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给定n个权值作为n个叶子结点,构造一棵二叉树,若带权路径长度达到最小,称这样的二叉树为最优二叉树,也称为哈夫曼树(Huffman tree)。哈夫曼树是带权路径长度最短的树,权值较大的结点离根较近。

#include "queue"
#include "map"
#include "string"
#include "iterator"
#include "vector"
#include "algorithm"
using namespace std;

#define NChar 8	//suppose use 8 bits to describe all symbols
#define Nsymbols 1<<NChar	//can describe 256 symbols totally (include a-z, A-Z)
typedef vector<bool> Huff_code;//8 bit code of one char
map<char,Huff_code> Huff_Dic;	//huffman coding dictionary

/* Tree Class elements:
*2 child trees
*character and frequency of current node
class HTree
public :
	HTree* left;
	HTree* right;
	char ch;
	int weight;

	HTree(){left = right = NULL; weight=0;ch =‘\0‘;}
	HTree(HTree* l,HTree* r,int w,char c){left = l;	right = r;	weight=w;	ch=c;}
	~HTree(){delete left; delete right;}
	bool Isleaf(){return !left && !right; }

/* prepare for pointer sorting*/
/*because we cannot use overloading in class HTree directly*/
class Compare_tree
	bool operator () (HTree* t1, HTree* t2)
		return t1->weight> t2->weight;

/* use priority queue to build huffman tree*/
HTree* BuildTree(int *frequency)
	priority_queue<HTree*,vector<HTree*>,Compare_tree> QTree;

	//1st level add characters
	for (int i=0;i<Nsymbols;i++)
			QTree.push(new HTree(NULL,NULL,frequency[i],(char)i));			

	while (QTree.size()>1)
		HTree* lc  = QTree.top();
		HTree* rc = QTree.top();

		HTree* parent = new HTree(lc,rc,lc->weight+rc->weight,(char)256);
	//return tree root
	return QTree.top();

/* Give Huffman Coding to the Huffman Tree*/
void Huffman_Coding(HTree* root, Huff_code& curcode)
		Huff_Dic[root->ch] = curcode;
	Huff_code lcode = curcode;
	Huff_code rcode = curcode;


int main()
	int freq[Nsymbols] = {0};
	char *str = "this is the string need to be compressed";

	//statistic character frequency
	while (*str!=‘\0‘)

	//build tree
	HTree* r = BuildTree(freq);
	Huff_code nullcode;

	for(map<char,Huff_code>::iterator it = Huff_Dic.begin(); it != Huff_Dic.end(); it++)



/*	File Name: LZW.cpp
*		@Function: Lossless Compression
		@Author: Sophia Zhang 
		@Create Time: 2012-9-19 10:00
		@Last Modify: 2012-9-19 11:10

#include "map"
#include "string"
#include "iterator"
#include "vector"
using namespace std;

/*	Compress Module
*		input: 
			str - the string need to be compressed
			result - compress result
template<typename TypeIterator>
TypeIterator Compress(string str, TypeIterator result)
	//Build the dictionary

	int Dictsize=256;

	for(int i=0;i<Dictsize;i++)

	char z;
	string S;

	for(string::const_iterator it = str.begin(); it!=str.end(); it++)
		 z = *it;
		 if(dictionary.count(S+z))//can find S
		 else//S is not in dictionary D
			 *result++ = dictionary[S];	//output pointer (S,D)
			 dictionary[S+z] = Dictsize++; //add to dictionary
			 S = z;
		*result++ = dictionary[S];
	return result;

