标签:str scene tle bullet entity and javascrip rom add
if (pick.id.name === _entityNames.dikuai) { content = ‘<div>‘ + entityDatainfo.title_num + ‘</div><table ><tbody>‘; content += ‘<tr><td>‘ + entityDatainfo.land_location + ‘ ‘ + entityDatainfo.qu_yu + ‘ ‘ + entityDatainfo.huanxian + ‘</td></tr>‘; content += ‘<tr><td>‘ + entityDatainfo.yongtu_xiuzheng + ‘ ‘ + entityDatainfo.changdi_xianzhuang + ‘</td></tr>‘; content += ‘<tr><td>公告时间 ‘ + entityDatainfo.bulletin_time + ‘</td></tr>‘; }else if(pick.id.name === _entityNames.loupan){ content = ‘<div>‘ + entityDatainfo.pro_name + ‘</div><table ><tbody>‘; content += ‘<tr><td>‘ + (entityDatainfo.plate?entityDatainfo.plate:‘‘) + ‘ ‘ + (entityDatainfo.huanxian?entityDatainfo.huanxian:‘‘) + ‘ ‘ + (entityDatainfo.district?entityDatainfo.district:‘‘) + ‘</td></tr>‘; content += ‘<tr><td>‘ + ‘ ‘ + entityDatainfo.kaifashang + ‘</td></tr>‘; if (entityDatainfo.huxing2 && entityDatainfo.fangwu_yongtu2) { content += ‘<tr><td>‘ + entityDatainfo.fangwu_yongtu2 + ‘</td></tr>‘; content += ‘<tr><td>‘ + entityDatainfo.huxing2 + ‘</td></tr>‘; } }
/** * 加载3Dtiles */ function addTileSet() { let url=‘./data/tileset/gaoxin2/tileset.json‘; var tileset = viewer.scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({ url : url })); tileset.name=_entityNames.dikuai; tileset.style = new Cesium.Cesium3DTileStyle({ color : { conditions : [ /*[‘${Height} >= 100‘, ‘color("purple", 0.5)‘], [‘${Height} >= 50‘, ‘color("red")‘],*/ [‘${louceng} <= 3‘, ‘color("#87CEFA")‘], [‘true‘, ‘color("grey")‘], ] }, show : ‘1 > 0‘, meta : { description : ‘"Building id ${id} has height ${Height}."‘ } }); tileset.readyPromise.then(function(tileset) { // tile.properties is not defined until readyPromise resolves. var properties = tileset.properties; if (Cesium.defined(properties)) { for (var name in properties) { console.log(properties[name]); } } }); }
标签:str scene tle bullet entity and javascrip rom add