标签:byte ndt waiting connect bytes cti code import send
import socket u=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM) addr=("",9999) u.bind(addr) print("waiting for connection.........") while True: data,ad=u.recvfrom(2024) if not data: print(f"{ad} have leaved") print(f"revice data from {ad}:{data.decode()}") d="I have revieved you data" n=u.sendto(d.encode(),ad) print(f"You have send {n} bytes") u.close()
import socket uc=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM) while True: data=input("输入您要发送的消息:") addr=("",9999) n=uc.sendto(data.encode(),addr) print("you have send data {} bytes".format(n)) da=uc.recvfrom(2024) print("I have reviced :{}".format(da)) uc.close()
waiting for connection......... revice data from (‘‘, 57045):日照香炉生日宴 You have send 24 bytes revice data from (‘‘, 59622):遥看瀑布挂前川 You have send 24 bytes
标签:byte ndt waiting connect bytes cti code import send