/*	Decompress Module
*		input: 
			TypeIterator result - compression result, to be decompressed
template<typename TypeIterator>
string Decompress(TypeIterator result)
	int Dictsize=256;
	for(int i=0;i<Dictsize;i++)
		inv_dictionary[i] = string(1,i);

	char z;
	string S;
	string entry;
	string res;
	Dictsize--;//because the first "Dictsize++" make no sense, it has only one char in [0,255]

	for(TypeIterator::iterator it = result.begin(); it!=result.end(); it++)
		int k = *it;
			entry = inv_dictionary[k];	
		else if(k==Dictsize)
			entry = S+ S[0];//???
			throw "Bad compression code";

		res += entry;
		inv_dictionary[Dictsize++] = S + entry[0];
		S = entry;	
	return res;

int main()
	typedef vector<int> TypeIterator;
	TypeIterator compress_res;
	string S = "the/rain/in/Spain/falls/mainly/on/the/plain";
// 	copy(compress_res.begin(),compress_res.end(),std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout,","));
// 	std::cout<<std::endl;

	//output the compressed result
	for( TypeIterator::iterator it= compress_res.begin(); it!=compress_res.end(); it++)

	//decompress the compressed result
	string decompress = Decompress(compress_res);




using namespace std;
typedef struct BinHeapNode BinNode;
typedef struct BinHeapNode * BinHeap;
typedef struct BinHeapNode * Position;
struct BinHeapNode {
    int key;
    int degree;
    Position parent;
    Position leftChild;
    Position sibling;
BinHeap MakeBinHeapWithArray(int keys[], int n);
BinHeap BinHeapUnion(BinHeap &H1, BinHeap &H2);
//将H1, H2的根表合并成一个按度数的单调递增次序排列的链表
BinHeap BinHeapMerge(BinHeap &H1, BinHeap &H2);
void BinLink(BinHeap &H1, BinHeap &H2);
BinHeap BinHeapMin(BinHeap heap);
void BinHeapDecreaseKey(BinHeap heap, BinHeap x, int key);
BinHeap BinHeapDelete(BinHeap &heap, int key);
BinHeap BinHeapFind(BinHeap &heap, int key);
void PrintBinHeap(BinHeap heap);
void DestroyBinHeap(BinHeap &heap);
BinHeap MakeBinHeapWithArray(int keys[], int n) {
    BinHeap heap = NULL, newHeap = NULL;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        newHeap = (BinHeap) malloc(sizeof(BinNode));
        if (newHeap == NULL) {
            puts("Out of the Space");
        memset(newHeap, 0, sizeof(BinNode));
        newHeap->key = keys[i];
        if (NULL == heap) {
            heap = newHeap;
        } else {
            heap = BinHeapUnion(heap, newHeap);
            newHeap = NULL;
    return heap;
BinHeap BinHeapUnion(BinHeap &H1, BinHeap &H2) {
    Position heap = NULL, pre_x = NULL, x = NULL, next_x = NULL;
    heap = BinHeapMerge(H1, H2);
    if (heap == NULL) {
        return heap;
    pre_x = NULL;
    x = heap;
    next_x = x->sibling;
    while (next_x != NULL) {
        if ((x->degree != next_x->degree) ||//Cases 1 and 2
            ((next_x->sibling != NULL) && (next_x->degree == next_x->sibling->degree))) {
                pre_x = x;
                x = next_x;
        } else if (x->key <= next_x->key) {//Cases 3
            x->sibling = next_x->sibling;
            BinLink(next_x, x);
        } else {//Cases 4
            if (pre_x == NULL) {
                heap = next_x;
            } else {
                pre_x->sibling = next_x;
            BinLink(x, next_x);
            x = next_x;
        next_x = x->sibling;
    return heap;
//将H1, H2的根表合并成一个按度数的单调递增次序排列的链表
BinHeap BinHeapMerge(BinHeap &H1, BinHeap &H2) {
    BinHeap heap = NULL, firstHeap = NULL, secondHeap = NULL,
        pre_H3 = NULL, H3 = NULL;
    if (H1 != NULL && H2 != NULL){
        firstHeap = H1;
        secondHeap = H2;
        //整个while,firstHeap, secondHeap, pre_H3, H3都在往后顺移
        while (firstHeap != NULL && secondHeap != NULL) {
            if (firstHeap->degree <= secondHeap->degree) {
                H3 = firstHeap;
