标签:前置 amp 代码 rom table span 技术 __name__ 名称
# 比较两个字典部分是否相等 def compare_two_dict(dict1, dict2, key_list): flag = True keys1 = dict1.keys() keys2 = dict2.keys() if len(key_list) != 0: for key in key_list: if key in keys1 and key in keys2: if dict1[key] == dict2[key]: flag = flag & True else: flag = flag & False else: raise Exception(‘key_list contains error key‘) else: raise Exception(‘key_list is null‘) if flag: result = ‘PASS‘ else: result = ‘FAILED‘ return result if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: dict1 = { ‘a‘: 1, ‘b‘: 2, ‘c‘: 3, ‘d‘: 4 } dict2 = { ‘a‘: 1, ‘b‘: 2, ‘c‘: 3, ‘d‘: 8 } key_list = [‘a‘, ‘c‘, ‘b‘, ‘d‘] result = compare_two_dict(dict1, dict2, key_list) print(result)
‘‘‘ table:表名 key:要查找的字段名称 value:要查找的字段值 **kwargs:要检验的字段值,通过我新增的数据与数据库中的对比 例如你调用了一个新增的接口,以往功能测试的话,你再web端新增一个店铺之后,你肯定要去数据库中查看,这些数据插入的对不对,是否正确的插入了每个字段 ‘‘‘ def assert_add_contents(db,cursor,table,key,value,**kwargs): sql = ‘select * from {} where {}={}‘.format(table,key,value) num = cursor.execute(sql) result = cursor.fetchall() print("查找到%d条数据" % num) print("数据库查询数据为:{}".format(result)) # 这个是要对比的字段 field_list = list(kwargs.keys()) if num > 0: print("kwargs:{}".format(kwargs)) print("result:{}".format(result[0])) flag = True keys1 = kwargs.keys() keys2 = result[0].keys() if len(field_list) != 0: for key in field_list: if key in keys1 and key in keys2: if kwargs[key] == result[0][key]: flag = flag & True else: flag = flag & False else: raise Exception(‘key_list contains error key‘) else: raise Exception(‘key_list is null‘) if flag: result = ‘PASS‘ else: result = ‘FAILED‘ print("result============================={}".format(result)) return result else: pass db = config.db cursor = db.cursor(cursor = pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) param = PostParameter().post_param(path,"shop","add_shop.json", "case001") print("param[data]:{}".format(param["data"])) shop_name = param["data"]["shop_name"] shop_short_name = param["data"]["shop_short_name"] shop_phone = param["data"]["shop_phone"] province = param["data"]["province"] city = param["data"]["city"] district = param["data"]["district"] town = param["data"]["town"] address = param["data"]["address"] assert_add_contents(db,cursor,"t_shop_info","id","137",shop_name = shop_name,shop_short_name = shop_short_name,shop_phone = shop_phone,province = province,city = city,district = district,town = town,address = address)
标签:前置 amp 代码 rom table span 技术 __name__ 名称