标签:不同的 initial 信息 结果 关键字 coroutine tco 扩展 iter
1 def my_coroutine():
2 while True:
3 received = yield
4 print(‘Received:‘, received)
5 it = my_coroutine()
6 next(it) # Prime the coroutine
7 it.send(‘First‘)
8 it.send(‘Second‘)
10 >>>
11 Received:First
12 Received:Second
def minimize():
current = yield
while True:
value = yield current
current = min(value, current)
it = minimize()
next(it) # Prime the generator
1 from collections import namedtuple
2 def count_neighbors(y, x): # 获取相邻细胞的生存状态
3 Query = namedtuple(‘Query‘, (‘y‘, ‘x‘))
4 n_ = yield Query(y + 1, x + 0) # North
5 ne = yield Query(y + 1, x + 1) # Northeast
6 e_ = yield Query(y + 0, x + 1)
7 se = yield Query(y - 1, x + 1)
8 s_ = yield Query(y - 1, x + 0)
9 sw = yield Query(y - 1, x - 1)
10 w_ = yield Query(y + 0, x - 1)
11 nw = yield Query(y + 1, x - 1)
13 neighbor_status = [n_, ne, e_, se, s_, sw, w_, nw]
14 count = 0
15 for state in neighbor_status:
16 if state == ‘ALIVE‘:
17 count += 1
18 return count
20 it = count_neighbors(10, 5)
21 q1 = next(it)
22 print(‘First yield: ‘, q1)
23 q2 = it.send(‘ALIVE‘)
24 print(‘Second yield:‘, q2)
25 q3 = it.send(‘ALIVE‘)
26 print(‘Third yield: ‘, q3)
27 q4 = it.send(‘ALIVE‘)
28 print(‘4th yield:‘, q4)
29 q5 = it.send(‘ALIVE‘)
30 print(‘5th yield: ‘, q5)
31 q6 = it.send(‘ALIVE‘)
32 print(‘6th yield:‘, q6)
33 q7 = it.send(‘ALIVE‘)
34 print(‘7th yield: ‘, q7)
35 q8 = it.send(‘ALIVE‘)
36 print(‘8th yield:‘, q8)
38 try:
39 count = it.send(‘ALIVE‘)
40 except StopIteration as e:
41 print(‘Count: ‘, e.value) # Value from return statement
43 >>>
44 First yield: Query(y=11, x=5)
45 Second yield: Query(y=11, x=6)
46 Third yield: Query(y=10, x=6)
47 4th yield: Query(y=9, x=6)
48 5th yield: Query(y=9, x=5)
49 6th yield: Query(y=9, x=4)
50 7th yield: Query(y=10, x=4)
51 8th yield: Query(y=11, x=4)
52 Count: 8
1 def game_logic(state, neighbors): 2 pass 3 4 def step_cell(y, x): 5 state = yield Query(y, x) 6 neighbors = yield from count_neighbors(y, x) 7 next_state = game_logic(state, neighbors) 8 yield Transition(y, x, next_state)
请注意,step_cell协程用yield from表达式来调用count_neighbors。在Python程序中,这种表达式可以把生成器协程组合起来,使开发者能够更加方便地复用小段的功能代码,并通过简单的协程来构建复杂的协程。count_neighbors协程耗竭之后,其最终的返回值(也就是return语句的返回值)会作为yield from表达式的结果,传给step_cell。
1 # 测试step_cell协程 2 from collections import namedtuple 3 Query = namedtuple(‘Query‘, (‘y‘, ‘x‘)) 4 Transition = namedtuple(‘Transition‘, (‘y‘, ‘x‘, ‘state‘)) 5 def count_neighbors(y, x): 6 n_ = yield Query(y + 1, x + 0) # North 7 ne = yield Query(y + 1, x + 1) # Northeast 8 e_ = yield Query(y + 0, x + 1) 9 se = yield Query(y - 1, x + 1) 10 s_ = yield Query(y - 1, x + 0) 11 sw = yield Query(y - 1, x - 1) 12 w_ = yield Query(y + 0, x - 1) 13 nw = yield Query(y + 1, x - 1) 14 15 neighbor_status = [n_, ne, e_, se, s_, sw, w_, nw] 16 count = 0 17 for state in neighbor_status: 18 if state == ‘ALIVE‘: 19 count += 1 20 return count 21 22 def game_logic(state, neighbors): 23 if state == ‘ALIVE‘: 24 if neighbors < 2: 25 return ‘EMPTY‘ 26 elif neighbors > 3: 27 return ‘EMPTY‘ 28 else: 29 if neighbors == 3: 30 return ‘ALIVE‘ 31 return state 32 33 def step_cell(y, x): 34 state = yield Query(y, x) 35 neighbors = yield from count_neighbors(y, x) 36 next_state = game_logic(state, neighbors) 37 yield Transition(y, x, next_state) 38 39 it = step_cell(10, 5) 40 q0 = next(it) # initial location query 41 print(‘Me: ‘, q0) 42 q1 = it.send(‘ALIVE‘) #send my status, get neighbor query 43 print(‘Q1:‘, q1) 44 q2 = it.send(‘ALIVE‘) 45 print(‘Q2: ‘, q2) 46 q3 = it.send(‘ALIVE‘) 47 print(‘Q3:‘, q3) 48 q4 = it.send(‘ALIVE‘) 49 print(‘Q4: ‘, q4) 50 q5 = it.send(‘ALIVE‘) 51 print(‘Q5: ‘, q5) 52 q6 = it.send(‘ALIVE‘) 53 print(‘Q6: ‘, q6) 54 q7 = it.send(‘ALIVE‘) 55 print(‘Q7:‘, q7) 56 try: 57 count = it.send(‘ALIVE‘) 58 except StopIteration as e: 59 print(‘Count: ‘, e.value) # Value from return statement 60 61 t1 = it.send(‘EMPTY‘) 62 print(‘Outcome: ‘, t1)
生命游戏的目标,是要同时在网格中的每个细胞上面,运行刚才编写的那套游戏逻辑。为此,我们把step_cell协程组合到新的simulate协程之中。新的协程,会多次通过yield from表达式,来推进网格中的每一个细胞。把每个坐标点中的细胞都处理完之后,simulate协程会产生TICK对象,用以表示当前这代的细胞已经全部迁移完毕。
标签:不同的 initial 信息 结果 关键字 coroutine tco 扩展 iter