                firstHeap = firstHeap->sibling;
            } else {
                H3 = secondHeap;
                secondHeap = secondHeap->sibling;
            if (pre_H3 == NULL) {
                pre_H3 = H3;
                heap = H3;
            } else {
                pre_H3->sibling = H3;
                pre_H3 = H3;
            if (firstHeap != NULL) {
                H3->sibling = firstHeap;
            } else {
                H3->sibling = secondHeap;
    } else if (H1 != NULL) {
        heap = H1;
    } else {
        heap = H2;
    H1 = H2 = NULL;
    return heap;
void BinLink(BinHeap &H1, BinHeap &H2) {
    H1->parent = H2;
    H1->sibling = H2->leftChild;
    H2->leftChild = H1;
BinHeap BinHeapMin(BinHeap heap) {
    Position y = NULL, x = heap;
    int min = INT_MAX;
    while (x != NULL) {
        if (x->key < min) {
            min = x->key;
            y = x;
        x = x->sibling;
    return y;
BinHeap BinHeapExtractMin(BinHeap &heap) {
    BinHeap pre_y = NULL, y = NULL, x = heap;
    int min = INT_MAX;
    while (x != NULL) {
        if (x->key < min) {
            min = x->key;
            pre_y = y;
            y = x;
        x = x->sibling;
    if (y == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    if (pre_y == NULL) {
        heap = heap->sibling;
    } else {
        pre_y->sibling = y->sibling;
    BinHeap H2 = NULL, p = NULL;
    x = y->leftChild;
    while (x != NULL) {
        p = x;
        x = x->sibling;
        p->sibling = H2;
        H2 = p;
        p->parent = NULL;
    heap = BinHeapUnion(heap, H2);
    return y;
void BinHeapDecreaseKey(BinHeap heap, BinHeap x, int key) {
    if(key > x->key) {
        puts("new key is greaer than current key");
        exit(1); //不为降键
    x->key = key;
    BinHeap z = NULL, y = NULL;
    y = x;
    z = x->parent;
    while(z != NULL && z->key > y->key) {
        swap(z->key, y->key);
        y = z;
        z = y->parent;
BinHeap BinHeapDelete(BinHeap &heap, int key) {
    BinHeap x = NULL;
    x = BinHeapFind(heap, key);
    if (x != NULL) {
        BinHeapDecreaseKey(heap, x, INT_MIN);
        return BinHeapExtractMin(heap);
    return x;
BinHeap BinHeapFind(BinHeap &heap, int key) {
    Position p = NULL, x = NULL;
    p = heap;
    while (p != NULL) {
        if (p->key == key) {
            return p;
        } else {
            if((x =BinHeapFind(p->leftChild, key)) != NULL) {
                return x;
            p = p->sibling;
    return NULL;
void PrintBinHeap(BinHeap heap) {
    if (NULL == heap) {
        return ;
    Position p = heap;
    while (p != NULL) {
        printf(" (");
        printf("%d", p->key);
        if(NULL != p->leftChild) {
        printf(") ");
        p = p->sibling;
int kp1[8] = {12,
               7, 25,
              15, 28, 33, 41};
int kp2[20] = {18,
                3, 37,
                6, 8, 29, 10, 44, 30, 23, 2, 48, 31, 17, 45, 32, 24, 50, 55};
int kp4[23] = {37, 41,
               10, 28, 13, 77,
               1, 6, 16, 12, 25, 8, 14, 29, 26, 23, 18, 11, 17, 38, 42, 27};
int main() {
    BinHeap H1 = NULL;
    H1 = MakeBinHeapWithArray(kp1, 7);
    BinHeap H2 = NULL;
    H2 = MakeBinHeapWithArray(kp2, 19);
    BinHeap H3 = NULL;
    H3 = BinHeapUnion(H1, H2);
    BinHeap H4 = NULL;
    H4 = MakeBinHeapWithArray(kp4, 22);
    BinHeap extractNode = BinHeapExtractMin(H4);
    if (extractNode != NULL) {
        printf("\n\n抽取最小的值%d后:\n", extractNode->key);
    extractNode = BinHeapExtractMin(H4);
    if (extractNode != NULL) {
        printf("\n\n抽取最小的值%d后:\n", extractNode->key);
    extractNode = BinHeapExtractMin(H4);
    if (extractNode != NULL) {
        printf("\n\n抽取最小的值%d后:\n", extractNode->key);
    BinHeapDelete(H4, 12);
    return 0;

