标签:esc sql pid cas pos desc des color ons
SELECT A .attname 字段, concat_ws ( ‘‘, T .typname, SUBSTRING ( format_type (A .atttypid, A .atttypmod) FROM ‘\(.*\)‘ ) ) AS 类型, case when s.pk is not null then ‘是‘ else ‘否‘ end as 主键, case A.attnotnull when ‘f‘ then ‘是‘ when ‘t‘ then ‘否‘ end as 空, d.description 注释 FROM pg_attribute A INNER JOIN pg_class C on A .attrelid = C .oid INNER JOIN pg_type T on A .atttypid = T .oid LEFT JOIN (SELECT conrelid, unnest(conkey) as pk FROM pg_constraint WHERE contype = ‘p‘) S ON S.conrelid = C .oid AND A.attnum = S.pk LEFT JOIN pg_description d on d.objoid = A .attrelid AND d.objsubid = A .attnum WHERE A .attnum > 0 AND C.relname = ‘t_gfecp_bigdata_blacklist‘ ORDER BY C .relname, A .attnum
标签:esc sql pid cas pos desc des color ons