标签:select 子查询 分组 ike 数据库 16px 多少 字段 oracle
select distinct ssex from java1227;
select distinct (ssex) from java1227;
select ssid as 编号 ,sname as 姓名 from java
--排序 倒序 desc
select * from java1227 order by ssid desc;
select * from java0322 where sname like ‘___‘;
select * from java0322 where sname like ‘%四%‘;
select * from java0322 join sclass on java0322.cid =sclass.cid;
-- 给表起别名
select * from java0322 a join sclass b on a.cid = b.cid;
select * from sclass a left join java0322 b on a.cid =b.cid;
select * from java0322 a right join sclass b on a.cid =b.cid;
select * from sclass a full join java0322 b on a.cid = b.cid;
-- 查询男女各多少(按性别分组后查询所有,然后再查个数)
select ssex,count(*) from java1227 group by ssex;
-- 查询性别大于1 的性别
select ssex from java1227 group by ssex having count(*)>1;
where 放在group 之前,分组之后条件用having;
-- 子查询--查询性别为女的学生所在的班级
select cname from sclass where cid in (select cid from java0322 where ssex=‘女‘);
select saddress from java0322 where ssex =‘男‘and cid in(select cid from sclass where cname=‘阳光班‘);
select saddress from java0322 a join sclass b on a.cid = b.cid where ssex=‘男‘ and cname=‘阳光班‘;
select * from (select sclass.cid,cname,ssid,sname from sclass join java0322 on java0322.cid = sclass.cid)
select * from(select rownum as num,sclass.cid,cname,ssid,sname from sclass join java0322 on java0322.cid = sclass.cid) where num >1 and num<3;
标签:select 子查询 分组 ike 数据库 16px 多少 字段 oracle