标签:href 数字 for www ESS 资料 tar The tco
先设立一个 size 1000 的 array cnt [], 把arr1 里面的数字 计数存入 cnt;
遍历 arr2, 按照arr2 的顺序把 arr1 与 arr2 重复的数字 先存入 arr1;
遍历 cnt,把 cnt 里面剩余的 arr1 剩下的数字 存入arr1;
Java Solution:
Runtime: 0 ms, faster than 100.00 %
Memory Usage: 38 MB, less than 100.00 %
关键点:建立 array cnt 计数
class Solution { public int[] relativeSortArray(int[] arr1, int[] arr2) { int[] cnt = new int[1001]; // save counts from arr1 into cnt for(int n : arr1) cnt[n]++; // put same arr2 numbers into arr1 from cnt according to arr2 order int i = 0; for(int n : arr2) { while(cnt[n]-- > 0){ arr1[i++] = n; } } // put the rest number from arr1 into cnt; cnt is in order already. for(int n = 0; n < cnt.length; n++) { while(cnt[n]-- > 0) { arr1[i++] = n; } } return arr1; } }
参考资料:LeetCode Discuss
LeetCode 题目列表 - LeetCode Questions List
LeetCode 1122. Relative Sort Array (数组的相对排序)
标签:href 数字 for www ESS 资料 tar The tco