标签:cap test error 调用 file ace color self ade
(1) 普通方法
(2) 绑定方法
(3) 静态方法 (无论类还是对象,都可以调用)
class Plane(): def __init__(self,name): self.name = name #绑定到对象 def fly(self): print ("plane can fly") #普通方法 def capitain(): print ("will have a capitain") #绑定方法(绑定到类) @classmethod def save (cls): print ("will help people") #静态方法(对象,类都可以调用) @staticmethod def attack(): print("some bad people use if for attack") obj = Plane() #普通方法的调用只能使用类来调用,因为没有参数 Palne.capitain()
[root@node10 python]# python3 test.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "test.py", line 18, in <module> obj = Plane() TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘name‘
class Plane(): def __init__(self,name): self.name = name #绑定到对象 def fly(self): print ("plane can fly") #普通方法 def capitain(): print ("will have a capitain") #绑定方法(绑定到类) @classmethod def save (cls): print ("will help people") #静态方法(对象,类都可以调用) @staticmethod def attack(): print("some bad people use if for attack") obj = Plane("benladeng") #普通方法的调用,只能使用类来调用,因为没有参数 Plane.capitain() obj.capitain() #这里会默认传参,不能一一对应
self 系统会默认传递,但是新参没有,不能一一对应
[root@node10 python]# python3 test.py will have a capitain Traceback (most recent call last): File "test.py", line 22, in <module> obj.capitain() TypeError: capitain() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given
[root@node10 python]# cat test.py
class Plane():
def __init__(self,name):
self.name = name
def fly(self):
print ("plane can fly")
def capitain():
print ("will have a capitain")
def save (cls):
print ("will help people")
def attack():
print("some bad people use if for attack")
obj = Plane("benladeng")
[root@node10 python]# python3 test.py plane can fly
class Plane():
def __init__(self,name):
self.name = name
def fly(self):
print ("plane can fly")
def capitain():
print ("will have a capitain")
def save (cls):
print ("will help people")
def attack():
print("some bad people use if for attack")
obj = Plane("benladeng")
[root@node10 python]# python3 test.py
plane can fly
plane can fly
class Plane():
def __init__(self,name):
self.name = name
def fly(self):
#print ("plane can fly")
print ("plane can fly",self.name)
def capitain():
print ("will have a capitain")
def save (cls):
print ("will help people")
def attack():
print("some bad people use if for attack")
obj = Plane("benladeng")
[root@node10 python]# python3 test.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test.py", line 22, in <module>
File "test.py", line 7, in fly
print ("plane can fly",self.name)
AttributeError: ‘int‘ object has no attribute ‘name‘
class Plane(): def __init__(self,name): self.name = name #绑定到对象 def fly(self): #print ("plane can fly") print ("plane can fly",self.name) #普通方法 def capitain(): print ("will have a capitain") #绑定方法(绑定到类) @classmethod def save (cls): print ("will help people") #静态方法(对象,类都可以调用) @staticmethod def attack(): print("some bad people use if for attack") obj = Plane("benladeng") #绑定到类方法的调用 Plane.save()
[root@node10 python]# python3 test.py will help people
class Plane(): def __init__(self,name): self.name = name #绑定到对象 def fly(self): #print ("plane can fly") print ("plane can fly",self.name) #普通方法 def capitain(): print ("will have a capitain") #绑定方法(绑定到类) @classmethod def save (cls): print (cls) print ("will help people") #静态方法(对象,类都可以调用) @staticmethod def attack(): print("some bad people use if for attack") obj = Plane("benladeng") #绑定到类方法的调用 Plane.save()
[root@node10 python]# python3 test.py <class ‘__main__.Plane‘> will help people
class Plane(): def __init__(self,name): self.name = name #绑定到对象 def fly(self): #print ("plane can fly") print ("plane can fly",self.name) #普通方法 def capitain(): print ("will have a capitain") #绑定方法(绑定到类) @classmethod def save (cls): cls.name print (cls) print ("will help people") #静态方法(对象,类都可以调用) @staticmethod def attack(): print("some bad people use if for attack") obj = Plane("benladeng") #绑定到类方法的调用 Plane.save()
[root@node10 python]# python3 test.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "test.py", line 24, in <module> Plane.save() File "test.py", line 14, in save cls.name AttributeError: type object ‘Plane‘ has no attribute ‘name‘
class Plane(): material = "合金" def __init__(self,name): self.name = name #绑定到对象 def fly(self): #print ("plane can fly") print ("plane can fly",self.name) #普通方法 def capitain(): print ("will have a capitain") #绑定方法(绑定到类) @classmethod def save (cls): print (cls.material) print ("will help people") #静态方法(对象,类都可以调用) @staticmethod def attack(): print("some bad people use if for attack") obj = Plane("benladeng") #绑定到类方法的调用 Plane.save()
[root@node10 python]# python3 test.py 合金 will help people
class Plane(): material = "合金" def __init__(self,name): self.name = name #绑定到对象 def fly(self): #print ("plane can fly") print ("plane can fly",self.name) #普通方法 def capitain(): print ("will have a capitain") #绑定方法(绑定到类) @classmethod def save (cls): print (cls.material) print ("will help people") #静态方法(对象,类都可以调用) @staticmethod def attack(): print("some bad people use if for attack") obj = Plane("benladeng") #绑定到类方法的调用 Plane.save() obj.save()
[root@node10 python]# python3 test.py 合金 will help people 合金 will help people
class Plane(): material = "合金" def __init__(self,name): self.name = name #绑定到对象 def fly(self): #print ("plane can fly") print ("plane can fly",self.name) #普通方法 def capitain(): print ("will have a capitain") #绑定方法(绑定到类) @classmethod def save (cls): print (cls.material) print ("will help people") #静态方法(对象,类都可以调用) @staticmethod def attack(): print("some bad people use if for attack") obj = Plane("benladeng") #静态方法的调用 obj.attack() Plane.attack()
[root@node10 python]# python3 test.py some bad people use if for attack some bad people use if for attack
标签:cap test error 调用 file ace color self ade