标签:code its text rap rip class res math element
/** * 42. Trapping Rain Water * https://leetcode.com/problems/trapping-rain-water/description/ * */ class Solution { fun trap(height: IntArray): Int { /* * 当前点的水量等于他左边的最高值与右边的最高值的差-当前点的量 * val n = height.size * iVal = min(max(height[0,i]), max(height[i,n-1])) - height[i] * * time complexity O(n*n) * space complexity O(1) * * 还可以优化! * */ var result = 0 val n = height.size for (i in 0 until n) { var left = height[i] //find the maximum element in its left for (l in 0 until i) { left = Math.max(left, height[l]) } var right = height[i] //find the maximum element in its right for (r in i until n) { right = Math.max(right, height[r]) } result += Math.min(left, right) - height[i] } return result } }
标签:code its text rap rip class res math element