标签:*** idt select python语言 alt element 一个 自己的 c++
from tkinter import * from tkinter.messagebox import * import time root = Tk() # 创建一个Canvas,设置其背景色为白色 cv = Canvas(root, bg = ‘white‘, width = 720, height = 800) chessname=["黑车","黑马","黑象","黑仕","黑将","黑仕","黑象","黑马","黑车","黑卒","黑炮", "红车","红马","红相","红仕","红帅","红仕","红相","红马","红车","红兵","红炮"] imgs= [PhotoImage(file=‘bmp\\‘+chessname[i]+‘.png‘)for i in range(0,22) ] chessmap = [[-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1]for y in range(9)] #定义一个字典 dict_ChessName={} LocalPlayer="红" #LocalPlayer记录自己是红方还是黑方 first=True #区分第一次还是第二次选中的棋子 IsMyTurn = True rect1=0 rect2=0 firstChessid=0 def IsAbleToPut(id, x, y,oldx,oldy):# 实现判断是否能走棋返回逻辑值,这代码最复杂。 # oldx, oldy 棋子在棋盘原坐标 # x, y 棋子移动到棋盘的新坐标 print(id,"QQQ",dict_ChessName[id]) qi_name = dict_ChessName[id][1] #取字符串第二个字符,"黑将"变成"将" #"将" "帅"走棋判断 if (qi_name == "将" or qi_name == "帅"): if ((x - oldx) * (y - oldy) != 0): return False; if (abs(x - oldx) > 1 or abs(y - oldy) > 1): return False; if (x < 3 or x > 5 or (y >= 3 and y <=6)): return False; return True; #"士"走棋判断 if (qi_name == "士" or qi_name == "仕"): if ((x - oldx) * (y - oldy) == 0): return False; if (abs(x - oldx) > 1 or abs(y - oldy) > 1): return False; if (x < 3 or x > 5 or (y >= 3 and y <=6)): return False; return True; #"象"走棋判断 if (qi_name == "象" or qi_name == "相"): if ((x - oldx) * (y - oldy) == 0): return False; if (abs(x - oldx) != 2 or abs(y - oldy) != 2): return False; if (y < 5 and qi_name == "相" ):#过河 return False; if (y >= 5 and qi_name == "象" ):#过河 return False; i = 0; j = 0;#i,j必须有初始值 if (x - oldx == 2): i = x - 1; if (x - oldx == -2): i = x + 1; if (y - oldy == 2): j = y - 1; if (y - oldy == -2): j = y + 1; if (chessmap[i][j] != -1):#憋象腿 return False; return True; #"马"走棋判断 if (qi_name == "马" or qi_name == "马"): if (abs(x - oldx) * abs(y - oldy) != 2): return False; if (x - oldx == 2): if (chessmap[x - 1][oldy] != -1):#蹩马腿 return False; if (x - oldx == -2): if (chessmap[x + 1][oldy] != -1):#蹩马腿 return False; if (y - oldy == 2): if (chessmap[oldx][y - 1] != -1):#蹩马腿 return False; if (y - oldy == -2): if (chessmap[oldx][y + 1] != -1):#蹩马腿 return False; return True; #"车"走棋判断 if (qi_name == "车" or qi_name == "车"): #判断是否直线 if ((x - oldx) * (y - oldy) != 0): return False; #判断是否隔有棋子 if (x != oldx): if (oldx > x): t = x; x = oldx; oldx = t; for i in range(oldx,x+1): if (i != x and i != oldx): if (chessmap[i][y] != -1): return False; if (y != oldy): if (oldy > y): t = y; y = oldy; oldy = t; for j in range(oldy,y+1): if (j != y and j != oldy): if (chessmap[x][j] != -1): return False; return True; # "炮"走棋判断 if (qi_name == "炮" or qi_name == "炮"): swapflagx = False; swapflagy = False; if ((x - oldx) * (y - oldy) != 0): return False; c = 0; if (x != oldx): if (oldx > x): t = x; x = oldx; oldx = t; swapflagx = True; for i in range(oldx,x+1): #for (i = oldx; i <= x; i += 1): if (i != x and i != oldx): if (chessmap[i][y] != -1): c = c + 1; if (y != oldy): if (oldy > y): t = y; y = oldy; oldy = t; swapflagy = True; for j in range(oldy,y+1):#for (j = oldy; j <= y; j += 1): if (j != y and j != oldy): if (chessmap[x][j] != -1): c = c + 1; if (c > 1): return False; #与目标处间隔1个以上棋子 if (c == 0): #与目标处无间隔棋子 if (swapflagx == True): t = x; x = oldx; oldx = t; if (swapflagy == True): t = y; y = oldy; oldy = t; if (chessmap[x][y] != -1): return False; if (c == 1):#与目标处间隔1个棋子 if (swapflagx == True): t = x; x = oldx; oldx = t; if (swapflagy == True): t = y; y = oldy; oldy = t; if ( chessmap[x][y] == -1):#如果目标处无棋子,则不能走此步 return False; return True; # "卒" "兵"走棋判断 if (qi_name == "卒" or qi_name == "兵"): if ((x - oldx) * (y - oldy) != 0): #不是直线走棋 return False; if (abs(x - oldx) > 1 or abs(y - oldy) > 1):#走多步,不符合兵仅能走一步 return False; if (y >= 5 and (x - oldx) != 0 and qi_name == "兵"):#未过河且横向走棋 return False; if (y < 5 and (x - oldx) != 0 and qi_name == "卒"):#未过河且横向走棋 return False; if (y - oldy > 0 and qi_name == "兵"):#后退 return False; if (y - oldy < 0 and qi_name == "卒"):#后退 return False; return True; return True; #—————————————————————— def callback(event):#走棋picBoard_MouseClick global LocalPlayer global chessmap global rect1,rect2 #选中框图像id global firstChessid,secondChessid global x1,x2,y1,y2 global first print ("clicked at", event.x, event.y,LocalPlayer) x=(event.x-14)//76 #换算棋盘坐标 y=(event.y-14)//76 print ("clicked at", x, y,LocalPlayer) #if (IsMyTurn == False): # return; if (first): #第1次单击棋子 x1 = x; y1 = y; firstChessid=chessmap[x1][y1] if not(chessmap[x1][y1]==-1): player=dict_ChessName[firstChessid][0] if (player != LocalPlayer): print ( "单击成对方棋子了!"); return print("第1次单击",firstChessid) first = False; rect1=cv.create_rectangle(60+76*x-40,54+y*76-38,60+76*x+80-40,54+y*76+80-38,outline="red")#画选中标记框 else: #第2次单击 x2 = x; y2 = y; secondChessid=chessmap[x2][y2] #目标处如果是自己的棋子,则换上次选择的棋子 if not(chessmap[x2][y2]==-1): player=dict_ChessName[secondChessid][0] if (player == LocalPlayer): #如果是自己的棋子,则换上次选择的棋子 firstChessid=chessmap[x2][y2] print("第2次单击",firstChessid) cv.delete(rect1);#取消上次选择的棋子标记框 x1 = x; y1 = y; #设置选择的棋子颜色 rect1=cv.create_rectangle(60+76*x-40,54+y*76-38,60+76*x+80-40,54+y*76+80-38,outline="red")#画选中标记框 print("第2次单击",firstChessid) return; else:#在吃子目标处画框 rect2=cv.create_rectangle(60+76*x-40,54+y*76-38,60+76*x+80-40,54+y*76+80-38,outline="yellow")#目标处画框; else:#在移动棋子目标处画框 rect2=cv.create_rectangle(60+76*x-40,54+y*76-38,60+76*x+80-40,54+y*76+80-38,outline="yellow")#目标处画框; #目标处没棋子,移动棋子 print("kkkkk",firstChessid) if (chessmap[x2][y2]==" " or chessmap[x2][y2]==-1):#目标处没棋子,移动棋子 print("目标处没棋子,移动棋子",firstChessid,x2,y2,x1,y1) if (IsAbleToPut(firstChessid, x2, y2,x1,y1)): #判断是否可以走棋 print ("can移动棋子",x1,y1) cv.move(firstChessid,76*(x2-x1),76*(y2-y1)); #****************************************** #在map取掉原CurSelect棋子 chessmap[x1][y1]=-1; chessmap[x2][y2]=firstChessid cv.delete(rect1); cv.delete(rect2); #send #send("move" + "|" + idx.ToString() + "|" + (10 - x2).ToString() + "|" # + Convert.ToString(11 - y2) + "|" + StepList[StepList.Count - 1]); #CurSelect = 0; first = True; SetMyTurn(False);#该对方了 #toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = ""; else: #错误走棋 print( "不符合走棋规则"); showinfo(title="提示",message="不符合走棋规则") return; else: #目标处有棋子,可以吃子 if (not(chessmap[x2][y2]==-1) and IsAbleToPut(firstChessid, x2, y2,x1,y1)):#可以吃子 first = True; print ("can吃子",x1,y1) cv.move(firstChessid,76*(x2-x1),76*(y2-y1)); #****************************************** #在map取掉原CurSelect棋子 chessmap[x1][y1]=-1; chessmap[x2][y2]=firstChessid cv.delete(secondChessid); cv.delete(rect1); #删除选中标记框 cv.delete(rect2); #删除目标标记框 if (dict_ChessName[secondChessid][1] == "将"): # "将" showinfo(title="提示",message="红方你赢了") return; if (dict_ChessName[secondChessid][1] == "帅"): # "帅" showinfo(title="提示",message="黑方你赢了") return; #send SetMyTurn(False);#该对方了 #toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = ""; else: #不能吃子 print( "不能吃子"); lable1[‘text‘]="不能吃子" cv.delete(rect2); #删除目标标记框 #—————————————————————— def SetMyTurn(flag): global LocalPlayer IsMyTurn=flag if LocalPlayer=="红" : LocalPlayer="黑" lable1[‘text‘]="轮到黑方走" else: LocalPlayer="红" lable1[‘text‘]="轮到红方走" #—————————————————————— img1=PhotoImage(file=‘bmp\\棋盘.png‘) def DrawBoard(): #画棋盘 p1=cv.create_image((0,0),image=img1) cv.coords(p1,(360,400)) #—————————————————————— def sleep(): for i in range(0,10000): pass def LoadChess(): #加载棋子 global chessmap #黑方16个棋子 for i in range(0,9): img=imgs[i] id=cv.create_image((60+76*i,54),image=img)#76*76棋盘格子大小 dict_ChessName[id]=chessname[i]; #图像对应的是那种棋子 chessmap[i][0]=id #图像id for i in range(0,5): img=imgs[9] #卒 id=cv.create_image((60+76*2*i,54+3*76),image=img)#76*76棋盘格子大小 chessmap[i*2][3]=id dict_ChessName[id]="黑卒"; #图像对应的是那种棋子 img=imgs[10] #黑方炮 id=cv.create_image((60+76*1,54+2*76),image=img)#76*76棋盘格子大小 chessmap[1][2]=id dict_ChessName[id]="黑炮"; #图像对应的是那种棋子 id=cv.create_image((60+76*7,54+2*76),image=img)#76*76棋盘格子大小 chessmap[7][2]=id dict_ChessName[id]="黑炮"; #图像对应的是那种棋子 #红方16个棋子 for i in range(0,9): img=imgs[i+11] id=cv.create_image((60+76*i,54+9*76),image=img)#76*76棋盘格子大小 dict_ChessName[id]=chessname[i+11]; #图像对应的是那种棋子 chessmap[i][9]=id #图像id for i in range(0,5): img=imgs[20] #兵 id=cv.create_image((60+76*2*i,54+6*76),image=img)#76*76棋盘格子大小 chessmap[i*2][6]=id #图像id dict_ChessName[id]=chessname[20]; #图像对应的是那种棋子 img=imgs[21] #红方炮 id=cv.create_image((60+76*1,54+7*76),image=img)#76*76棋盘格子大小 chessmap[1][7]=id dict_ChessName[id]="红炮"; #图像对应的是那种棋子 id=cv.create_image((60+76*7,54+7*76),image=img)#76*76棋盘格子大小 chessmap[7][7]=id dict_ChessName[id]="红炮"; #图像对应的是那种棋子 #—————————————————————— DrawBoard() #画棋盘 LoadChess() #加载棋子 #—————————————————————— #print (map1) print(dict_ChessName) cv.bind("<Button-1>", callback) cv.pack() lable1 = Label(root, fg=‘red‘, bg=‘white‘,text="红方先走") lable1[‘text‘]="红方先走1" ##var = StringVar() ##l = Label(root, fg=‘red‘, bg=‘white‘,text=var, width=14, height=5) ##var.set("Hey") lable1.pack() root.mainloop()
