标签:des style http io ar os 使用 java for
调用方法的语法类似:$(‘selector‘).plugin(‘method‘, parameter);
1. $(‘#dd‘).dialog(‘mymove‘, {
2. left: 200,
3. top: 100
4. });
1. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="easyui/themes/default/easyui.css">
2. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="easyui/themes/icon.css">
3. <script type="text/javascript" src="easyui/jquery.min.js"></script>
4. <script type="text/javascript" src="easyui/jquery.easyui.min.js"></script>
1. <div id="p" class="easyui-panel" style="width:500px;height:200px;padding:10px;"
2. title="My Panel" iconCls="icon-save" collapsible="true">
3. The panel content
4. </div>
1. <div id="p" class="easyui-panel" style="width:500px;height:200px;padding:10px;"
2. title="My Panel" data-options="iconCls:‘icon-save‘,collapsible:true">
3. The panel content
4. </div>
1. <input class="easyui-combobox" name="language"
2. data-options="
3. url:‘combobox_data.json‘,
4. valueField:‘id‘,
5. textField:‘text‘,
6. panelHeight:‘auto‘,
7. onSelect:function(record){
8. alert(record.text)
9. }">
1. $.parser.parse(); // 解析整个页面
2. $.parser.parse(‘#cc‘); // 解析特定的节点
Name |
Type |
Description |
Default |
$.parser.auto |
boolean |
Defines if to auto parse the easyui component(定义是否自动解析easyui组件). |
true |
Name |
Parameters |
Description |
$.parser.onComplete |
context |
Fires when parser finishing its parse action(在解析器完成解析动作的时候触发此事件). |
Name |
Parameter |
Description |
$.parser.parse |
context |
Parse the easyui component(解析easyui组件). |
1. easyloader.base = ‘../‘; // 设定easyui的主路径
2. easyloader.load(‘messager‘, function(){ // 载入具体的模、、块
3. $.messager.alert(‘Title‘, ‘load ok‘);
4. });
1. using(‘http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4.4.min.js‘, function(){
2. // ...
3. });
1. // the script path relative to easyui directory
2. using(‘./myscript.js‘, function(){
3. // ...
4. });
Name |
Type |
Description |
Default |
modules |
object |
Predefined modules(预定义的模块). |
locales |
object |
Predefined locales(预定义的本地化对象). |
base |
string |
The easyui base directory, must end with ‘/‘.(easyui的主路径,结尾一定要带/) |
The base directory will be auto setted relative to easyload.js(easyui的主路径默认会自动设置为easyload.js所在的路径) |
theme |
string |
The name of theme that defined in ‘themes‘ directory(在主题目录下定义的主题名) |
default |
css |
boolean |
Defines if loading css file when loading module(是否在载入模块的时候同时载入css文件) |
true |
locale |
string |
The locale name(本地化对象的名称) |
null |
timeout |
number |
Timeout value in milliseconds. Fires if a timeout occurs(超时的毫秒数,如果达到设定的毫秒数会触发). |
2000 |
Name |
Parameters |
Description |
onProgress |
name |
Fires when a module is loaded successfully(当模块载入成功后触发). |
onLoad |
name |
Fires when a module and it‘s dependencies are loaded successfully(当特定模块以及特定模块所依赖的模块载入成功后触发). |
Name |
Parameter |
Description |
load |
module, callback |
Load the specified module. When load success a callback function will be called. (载入指定的模块,如果载入成功那么会调用回调函数,模块参数有如下集中: 单一模块名 模块数组 Css文件 Js文件) |
name |
Type |
Description |
Default |
proxy |
string,function |
A proxy element to be used when dragging, when set to ‘clone‘, a clone element is used as proxy. If a function is specified, it must return a jQuery object. The example below shows how to create a simple proxy object. $(‘.dragitem‘).draggable({ proxy: function(source){ var p = $(‘<div style="border:1px solid #ccc;width:80px"></div>‘); p.html($(source).html()).appendTo(‘body‘); return p; } });(没有看明白) |
null |
revert |
boolean |
If set to true, the element will return to its start position when dragging stops(如果设置为TRUE,那么一旦停止拖拽,那么被拖拽的对象将会回到原点). |
false |
cursor |
string |
The css cursor when dragging(不太明白). |
move |
deltaX |
number |
The dragged element position x corresponding to current cursor(拖拽元素和当前光标在横轴上的距离) |
null |
deltaY |
number |
The dragged element position y corresponding to current cursor(拖拽元素和当前光标在纵轴上的距离) |
null |
handle |
selector |
The handle that start the draggable(启动推拽的句柄). |
null |
disabled |
boolean |
True to stop draggable(true为停止拖动). |
false |
edge |
number |
The drag width in which can start draggable(可拖拽的宽度范围). |
0 |
axis |
string |
Defines the axis which the dragged elements moves on, available value is ‘v‘ or ‘h‘, when set to null will move across ‘v‘ and ‘h‘ direction(定义元素在拖拽过程中移动的轴心方向,可以使V或者H。如果设置为空的话将交叉使用V和H两种方向). |
null |
Name |
Parameters |
Description |
onBeforeDrag |
e |
Fires before dragging, return false to cancel this dragging(拖动之前触发,如果返回false那么取消拖动). |
onStartDrag |
e |
Fires when the target object start dragging(当目标对象开始被拖动时触发). |
onDrag |
e |
Fires during dragging. Return false will not do dragging actually(拖动过程中触发,如果返回false将不能产生拖拽的效果). |
onStopDrag |
e |
Fires when the dragging stops(拖拽停止时触发). |
Name |
Parameter |
Description |
options |
none |
Return the options property(返回options属性). |
proxy |
none |
Return the drag proxy if the proxy property is setted(返回拖拽代理,如果有设置代理属性)). |
enable |
none |
Enable the drag action(启用拖拽). |
disable |
none |
Disable the drag action. (禁用用拖拽) |
标签:des style http io ar os 使用 java for