标签:style blog io color ar os 使用 for sp
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <AssetsLibrary/AssetsLibrary.h> typedef void(^SaveImageCompletion)(NSError* error); @interface ALAssetsLibrary(CustomPhotoAlbum) -(void)saveImage:(UIImage*)image toAlbum:(NSString*)albumName withCompletionBlock:(SaveImageCompletion)completionBlock; -(void)addAssetURL:(NSURL*)assetURL toAlbum:(NSString*)albumName withCompletionBlock:(SaveImageCompletion)completionBlock; @end
#import "ALAssetsLibrary+CustomPhotoAlbum.h" @implementation ALAssetsLibrary(CustomPhotoAlbum) -(void)saveImage:(UIImage*)image toAlbum:(NSString*)albumName withCompletionBlock:(SaveImageCompletion)completionBlock { //write the image data to the assets library (camera roll) [self writeImageToSavedPhotosAlbum:image.CGImage orientation:(ALAssetOrientation)image.imageOrientation completionBlock:^(NSURL* assetURL, NSError* error) { //error handling if (error!=nil) { completionBlock(error); return; } //add the asset to the custom photo album [self addAssetURL: assetURL toAlbum:albumName withCompletionBlock:completionBlock]; }]; } -(void)addAssetURL:(NSURL*)assetURL toAlbum:(NSString*)albumName withCompletionBlock:(SaveImageCompletion)completionBlock { __block BOOL albumWasFound = NO; //search all photo albums in the library [self enumerateGroupsWithTypes:ALAssetsGroupAlbum usingBlock:^(ALAssetsGroup *group, BOOL *stop) { //compare the names of the albums if ([albumName compare: [group valueForProperty:ALAssetsGroupPropertyName]]==NSOrderedSame) { //target album is found albumWasFound = YES; //get a hold of the photo‘s asset instance [self assetForURL: assetURL resultBlock:^(ALAsset *asset) { //add photo to the target album [group addAsset: asset]; //run the completion block completionBlock(nil); } failureBlock: completionBlock]; //album was found, bail out of the method return; } if (group==nil && albumWasFound==NO) { //photo albums are over, target album does not exist, thus create it __weak ALAssetsLibrary* weakSelf = self; //create new assets album [self addAssetsGroupAlbumWithName:albumName resultBlock:^(ALAssetsGroup *group) { //get the photo‘s instance [weakSelf assetForURL: assetURL resultBlock:^(ALAsset *asset) { //add photo to the newly created album [group addAsset: asset]; //call the completion block completionBlock(nil); } failureBlock: completionBlock]; } failureBlock: completionBlock]; //should be the last iteration anyway, but just in case return; } } failureBlock: completionBlock]; } @end
-(void)saveImage:(UIImage*)image toAlbum:(NSString*)albumName withCompletionBlock:(SaveImageCompletion)completionBlock;即可……
标签:style blog io color ar os 使用 for sp