 四、pair heap实现

#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct PairingHeapNode
	int							key;
	struct	PairingHeapNode*	child;
	struct	PairingHeapNode*	sibling;
	struct	PairingHeapNode*	prev;


static PairHeap* merge_subheaps(PairHeap *p, PairHeap *q);
static PairHeap* combine_siblings(PairHeap *p);

PairHeap* PairHeap_insert(PairHeap *p, int key)
	PairHeap *node;

	node = (PairHeap*)malloc(sizeof(*node));
	if(node == NULL)
		return NULL;

	node->key = key;
	node->child = node->sibling = node->prev = NULL;

	if(p == NULL)
		return node;
		return merge_subheaps(p, node);

PairHeap* PairHeap_DecreaseKey(PairHeap *p, PairHeap *pos, int d)
	if(d < 0)
		return p;

	pos->key = pos->key - d;
	if(p == pos)
		return p;

	if(pos->sibling != NULL)
		pos->sibling->prev = pos->prev;

	if(pos->prev->child = pos)
		pos->prev->child = pos->sibling;
		pos->prev->sibling = p->sibling;

	p->sibling = NULL;
	return merge_subheaps(p, pos);

PairHeap* PairHeap_DeleteMin(int *key, PairHeap *p)
	PairHeap *new_root;

	if(p == NULL)
		return NULL;
		*key = p->key;
		if(p->child != NULL)
			new_root = combine_siblings(p->child);

	return new_root;

static PairHeap* combine_siblings(PairHeap *p)
	PairHeap *tree_array[1024];
	int i, count;

	if(p->sibling == NULL)
		return p;

	for(count = 0; p != NULL; count++)
		tree_array[count] = p;
		p->prev->sibling = NULL;
		p = p->sibling;
	tree_array[count] = NULL;

	for(i = 1; i < count; i++)
		tree_array[i] = merge_subheaps(tree_array[i-1], tree_array[i]);

	return tree_array[count-1];

static PairHeap* merge_subheaps(PairHeap *p, PairHeap *q)
	if(q == NULL)
		return p;
	else if(p->key <= q->key)
		q->prev = p;
		p->sibling = q->sibling;
		if(p->sibling != NULL)
			p->sibling->prev = p;

		q->sibling = p->child;
		if(q->sibling != NULL)
			q->sibling->prev = q;

		p->child = q;
		return p;
		q->prev = p->prev;
		p->prev = q;
		p->sibling = q->child;
		if(p->sibling != NULL)
			p->sibling->prev = p;

		q->child = p;
		return q;


B-tree(多路搜索树,并不是二叉的)是一种常见的数据结构。使用B-tree结构可以显著减少定位记录时所经历的中间过程,从而加快存取速度。按照翻译,B 通常认为是Balance的简称。这个数据结构一般用于数据库的索引,综合效率较高。

