标签:lob cep ext color obj name 不同 val child
使用了Python的 xml.etree.ElementTree 库,Python版本Python 3.6.6
from xml.etree import ElementTree LISTTYPE = 1 DICTTYPE = 0 def getDictResults(res_dicts, iters): result_dicts = {} for iter in iters.getchildren(): iterxml(iter, result_dicts) if result_dicts: res_dicts[iters.tag].update(result_dicts) def getListResults(res_dicts, iters): result_lists = [] for iter in iters.getchildren(): result_dicts = {} iterxml(iter, result_dicts) result_lists.append(result_dicts.copy()) del(result_dicts) if result_lists: if len(res_dicts[iters.tag].items()) == 0: res_dicts[iters.tag] = result_lists.copy() else: res_dicts[iters.tag]["__XmlObjChildren__"] = result_lists.copy() del(result_lists) def checkxmlchildrentype(iters): taglist = [] for iter in iters.getchildren(): taglist.append(iter.tag) if len(set(taglist)) == len(taglist): return DICTTYPE else: return LISTTYPE def getResults(res_dicts, iters): if checkxmlchildrentype(iters): return getListResults(res_dicts, iters) else: return getDictResults(res_dicts, iters) #@res_dicts {} def iterxml(iter, res_dicts): res_dicts[iter.tag] = {} if iter.attrib: for k,v in dict(iter.attrib).items(): res_dicts[iter.tag].update({k : v}) if iter.text is not None and iter.text.strip() != "": res_dicts[iter.tag].update({"__XmlTagText__" : iter.text.strip()}) if iter.getchildren(): getResults(res_dicts, iter) def parserxmltojson(file_path): try: tree = ElementTree.parse(file_path) except Exception as e: #multi-byte encodings are not supported 把字符集改成utf-8就可以 #encoding specified in XML declaration is incorrect xml encoding标识和文件的字符集不同 #syntax error 语法错误,乱码等 #not well-formed (invalid token) 编辑器点击后字符集被修改成ASCII等,或者文件本身字符集和xml encoding不相同 print("Parser {} Error, Errmsg: {}".format(file_path, e)) return "" if tree is None: print("{} is None.".format(file_path)) return "" root = tree.getroot() report = {} iterxml(root, report) #return getDictResults(root) return report if __name__ == "__main__": jsonret = parserxmltojson("test.xml") with open("test.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as fd: fd.write(str(jsonret)) print(jsonret)
标签:lob cep ext color obj name 不同 val child