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On Data Sharing Strategy for Decentralized Collaborative Visual-Inertial Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

时间:2020-01-24 18:58:29      阅读:112      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

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张宁 On Data Sharing Strategy for Decentralized Collaborative Visual-Inertial Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

Rodolphe Dubois, Alexandre Eudes, Vincent Fr´emont

Abstract—This article introduces and evaluates two decentralized data sharing algorithms for multi-robot visualinertial simultaneous localization and mapping (VI-SLAM): Factor Sparsi?cation for Visual-Inertial Packets (FS-VIP) and Min-K-Cover Selection for Visual-Inertial Packets (MKCS-VIP). Both methods make robots regularly build and exchange data packets which describe the successive portions of their map, but rely on distinct paradigms. While FS-VIP builds on consistent marginalization and sparsi?cation techniques, MKCSVIP selects raw visual and inertial information which can best help to perform a faithful and consistent re-estimation while reducing the communication cost. Performances in terms of accuracy and communication loads are evaluated on multirobot scenarios built on both available (EUROC) and custom datasets (SOTTEVILLE).

本文介绍并评估了用于多机器人视觉惯性同时定位和建图(VI-SLAM)的两种分散数据共享算法:视觉惯性数据包的因子稀疏(FS-VIP)和视觉惯性数据包的最小K覆盖选择( MKCS-VIP)。两种方法都使机器人可以定期构建和交换描述其地图连续部分的数据包,但要依靠不同的范例。FS-VIP建立在一致的边缘化和分散技术的基础上,而MKCSVIP选择原始的视觉和惯性信息,这些信息可以最有效地执行忠实和一致的重新估计,同时降低通信成本。在基于可用(EUROC)和自定义数据集(SOTTEVILLE)构建的多机器人方案中评估准确性和通信负载方面的性能。

On Data Sharing Strategy for Decentralized Collaborative Visual-Inertial Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

标签:inf   sha   基础   cost   hang   dig   nic   orm   rms   


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