    #ifndef BTREE_H  
    #define BTREE_H  
    #ifdef __cplusplus  
    extern "C" {  
    ////* 定义m序(阶)B 树的最小度数BTree_D=ceil(m)*/  
    /// 在这里定义每个节点中关键字的最大数目为:2 * BTree_D - 1,即序(阶):2 * BTree_D.  
    #define BTree_D        2  
    #define ORDER        (BTree_D * 2) //定义为4阶B-tree,2-3-4树。最简单为3阶B-tree,2-3树。  
    //#define ORDER        (BTree_T * 2-1)  //最简单为3阶B-tree,2-3树。  
        typedef int KeyType;  
        typedef struct BTNode{  
            int keynum;                        /// 结点中关键字的个数,keynum <= BTree_N  
            KeyType key[ORDER-1];                /// 关键字向量为key[0..keynum - 1]  
            struct BTNode* child[ORDER];        /// 孩子指针向量为child[0..keynum]  
            bool isLeaf;                    /// 是否是叶子节点的标志  
        typedef BTNode* BTree;  ///定义BTree  
        void BTree_create(BTree* tree, const KeyType* data, int length);  
        void BTree_destroy(BTree* tree);  
        void BTree_insert(BTree* tree, KeyType key);  
        void BTree_remove(BTree* tree, KeyType key);  
        void BTree_print(const BTree tree, int layer=1);  
        /// 在BTree中查找关键字 key,  
        /// 成功时返回找到的节点的地址及 key 在其中的位置 *pos  
        /// 失败时返回 NULL 及查找失败时扫描到的节点位置 *pos  
        BTNode* BTree_search(const BTree tree, int key, int* pos);  
    #ifdef __cplusplus  

 六、Fibonacci 堆

斐波那契堆(Fibonacci heap)是计算机科学中最小堆有序树的集合。斐波那契堆的特点:不涉及删除元素的操作有O(1)的平摊时间。 Extract-Min和Delete的数目和其它相比较小时效率更佳。

    //代码中Fibonacci Heap 用变量heap表示  
    using namespace std;  
    struct FibonacciHeapNode {  
        int key;       //结点  
        int degree;    //度  
        FibonacciHeapNode * left;  //左兄弟  
        FibonacciHeapNode * right; //右兄弟  
        FibonacciHeapNode * parent; //父结点  
        FibonacciHeapNode * child;  //第一个孩子结点  
        bool marked;           //是否被删除第1个孩子  
    typedef FibonacciHeapNode FibNode;  
    struct FibonacciHeap {  
        int keyNum;   //堆中结点个数  
        FibonacciHeapNode * min;//最小堆,根结点  
        int maxNumOfDegree;   //最大度  
        FibonacciHeapNode * * cons;//指向最大度的内存区域  
    typedef FibonacciHeap FibHeap;  
    inline void FibNodeRemove(FibNode * x);  
    void FibNodeAdd(FibNode * x, FibNode * y);  
    //初始化一个空的Fibonacci Heap  
    FibHeap * FibHeapMake() ;  
    FibNode * FibHeapNodeMake();  
    //堆结点x插入fibonacci heap中  
    void FibHeapInsert(FibHeap * heap, FibNode * x);  
    //将数组内的值插入Fibonacci Heap  
    void FibHeapInsertKeys(FibHeap * heap, int keys[], int keyNum);  
    //将值插入Fibonacci Heap  
    static void FibHeapInsertKey(FibHeap * heap, int key);  
    FibNode * FibHeapExtractMin(FibHeap * heap);  
    void FibHeapConsolidate(FibHeap * heap);  
    void FibHeapLink(FibHeap * heap, FibNode * x, FibNode *y);  
    static void FibHeapConsMake(FibHeap * heap);  
    static FibNode *FibHeapMinRemove(FibHeap * heap);  
    void FibHeapDecrease(FibHeap * heap, FibNode * x, int key);  
    static void FibHeapCut(FibHeap * heap, FibNode * x, FibNode * y);  
    static void FibHeapCascadingCut(FibHeap * heap, FibNode * y);  
    void renewDegree(FibNode * parent, int degree);  
    void FibHeapDelete(FibHeap * heap, FibNode * x);  
    FibNode * FibHeapSearch(FibHeap * heap, int key);  
    static FibNode * FibNodeSearch(FibNode * x, int key);  
    void FibHeapDestory(FibHeap * heap);  
    static void FibNodeDestory(FibNode * x);  
    static void FibHeapPrint(FibHeap * heap);  
    static void FibNodePrint(FibNode * x);  
    inline void FibNodeRemove(FibNode * x) {  
        x->left->right = x->right;  
        x->right->left = x->left;  
        a …… y 
        a …… x …… y 
    inline void FibNodeAdd(FibNode * x, FibNode * y) {  
        x->left = y->left;  
        y->left->right = x;  
        x->right = y;  
        y->left = x;  
    //初始化一个空的Fibonacci Heap  
    FibHeap * FibHeapMake() {  
        FibHeap * heap = NULL;  
        heap = (FibHeap *) malloc(sizeof(FibHeap));  