from tkinter import *from tkinter.messagebox import *import timeroot = Tk()# 创建一个Canvas,设置其背景色为白色 cv = Canvas(root, bg = ‘white‘, width = 720, height = 800)chessname=["黑车","黑马","黑象","黑仕","黑将","黑仕","黑象","黑马","黑车","黑卒","黑炮", "红车","红马","红相","红仕","红帅","红仕","红相","红马","红车","红兵","红炮"]imgs= [PhotoImage(file=‘bmp\\‘+chessname[i]+‘.png‘)for i in range(0,22) ] chessmap = [[-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1]for y in range(9)]#定义一个字典dict_ChessName={} LocalPlayer="红" #LocalPlayer记录自己是红方还是黑方first=True #区分第一次还是第二次选中的棋子IsMyTurn = Truerect1=0rect2=0firstChessid=0def IsAbleToPut(id, x, y,oldx,oldy):# 实现判断是否能走棋返回逻辑值,这代码最复杂。 # oldx, oldy 棋子在棋盘原坐标 # x, y 棋子移动到棋盘的新坐标 print(id,"QQQ",dict_ChessName[id]) qi_name = dict_ChessName[id][1] #取字符串第二个字符,"黑将"变成"将" #"将" "帅"走棋判断 if (qi_name == "将" or qi_name == "帅"): if ((x - oldx) * (y - oldy) != 0): return False; if (abs(x - oldx) > 1 or abs(y - oldy) > 1): return False; if (x < 3 or x > 5 or (y >= 3 and y <=6)): return False; return True; #"士"走棋判断 if (qi_name == "士" or qi_name == "仕"): if ((x - oldx) * (y - oldy) == 0): return False; if (abs(x - oldx) > 1 or abs(y - oldy) > 1): return False; if (x < 3 or x > 5 or (y >= 3 and y <=6)): return False; return True; #"象"走棋判断 if (qi_name == "象" or qi_name == "相"): if ((x - oldx) * (y - oldy) == 0): return False; if (abs(x - oldx) != 2 or abs(y - oldy) != 2): return False; if (y < 5 and qi_name == "相" ):#过河 return False; if (y >= 5 and qi_name == "象" ):#过河 return False; i = 0; j = 0;#i,j必须有初始值 if (x - oldx == 2): i = x - 1; if (x - oldx == -2): i = x + 1; if (y - oldy == 2): j = y - 1; if (y - oldy == -2): j = y + 1; if (chessmap[i][j] != -1):#憋象腿 return False; return True; #"马"走棋判断 if (qi_name == "马" or qi_name == "马"): if (abs(x - oldx) * abs(y - oldy) != 2): return False; if (x - oldx == 2): if (chessmap[x - 1][oldy] != -1):#蹩马腿 return False; if (x - oldx == -2): if (chessmap[x + 1][oldy] != -1):#蹩马腿 return False; if (y - oldy == 2): if (chessmap[oldx][y - 1] != -1):#蹩马腿 return False; if (y - oldy == -2): if (chessmap[oldx][y + 1] != -1):#蹩马腿 return False; return True; #"车"走棋判断 if (qi_name == "车" or qi_name == "车"): #判断是否直线 if ((x - oldx) * (y - oldy) != 0): return False; #判断是否隔有棋子 if (x != oldx): if (oldx > x): t = x; x = oldx; oldx = t; for i in range(oldx,x+1): if (i != x and i != oldx): if (chessmap[i][y] != -1): return False; if (y != oldy): if (oldy > y): t = y; y = oldy; oldy = t; for j in range(oldy,y+1): if (j != y and j != oldy): if (chessmap[x][j] != -1): return False; return True; # "炮"走棋判断 if (qi_name == "炮" or qi_name == "炮"): swapflagx = False; swapflagy = False; if ((x - oldx) * (y - oldy) != 0): return False; c = 0; if (x != oldx): if (oldx > x): t = x; x = oldx; oldx = t; swapflagx = True; for i in range(oldx,x+1): #for (i = oldx; i <= x; i += 1): if (i != x and i != oldx): if (chessmap[i][y] != -1): c = c + 1; if (y != oldy): if (oldy > y): t = y; y = oldy; oldy = t; swapflagy = True; for j in range(oldy,y+1):#for (j = oldy; j <= y; j += 1): if (j != y and j != oldy): if (chessmap[x][j] != -1): c = c + 1; if (c > 1): return False; #与目标处间隔1个以上棋子 if (c == 0): #与目标处无间隔棋子 if (swapflagx == True): t = x; x = oldx; oldx = t; if (swapflagy == True): t = y; y = oldy; oldy = t; if (chessmap[x][y] != -1): return False; if (c == 1):#与目标处间隔1个棋子 if (swapflagx == True): t = x; x = oldx; oldx = t; if (swapflagy == True): t = y; y = oldy; oldy = t; if ( chessmap[x][y] == -1):#如果目标处无棋子,则不能走此步 return False; return True; # "卒" "兵"走棋判断 if (qi_name == "卒" or qi_name == "兵"): if ((x - oldx) * (y - oldy) != 0): #不是直线走棋 return False; if (abs(x - oldx) > 1 or abs(y - oldy) > 1):#走多步,不符合兵仅能走一步 return False; if (y >= 5 and (x - oldx) != 0 and qi_name == "兵"):#未过河且横向走棋 return False; if (y < 5 and (x - oldx) != 0 and qi_name == "卒"):#未过河且横向走棋 return False; if (y - oldy > 0 and qi_name == "兵"):#后退 return False; if (y - oldy < 0 and qi_name == "卒"):#后退 return False; return True; return True; #——————————————————————def callback(event):#走棋picBoard_MouseClick global LocalPlayer global chessmap global rect1,rect2 #选中框图像id global firstChessid,secondChessid global x1,x2,y1,y2 global first print ("clicked at", event.x, event.y,LocalPlayer) x=(event.x-14)//76 #换算棋盘坐标 y=(event.y-14)//76 print ("clicked at", x, y,LocalPlayer) #if (IsMyTurn == False): # return; if (first): #第1次单击棋子 x1 = x; y1 = y; firstChessid=chessmap[x1][y1] if not(chessmap[x1][y1]==-1): player=dict_ChessName[firstChessid][0] if (player != LocalPlayer): print ( "单击成对方棋子了!"); return print("第1次单击",firstChessid) first = False; rect1=cv.create_rectangle(60+76*x-40,54+y*76-38,60+76*x+80-40,54+y*76+80-38,outline="red")#画选中标记框 else: #第2次单击 x2 = x; y2 = y; secondChessid=chessmap[x2][y2] #目标处如果是自己的棋子,则换上次选择的棋子 if not(chessmap[x2][y2]==-1): player=dict_ChessName[secondChessid][0] if (player == LocalPlayer): #如果是自己的棋子,则换上次选择的棋子 firstChessid=chessmap[x2][y2] print("第2次单击",firstChessid) cv.delete(rect1);#取消上次选择的棋子标记框 x1 = x; y1 = y; #设置选择的棋子颜色 rect1=cv.create_rectangle(60+76*x-40,54+y*76-38,60+76*x+80-40,54+y*76+80-38,outline="red")#画选中标记框 print("第2次单击",firstChessid) return; else:#在吃子目标处画框 rect2=cv.create_rectangle(60+76*x-40,54+y*76-38,60+76*x+80-40,54+y*76+80-38,outline="yellow")#目标处画框; else:#在移动棋子目标处画框 rect2=cv.create_rectangle(60+76*x-40,54+y*76-38,60+76*x+80-40,54+y*76+80-38,outline="yellow")#目标处画框; #目标处没棋子,移动棋子 print("kkkkk",firstChessid) if (chessmap[x2][y2]==" " or chessmap[x2][y2]==-1):#目标处没棋子,移动棋子 print("目标处没棋子,移动棋子",firstChessid,x2,y2,x1,y1) if (IsAbleToPut(firstChessid, x2, y2,x1,y1)): #判断是否可以走棋 print ("can移动棋子",x1,y1) cv.move(firstChessid,76*(x2-x1),76*(y2-y1)); #****************************************** #在map取掉原CurSelect棋子 chessmap[x1][y1]=-1; chessmap[x2][y2]=firstChessid cv.delete(rect1); cv.delete(rect2); #send #send("move" + "|" + idx.ToString() + "|" + (10 - x2).ToString() + "|" # + Convert.ToString(11 - y2) + "|" + StepList[StepList.Count - 1]); #CurSelect = 0; first = True; SetMyTurn(False);#该对方了 #toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = ""; else: #错误走棋 print( "不符合走棋规则"); showinfo(title="提示",message="不符合走棋规则") return; else: #目标处有棋子,可以吃子 if (not(chessmap[x2][y2]==-1) and IsAbleToPut(firstChessid, x2, y2,x1,y1)):#可以吃子 first = True; print ("can吃子",x1,y1) cv.move(firstChessid,76*(x2-x1),76*(y2-y1)); #****************************************** #在map取掉原CurSelect棋子 chessmap[x1][y1]=-1; chessmap[x2][y2]=firstChessid cv.delete(secondChessid); cv.delete(rect1); #删除选中标记框 cv.delete(rect2); #删除目标标记框 if (dict_ChessName[secondChessid][1] == "将"): # "将" showinfo(title="提示",message="红方你赢了") return; if (dict_ChessName[secondChessid][1] == "帅"): # "帅" showinfo(title="提示",message="黑方你赢了") return; #send SetMyTurn(False);#该对方了 #toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = ""; else: #不能吃子 print( "不能吃子"); lable1[‘text‘]="不能吃子" cv.delete(rect2); #删除目标标记框#—————————————————————— def SetMyTurn(flag): global LocalPlayer IsMyTurn=flag if LocalPlayer=="红" : LocalPlayer="黑" lable1[‘text‘]="轮到黑方走" else: LocalPlayer="红" lable1[‘text‘]="轮到红方走" #——————————————————————img1=PhotoImage(file=‘bmp\\棋盘.png‘)def DrawBoard(): #画棋盘 p1=cv.create_image((0,0),image=img1) cv.coords(p1,(360,400)) #——————————————————————def sleep(): for i in range(0,10000): passdef LoadChess(): #加载棋子 global chessmap #黑方16个棋子 for i in range(0,9): img=imgs[i] id=cv.create_image((60+76*i,54),image=img)#76*76棋盘格子大小 dict_ChessName[id]=chessname[i]; #图像对应的是那种棋子 chessmap[i][0]=id #图像id for i in range(0,5): img=imgs[9] #卒 id=cv.create_image((60+76*2*i,54+3*76),image=img)#76*76棋盘格子大小 chessmap[i*2][3]=id dict_ChessName[id]="黑卒"; #图像对应的是那种棋子 img=imgs[10] #黑方炮 id=cv.create_image((60+76*1,54+2*76),image=img)#76*76棋盘格子大小 chessmap[1][2]=id dict_ChessName[id]="黑炮"; #图像对应的是那种棋子 id=cv.create_image((60+76*7,54+2*76),image=img)#76*76棋盘格子大小 chessmap[7][2]=id dict_ChessName[id]="黑炮"; #图像对应的是那种棋子 #红方16个棋子 for i in range(0,9): img=imgs[i+11] id=cv.create_image((60+76*i,54+9*76),image=img)#76*76棋盘格子大小 dict_ChessName[id]=chessname[i+11]; #图像对应的是那种棋子 chessmap[i][9]=id #图像id for i in range(0,5): img=imgs[20] #兵 id=cv.create_image((60+76*2*i,54+6*76),image=img)#76*76棋盘格子大小 chessmap[i*2][6]=id #图像id dict_ChessName[id]=chessname[20]; #图像对应的是那种棋子 img=imgs[21] #红方炮 id=cv.create_image((60+76*1,54+7*76),image=img)#76*76棋盘格子大小 chessmap[1][7]=id dict_ChessName[id]="红炮"; #图像对应的是那种棋子 id=cv.create_image((60+76*7,54+7*76),image=img)#76*76棋盘格子大小 chessmap[7][7]=id dict_ChessName[id]="红炮"; #图像对应的是那种棋子 #——————————————————————DrawBoard() #画棋盘LoadChess() #加载棋子#—————————————————————— #print (map1)print(dict_ChessName) cv.bind("<Button-1>", callback)cv.pack()lable1 = Label(root, fg=‘red‘, bg=‘white‘,text="红方先走")lable1[‘text‘]="红方先走1"##var = StringVar()##l = Label(root, fg=‘red‘, bg=‘white‘,text=var, width=14, height=5)##var.set("Hey")lable1.pack()root.mainloop()
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