标签:erp ring method cte disk ret list contain pen
In short, the built-in open
function creates a Python file object, which serves as a link to an external file residing on your machine.
what is input or output?
file object‘s close method
'''Files in Action '''
# ------- write method for output ------- #
outputFile = open('myfile.txt', 'w') # open for text output: create if file not exist
outputFile.write('hello text file\n') # write a line of text: string
print(outputFile.write('goodbye text file\n')) # return the number of characters written in Python 3.X
outputFile.close() # flush output buffers to disk
# ------- read method for input ------- #
# f.read()
# f.readline()
# f.readlines()
# file iterator
print('# ------- f.read() ------- #')
inputFile1 = open('myfile.txt') # open for text input: 'r' is default
print(inputFile1.read()) # read all at once into string, print() interpret the end-of-line characters
print('# ------- f.readline() ------- #')
inputFile2 = open('myfile.txt')
while True:
line = inputFile2.readline()
if line: # empty string: end-of-file
print(line) # empty lines in the file come back as strings
else: # containing just a newline character, not as empty strings
print('# ------- file iterators ------- #')
for line in open('myfile.txt'):
print('# ------- f.readlines() ------- #')
inputFile3 = open('myfile.txt')
linelist = inputFile3.readlines()
# ------- f.read() ------- #
hello text file
goodbye text file
# ------- f.readline() ------- #
hello text file
goodbye text file
# ------- file iterators ------- #
hello text file
goodbye text file
# ------- f.readlines() ------- #
['hello text file\n', '\n', 'goodbye text file\n']
标签:erp ring method cte disk ret list contain pen