        if (NULL == heap) {  
            puts("Out of Space!!");  
        memset(heap, 0, sizeof(FibHeap));  
        return heap;  
    FibNode * FibHeapNodeMake() {  
        FibNode * x = NULL;  
        x = (FibNode *) malloc(sizeof(FibNode));  
        if (NULL == x) {  
            puts("Out of Space!!");  
        memset(x, 0, sizeof(FibNode));  
        x->left = x->right = x;  
        return x;  
    //堆结点x插入fibonacci heap中  
    void FibHeapInsert(FibHeap * heap, FibNode * x) {  
        if (0 == heap->keyNum) {  
            heap->min = x;  
        } else {  
            FibNodeAdd(x, heap->min);  
            x->parent = NULL;  
            if (x->key < heap->min->key) {  
                heap->min = x;  
    //将数组内的值插入Fibonacci Heap  
    void FibHeapInsertKeys(FibHeap * heap, int keys[], int keyNum) {  
        for (int i = 0; i < keyNum; i++) {  
            FibHeapInsertKey(heap, keys[i]);  
    //将值插入Fibonacci Heap  
    static void FibHeapInsertKey(FibHeap * heap, int key) {  
        FibNode * x = NULL;  
        x = FibHeapNodeMake();  
        x->key = key;  
        FibHeapInsert(heap, x);  
    FibNode * FibHeapExtractMin(FibHeap * heap) {  
        FibNode * x = NULL, * z = heap->min; 

        if (z != NULL) {  
            while (NULL != z->child) {  
                x = z->child;  
                if (x->right == x) {  
                    z->child = NULL;  
                } else {  
                    z->child = x->right;  
                FibNodeAdd(x, z);//add x to the root list heap  
                x->parent = NULL;  
            if (z->right == z) {  
                heap->min = NULL;  
            } else {  
                heap->min = z->right;  
        return z;  
    void FibHeapConsolidate(FibHeap * heap) {  
        int D, d;  
        FibNode * w = heap->min, * x = NULL, * y = NULL;  
        D = heap->maxNumOfDegree + 1;  
        for (int i = 0; i < D; i++) {  
            *(heap->cons + i) = NULL;  
        while (NULL != heap->min) {  
            x = FibHeapMinRemove(heap);  
            d = x->degree;  
            while (NULL != *(heap->cons + d)) {  
                y = *(heap->cons + d);  
                if (x->key > y->key) {//根结点key最小  
                    swap(x, y);  
                FibHeapLink(heap, y, x);  
                *(heap->cons + d) = NULL;  
            *(heap->cons + d) = x;  
        heap->min = NULL;//原有根表清除  
        for (int i = 0; i < D; i++) {  
            if (*(heap->cons + i) != NULL) {  
                if (NULL == heap->min) {  
                    heap->min = *(heap->cons + i);  
                } else {  
                    FibNodeAdd(*(heap->cons + i), heap->min);  
                    if ((*(heap->cons + i))->key < heap->min->key) {  
                        heap->min = *(heap->cons + i);  
    void FibHeapLink(FibHeap * heap, FibNode * x, FibNode *y) {  
        if (NULL == y->child) {  
            y->child = x;  
        } else {  
            FibNodeAdd(x, y->child);  
        x->parent = y;  
        x->marked = false;  
    static void FibHeapConsMake(FibHeap * heap) {  
        int old = heap->maxNumOfDegree;  
        heap->maxNumOfDegree = int(log(heap->keyNum * 1.0) / log(2.0)) + 1;  

