标签:动物 highlight number 元组 print 奇数 first 生成 一行代码
pizza = ["Zunbao","Bishengke","Bipizza"] for i in pizza: print(i) print("I like pepperoni pizza\n") print("I really love pizza")
animals = ["tiger","rabbit","panda"] for i in animals: print(i) print("A dog would make a great pet\n") print("Any of these animals would make a great pet!")
for i in range(1,20+1): print(i)
millions = list(range(1,1000000)) #用list把数字转换成列表格式 for i in millions: print(i)
millions = list(range(1,1000000)) print(min(millions)) print(max(millions)) print(sum(millions))
numbers= list(range(1,20,2)) #通过range的第三个参数,也就是步长为2,来获取奇数 for i in numbers: print(i)
numbers= list(range(3,30,3)) for i in numbers: print(i)
squares=[] for value in range(1,10+1): square = value**3 squares.append(square) print(squares)
square=[value**3 for value in range(1,10+1)] print(square)
4-10 切片:选择你在本章编写的一个程序,在末尾添加几行代码,以完成如下任务。
a. 打印消息“The first three items in the lis tare:”,再使用切片来打印列表的前三个元素。
b. 打印消息“Three items from the middle of the list are:”,再使用切片来打印列表中间的三个元素
c. 打印消息“The last three items in the list are:”,再使用切片来打印列表末尾的三个元素
my_foods = [‘pizza‘, ‘falafel‘, ‘carrot cake‘,‘fruit‘,‘coffee‘,‘rice‘,‘meat‘] print("The first three items in the list are:") print(my_foods[:3]) print("\nThree items from the middle of the list are:") print(my_foods[2:5]) print("\nThe last three items in the list are:") print(my_foods[4:]) #输出结果: The first three items in the list are: [‘pizza‘, ‘falafel‘, ‘carrot cake‘] Three items from the middle of the list are: [‘carrot cake‘, ‘fruit‘, ‘coffee‘] The last three items in the list are: [‘coffee‘, ‘rice‘, ‘meat‘]
pizza = ["Zunbao","Bishengke","Bipizza"] friend_pizzas = pizza[:] pizza.append("Niu") friend_pizzas.append("Liang") print("My favorite pizzasare:") for i in pizza: print(i) print("\nMy friend‘s favorite pizzasare:") for j in friend_pizzas: print(j) #输出结果: My favorite pizzasare: Zunbao Bishengke Bipizza Niu My friend‘s favorite pizzasare: Zunbao Bishengke Bipizza Liang
my_foods=[‘pizza‘,‘falafel‘,‘carrot‘,‘cake‘] friend_foods = my_foods[:] my_foods.append(‘cannoli‘) friend_foods.append(‘ice cream‘) print("My favorite foods are:") for my_food in my_foods: print(my_food) print("\nMy friend‘s favorite foods are:") for friend_food in friend_foods: print(friend_food) #输出结果: My favorite foods are: pizza falafel carrot cake cannoli My friend‘s favorite foods are: pizza falafel carrot cake ice cream
foods =(‘rice‘,‘meat‘,‘seafood‘,‘vegetable‘,‘fruit‘) print("The original foods are:") for food in foods: print(food) #foods[0]=‘coffee‘ #print(foods[0]) foods=(‘coffee‘,‘meat‘,‘seafood‘,‘vegetable‘,‘tea‘) print("\nThe modify foods are:") for food in foods: print(food) #输出结果: The original foods are: rice meat seafood vegetable fruit The modify foods are: coffee meat seafood vegetable tea
标签:动物 highlight number 元组 print 奇数 first 生成 一行代码