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管理服务器 URL: http://CICI-ThinkPad:7001 Domain Path: D:\Program Files\DEV\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domainsbase_domain BEA_HOME: D:\Program Files\DEV\Oracle\Middleware WL_HOME: D:\Progran Files\DEV\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3
安装domain 步骤
1 ${WL_HOME}\common\quickstart\quickstart.cmd
2 installation step:
2.1 Create new weblogic domain. 2.2 Default choose item. 2.3 Domain location: Base_domain: D:\Program Files\DEV\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains 2.4 Weblogic domain start mode: 2.5 change the server mode: Manage server name:AdminServer Listen address:all local addresses listen port:7001 ssl listen port:n/a Managed server: Name:New_ManagedServer_1 Listen address:all local address Listen port:7003 ssl listen port:n/a 集群: Name:new_Cluster_1 the mode of cluster:unicast 多点传送地址:N/A New_cluster_1 -->new_ManagedServer_1 Configuration of the machine: name New_machine_1 节点管理器监听地址:localhost 节点管理器监听端口:5556
Assigned the server:
RDBMS safe store:
Database type :oracle Driver :*Oracle’s driver (thin) for instance connections; Versions:9.0.1 and later Class name: Oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver DBMS SID: xe User Name: cici DBMS Host:local host Vser password:cici123love DBMS Port:1521 Confirm user password:cici123love URL : Jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe Known properties:user=cici Additional Properties: 可选
2.6 配置概要
2.6.1 概要视图--部署 Base_domain:<D:\Program Files\DEV\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain BEA_HOME= D:\Program Files\DEV\Oracle\Middleware [] 集群 -- new_Cluster_1 [] 服务器 --AdminServer --new_ManagedServer_1 2.6.2 概要视图--集群 []集群 --[] new_cluster_1 -[]new_ManageredServer_1 2.6.3 概要视图 -- 计算机 ---计算机 ---计算机 --new_Machine_1 --AdminServer --new_ManagedServer_1
标签:style blog http io color ar os for sp