标签:第一个 server 根据 ascii exce root 开始 nis aci
注意: 如果安装python的时候,没有安装bzip2-devel,导入bz2模块时,会报如下错误: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named bz2 解决方法:
yum install bzip2-devel -y
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # encoding: utf-8 import bz2 import binascii # 数据源 original_data = b‘This is the original text.‘ print(‘数据源长度: {} bytes‘.format(len(original_data))) print(‘数据源: ‘, original_data) compressed = bz2.compress(original_data) print(‘压缩后的数据源长度 : {} bytes‘.format(len(compressed))) hex_version = binascii.hexlify(compressed) print(hex_version) #这里主要学习是如下,数据的折分方法 for i in range(len(hex_version) // 40 + 1): print(hex_version[i * 40:(i + 1) * 40])
[root@ mnt]# python3 bz2_memory.py 数据源长度: 26 bytes 数据源: b‘This is the original text.‘ 压缩后的数据源长度 : 62 bytes b‘425a683931415926535916be35a600000293804001040022e59c402000314c000111e93d434da223028cf9e73148cae0a0d6ed7f17724538509016be35a6‘ b‘425a683931415926535916be35a6000002938040‘ b‘01040022e59c402000314c000111e93d434da223‘ b‘028cf9e73148cae0a0d6ed7f17724538509016be‘ b‘35a6‘
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # encoding: utf-8 import bz2 original_data = b‘This is the original text.‘ fmt = ‘{:>15} {:>15}‘ print(fmt.format(‘len(data)‘, ‘len(compressed)‘)) print(fmt.format(‘-‘ * 15, ‘-‘ * 15)) for i in range(5): data = original_data * i compressed = bz2.compress(data) print(fmt.format(len(data), len(compressed)), end=‘‘)#加end表示,结尾不使用回车符 print(‘*‘ if len(data) < len(compressed) else ‘‘) #使用三目运算
[root@ mnt]# python3 bz2_lengths.py len(data) len(compressed) --------------- --------------- 0 14* 26 62* 52 68* 78 70 #长度78时,可以使用压缩最好 104 72
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # encoding: utf-8 import bz2 import binascii import io compressor = bz2.BZ2Compressor() # 打开文件,类型为字节,读模式 with open(‘content.txt‘, ‘rb‘) as input: while True: block = input.read(64) # 每次读取64字节 if not block: break compressed = compressor.compress(block) # 压缩文件 if compressed: print(‘压缩: {}‘.format(binascii.hexlify(compressed))) else: print(‘缓存中...‘) remaining = compressor.flush() print(‘刷新所有的压缩数据:{}‘.format(binascii.hexlify(remaining)))
[root@ mnt]# python3 bz2_incremental.py 缓存中... 缓存中... 缓存中... 缓存中... 缓存中... 缓存中... 刷新所有的压缩数据:b‘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‘
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # encoding: utf-8 import bz2 content = open(‘content.txt‘, ‘rt‘).read().encode(‘utf-8‘) compressed = bz2.compress(content) # 压缩的数据 combined = compressed + content # 压缩的数据+未压缩的数据 # 创建一个解压的对象 decompressor = bz2.BZ2Decompressor() # 解压混合的数据 decompressed = decompressor.decompress(combined) # 判断解压数据与未解压数据是否相等 decompressed_matches = decompressed == content print(‘解压数据与未解压数据是否相等‘, decompressed_matches) # 判断解压对象的unused_data(即包含所有未使用的数据)与未解压数据是否相等 unused_matche = decompressor.unused_data == content print(‘解压对象的unused_data(即包含所有未使用的数据)与未解压数据是否相等‘, unused_matche)
[root@ mnt]# python3 bz2_mixed.py
解压数据与未解压数据是否相等 True
解压对象的unused_data(即包含所有未使用的数据)与未解压数据是否相等 True
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # encoding: utf-8 import bz2 import io import os data = "Content of the example file go here.\n" with bz2.BZ2File(‘example.bz2‘,‘wb‘) as output: with io.TextIOWrapper(output,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as enc: enc.write(data) os.system(‘file example.bz2‘)
[root@ mnt]# python3 bz2_file_write.py example.bz2: bzip2 compressed data, block size = 900k [root@ mnt]# ll total 12 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 243 Jan 5 23:21 bz2_file_write.py -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 74 Jan 5 23:21 example.bz2
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # encoding: utf-8 import bz2 import io import os data = open(‘content.txt‘, ‘r‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘).read() * 1024 print(‘输入 {} 字节‘.format(len(data.encode(‘utf-8‘)))) for i in range(1, 10): filename = ‘compress-level-{}.bz2‘.format(i) with bz2.BZ2File(filename, ‘wb‘, compresslevel=i) as output: with io.TextIOWrapper(output, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as enc: enc.write(data) os.system(‘cksum {}‘.format(filename))