        if (old < heap->maxNumOfDegree) {  
            //因为度为heap->maxNumOfDegree可能被合并,所以要maxNumOfDegree + 1  
            heap->cons = (FibNode **) realloc(heap->cons,  
                sizeof(FibHeap *) * (heap->maxNumOfDegree + 1));  

            if (NULL == heap->cons) {  
                puts("Out of Space!");  
    static FibNode *FibHeapMinRemove(FibHeap * heap) {  
        FibNode *min = heap->min;  
        if (heap->min == min->right) {  
            heap->min = NULL;  
        } else {  
            heap->min = min->right;  
        min->left = min->right = min;  
        return min;  
    void FibHeapDecrease(FibHeap * heap, FibNode * x, int key) {  
        FibNode * y = x->parent;  
        if (x->key < key) {  
            puts("new key is greater than current key!");  
        x->key = key;  
        if (NULL != y && x->key < y->key) {  
            FibHeapCut(heap, x, y);  
            FibHeapCascadingCut(heap, y);  
        if (x->key < heap->min->key) {  
            heap->min = x;  
    static void FibHeapCut(FibHeap * heap, FibNode * x, FibNode * y) {  
        renewDegree(y, x->degree);  
        if (x == x->right) {  
            y->child = NULL;  
        } else {  
            y->child = x->right;  
        x->parent = NULL;  
        x->left = x->right = x;  
        x->marked = false;  
        FibNodeAdd(x, heap->min);  
    static void FibHeapCascadingCut(FibHeap * heap, FibNode * y) {  
        FibNode * z = y->parent;  
        if (NULL != z) {  
            if (y->marked == false) {  
                y->marked = true;  
            } else {  
                FibHeapCut(heap, y, z);  
                FibHeapCascadingCut(heap, z);  
    void renewDegree(FibNode * parent, int degree) {  
        parent->degree -= degree;  
        if (parent-> parent != NULL) {  
            renewDegree(parent->parent, degree);  
    void FibHeapDelete(FibHeap * heap, FibNode * x) {  
        FibHeapDecrease(heap, x, INT_MIN);  
    FibNode * FibHeapSearch(FibHeap * heap, int key) {  
        return FibNodeSearch(heap->min, key);  
    static FibNode * FibNodeSearch(FibNode * x, int key) {  
        FibNode * w = x, * y = NULL;  
        if (x != NULL) {  
            do {  
                if (w->key == key) {  
                    y = w;  
                } else if (NULL != (y = FibNodeSearch(w->child, key))) {  
                w = w->right;  
            } while (w != x);  
        return y;  
    void FibHeapDestory(FibHeap * heap) {  
        heap = NULL;  
    static void FibNodeDestory(FibNode * x) {  
        FibNode * p = x, *q = NULL;  
        while (p != NULL) {  
            q = p;  
            if (p -> left == x) {  
                p = NULL;  
            } else {  
                p = p->left;  
    static void FibHeapPrint(FibHeap * heap) {  
        printf("The keyNum = %d\n", heap->keyNum);  
    static void FibNodePrint(FibNode * x) {  
        FibNode * p = NULL;  
        if (NULL == x) {  
            return ;  
        p = x;  
        do {  
            printf(" (");  
            printf("%d", p->key);  
            if (p->child != NULL) {  
            printf(") ");  
            p = p->left;  
        }while (x != p);  
    int keys[10] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11};  
    int main() {  
        FibHeap * heap = NULL;  
        FibNode * x = NULL;  
        heap = FibHeapMake();  
        FibHeapInsertKeys(heap, keys, 10);  
        x = FibHeapExtractMin(heap);  
        printf("抽取最小值%d之后:\n", x->key);  
        x = FibHeapSearch(heap, 11);  
        if (NULL != x) {  
            printf("查找%d成功,", x->key);  
            FibHeapDecrease(heap, x, 8);  
            printf("减小到%d后:\n", x->key);  
        x = FibHeapSearch(heap, 7);  
        if (NULL != x) {  
            printf("删除%d成功:\n", x->key);  
            FibHeapDelete(heap, x);  
        return 0;  



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