标签:charset 通过 运行 label day you jpg src comm
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=>, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>William‘s html</title> <style> /*I am adding some css here to make things look better~~*/ /* h1{color: aqua;} p{ color: red; } */ /* <!--通过id或者class来定义样式--> */ /* #who{ color: seagreen; widows: 500px; height: 500px; font-size: 200%; } .intro{ color: steelblue; } */ </style> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> </head> <body> <!--This is a comment in HTML~~~--> <div> <h1 id="heading"><em>This is a heading,yeal!!!</em></h1> <p class="intro">This is a paragram.</p> <h2 id="who"><em>Who am I?Who am IWho am IWho am IWho am IWho am IWho am IWho am IWho am I Who am IWho am IWho am IWho am IWho am IWho am IWho am IWho am IWho am IWho am I </em></h2> <p class="name">I‘m William</p> <p class="place"> I am come from earth</p> <span><strong>This is a span,yeah!!!!!!!!!!!</strong></span> <span>This is a another span,</span> <img src="white hat.jpg" alt="There should to be a img"> <a href="https://www.bing.com">Click me to search~~~</a> </div> <form action="" method=""> <input type="text">This is a text input~ <input type="date">This is a date input~ <input type="radio">This is a radio input~ <input type="checkbox">This is a checkbox~ </form> <form action="" method=""> <label for "name">Please Enter Your Name<input type="text" id="name"><br> <label for "age">Plese Enter Your Birthday<input type="date" id="age"><br> <label for "service1">Service1 <input type="radio" id="service1"><br> <label for "service2">Service2 <input type="radio" id="service2"><br> <label for "service3">Service3 <input type="radio" id="service3"><br> <input type="checkbox">This is a checkbox~<br> <button>I am just a normal button</button> <button type="submit">I am a very powerfull button</button> <button type="reset">I am a evil reset button</button> <button type="button">I am a picture with pic of white hat.jpg<br> <img src="white hat.jpg" alt="Still a white hat img"> </button> </form> </body> </html>
/*I am adding some css here to make things look better~~*/ /* h1{color: aqua;} p{ color: red; } */ /* <!--通过id或者class来定义样式--> */ #who{ color: seagreen; widows: 500px; height: 500px; font-size: 200em; } .intro{ color: steelblue; }
标签:charset 通过 运行 label day you jpg src comm