[root@ mnt]# python3 bz2_file_compresslevel.py 输入 344064 字节 3563292108 2598 compress-level-1.bz2 2570483258 1426 compress-level-2.bz2 3725315122 1275 compress-level-3.bz2 766048418 617 compress-level-4.bz2 1786876353 617 compress-level-5.bz2 2751081060 617 compress-level-6.bz2 3839050503 617 compress-level-7.bz2 84226287 617 compress-level-8.bz2 1110202764 617 compress-level-9.bz2 [root@ mnt]# ll total 48 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 471 Jan 5 23:37 bz2_file_compresslevel.py -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2598 Jan 5 23:37 compress-level-1.bz2 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1426 Jan 5 23:37 compress-level-2.bz2 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1275 Jan 5 23:37 compress-level-3.bz2 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 617 Jan 5 23:37 compress-level-4.bz2 #这个开始最佳 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 617 Jan 5 23:37 compress-level-5.bz2 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 617 Jan 5 23:37 compress-level-6.bz2 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 617 Jan 5 23:37 compress-level-7.bz2 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 617 Jan 5 23:37 compress-level-8.bz2 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 617 Jan 5 23:37 compress-level-9.bz2
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # encoding: utf-8 import bz2 import io import os import itertools data = ‘The same line,over and over.\n‘ with bz2.BZ2File(‘lines.bz2‘, ‘wb‘) as output: with io.TextIOWrapper(output, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as enc: enc.writelines(itertools.repeat(data, 10)) os.system(‘bzcat lines.bz2‘)
[root@ mnt]# python3 bz2_writelines.py The same line,over and over. The same line,over and over. The same line,over and over. The same line,over and over. The same line,over and over. The same line,over and over. The same line,over and over. The same line,over and over. The same line,over and over. The same line,over and over. [root@ mnt]# ll -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 319 Jan 5 23:42 bz2_writelines.py -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 88 Jan 5 23:43 lines.bz2
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # encoding: utf-8 import bz2 import io with bz2.BZ2File(‘example.bz2‘, ‘rb‘) as input: with io.TextIOWrapper(input, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as enc: print(enc.read())
[root@ mnt]# python3 bz2_read.py Content of the example file go here.
9、bz2 seek()移位取值的示例
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # encoding: utf-8 import bz2 with bz2.BZ2File(‘example.bz2‘, ‘rb‘) as input: print(‘读取压缩文件内容‘) all_data = input.read() print(‘内容:‘, all_data) # 切片取值 expected = all_data[5:15] # 指针指向0 input.seek(0) # 指针移动5位 input.seek(5) print(‘开始相对下标获取5到10个字节‘) partial = input.read(10) print(‘移动指针后获取的值‘, partial) print(‘一次性取值切片获取的值‘, expected)
[root@ mnt]# python3 bz2_file_seek.py 读取压缩文件内容 内容: b‘Content of the example file go here.\n‘ 开始相对下标获取5到10个字节 移动指针后获取的值 b‘nt of the ‘ 一次性取值切片获取的值 b‘nt of the ‘
10、bz2 seek() Unicode编码的注意示例
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # encoding: utf-8 import bz2 data = ‘Character with an åccent.‘ with bz2.open(‘example.bz2‘, ‘wt‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as output: output.write(data) with bz2.open(‘example.bz2‘, ‘rt‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as input: print(‘压缩文件所有的内容:{}‘.format(input.read())) with bz2.open(‘example.bz2‘, ‘rt‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as input: input.seek(18) print(‘读取第一个字符{}‘.format(input.read(1))) with bz2.open(‘example.bz2‘, ‘rt‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as input: input.seek(19) try: print(‘读取第一个字符{}‘, input.read(1)) except UnicodeDecodeError: print(‘错误:解码失败,因为文件指针是针对字节移动,而不是按字符移动,unicode编码占2个字节‘)
[root@ mnt]# python3 bz2_unicode.py 压缩文件所有的内容:Character with an åccent. 读取第一个字符å 错误:解码失败,因为文件指针是针对字节移动,而不是按字符移动,unicode编码占2个字节
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec
egestas, enim et consectetuer ullamcorper, lectus ligula rutrum leo, a
elementum elit tortor eu quam. Duis tincidunt nisi ut ante. Nulla
facilisi. Sed tristique eros eu libero. Pellentesque vel arcu. Vivamus
purus orci, iaculis ac, suscipit sit amet, pulvinar eu,
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import bz2 import socketserver import logging import binascii BLOCK_SIZE = 32 class Bz2RequestHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler): logger = logging.getLogger(‘Server‘) def handle(self): # 创建一个压缩对象 compressor = bz2.BZ2Compressor() file_name = self.request.recv(1024).decode(‘utf-8‘) self.logger.debug(‘接收到客户端文件名:%s‘, file_name) with open(file_name, ‘rb‘) as input: while True: block = input.read(BLOCK_SIZE) if not block: break self.logger.debug(‘读取到数据:%r‘, block) # 压缩数据 compressed = compressor.compress(block) if compressed: self.logger.debug(‘发送中 %r‘, binascii.hexlify(compressed)) self.request.send(compressed) else: self.logger.debug(‘缓存中...‘) # 获取缓存所有的压缩数据 remaining = compressor.flush() while remaining: to_send = remaining[:BLOCK_SIZE] remaining = remaining[BLOCK_SIZE:] self.logger.debug(‘FLUSHING %r‘, binascii.hexlify(to_send)) self.request.send(to_send) return if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: address = (‘localhost‘, 8888) server = socketserver.TCPServer(address, Bz2RequestHandler) ip, port = server.server_address server.serve_forever()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import socket import sys from io import StringIO import logging import bz2 import binascii if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: BLOCK_SIZE = 64 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=‘%(name)s : %(message)s‘) server_address = (‘localhost‘, 8888) logger = logging.getLogger(‘Client‘) logging.debug(‘连接服务器: %s:%s‘, server_address[0], server_address[1]) sk = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sk.connect(server_address) # 输入文件名的参数 requested_file = (sys.argv[0] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else "content.txt") sk.send(requested_file.encode(‘utf-8‘)) buffer = StringIO() decompressor = bz2.BZ2Decompressor() # 创建解压对像 while True: response = sk.recv(BLOCK_SIZE) if not response: break logging.debug(‘读取到 %r‘, binascii.hexlify(response)) decompressed = decompressor.decompress(response) print(decompressed) if decompressed: logging.debug(‘解压数据 %r‘, decompressed) buffer.write(decompressed.decode(‘utf-8‘)) else: logging.debug(‘缓存中...‘) full_response = buffer.getvalue() content = open(requested_file, ‘rt‘).read() logging.debug(‘读取文件内容与服务器响应数据的匹配: %s‘, full_response == content) sk.close()
[root@ mnt]# python3 bz2_tcp_server.py
[root@ mnt]# python3 bz2_tcp_client.py root : 连接服务器: localhost:8888 root : 读取到 b‘425a683931415926535920530808000022578000104005040549003fa7ff003000f2dac453c29b53d4cd26869a68d0353d0129b469a8343d268254d94694c9ea‘ b‘‘ root : 缓存中... root : 读取到 b‘610d0029d6c1f2e28899e69c327b1c2fa5990ca4fe692cba43b3a70df3b57312f0b764b5666b818341b83f5d55d107479368d3bef097122f14870428b1066608‘ b‘‘ root : 缓存中... root : 读取到 b‘de6e2c177818cc6218c66f6250302cb59ef4a5460e6233b64f88973aebc9ed99567de8afa2cea952ba544478546d7028a318aba8776a5b7ce062da72cd235a3e‘ b‘‘ root : 缓存中... root : 读取到 b‘c5316bec50143550812f26590a528dc458b8b768b56cc4464cc12f08bdc99548fd4c14e93e6792cb94b2269053d8abf8bb9229c2848102984040‘ b‘Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec\negestas, enim et consectetuer ullamcorper, lectus ligula rutrum leo, a\nelementum elit tortor eu quam. Duis tincidunt nisi ut ante. Nulla\nfacilisi. Sed tristique eros eu libero. Pellentesque vel arcu. Vivamus\npurus orci, iaculis ac, suscipit sit amet, pulvinar eu,\nlacus.\n\n‘ root : 解压数据 b‘Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec\negestas, enim et consectetuer ullamcorper, lectus ligula rutrum leo, a\nelementum elit tortor eu quam. Duis tincidunt nisi ut ante. Nulla\nfacilisi. Sed tristique eros eu libero. Pellentesque vel arcu. Vivamus\npurus orci, iaculis ac, suscipit sit amet, pulvinar eu,\nlacus.\n\n‘ root : 读取文件内容与服务器响应数据的匹配: True
标签:第一个 server 根据 ascii exce root 开始 nis aci