都要按F12开发者按钮这个按键,这样就能定位到所需要的信息。还有就是如何用代码获取到前面找到的那个标签,首先你观察你要找到的标签,是什么标签,是否有 c id 这样的属性,因为 id 这个属性作为筛选条件的话,查找到的干扰项极少,运气好的话,基本上可以一击必中,解决了我很多麻烦。
标签:otl pap plot gzip 价格 try 结束 简单的 cts