标签:plot document export func 汇总 ack ase mem tran
is.na can use which, it finds specific rows, is.element can‘t, it is designed to find NA in a whole table
d[is.na(d)] <- 0 is.element(NA,temp_city$city_name)
delete certain rows
df <- df[-c(1,2),]#drop discrete rows df <- df[-c(1:2),]#drop continous rows
delete certain columns
trade_month_final <- trade_month_final[,-(2:3)] shoppingmall_amap3 <- subset(shoppingmall_amap3,select=-c(origin_name)) shoppingmall_amap2 <- shoppingmall_amap2[,-c(‘origin_name‘)] tmpdata <- data_set[ , !names(data_set) %in% c(“var1”, “var2”)]
grepl,unique and gsub
content_int<-content_int[!grepl(‘TRUE‘,content_int$store_name)] content_int<-unique(content_int,by=c(‘store_name‘)) content_int$store_name<-gsub[‘[(].*|[)].*‘,‘‘,content_int$store_name)]
build a row which has the same number of rows in the table
table_temp1$month <- month
remember, this only applies to numeric variables. When month is a data frame(like when it is calculated by aggregate function),we have to transfer it into numeric ones with as.numeric.
city_statistic$group_freq<-ave(city_statistic$freq, city_statistic$group_final_id, FUN = sum)
for character(0) #rlang::is_empty()
if (x< 0.2){ x <- x+1 print("success!") }else{ x < x-1 print("else success!") }
for (k in k:length(file)){}
##‘ gettianmap ##‘ ##‘ Combine Repeated function ##‘ ##‘ URLencode & getURL & fromJSON & tryCatch ##‘ ##‘ @param url current URL address ##‘ @param timeout_set timeout value ##‘ @return amap ##‘ @author t.s.helianthus <\url{http://helianthus-code.lofter.com}> ##‘ @examples amap <- getMapData(url = ‘http://restapi.amap.com/v3/ip?key=389880a06e3f893ea46036f030c94700‘) ##‘ @import RCurl ##‘ @import rjson ##‘ @import httr ##‘ @export gettianmap <- function (url, timeout_set = 15) { tianmap <- NULL; url <- URLencode(enc2utf8(url)) connect <- ‘‘ # print(url) msg.load <- tryCatch ({ connect <- getURL(url,httpheader=myheader,.encoding="utf-8", .opts = list(timeout = timeout_set, maxredirs = 2)) tianmap <- fromJSON(connect) msg.load <- "TRUE" }, error = function (e) { "FALSE" } ) if (msg.load == ‘FALSE‘) { print(‘error >> reload‘) msg.load <- tryCatch({ tianmap <- content(GET(url,verbose(),timeout(timeout_set),add_headers(myheader))) msg.load <- "TRUE" }, error = function(e) { "FALSE" }) } #if ( length(grep(‘too fast‘,amap)) == 1) {print(‘********too_fast********‘);print(stop_curl)} if ( length(grep(‘too fast‘,tianmap)) == 1) {print(‘********too_fast********‘);install.packages("ggplot2")} if (msg.load == ‘FALSE‘) {tianmap <- NULL;print(‘reload false >> NULL‘)} return(tianmap) }
for(i in 1:5){ if(i=3){ break; } print(i); } for(i in 1:5){ if(i=3){ next; } print(i); }
R cookbook:http://www.cookbook-r.com/Graphs/
查看图像的构造 ,如颜色
g <- ggplot_build(p) unique(g$data[[1]]$color)
标签:plot document export func 汇总 ack ase mem tran