标签:toe har try 内容 The ann ESS res ast
"GoEasy": { "URL": "https://rest-hangzhou.goeasy.io/publish", "Appkey": "BC-**************************" }
using Dw.Util.Helper; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Text; namespace Dw.BLL.Other { /// <summary> /// GoEasy相关方法 /// </summary> public class Other_GoEasyBLL { string message = ""; #region 发送消息 /// <summary> /// 发送消息 /// </summary> /// <param name="channel">channel</param> /// <param name="content">您要发送的消息内容</param> /// <returns></returns> public string SendMessage(string channel,string content) { try { string postDataStr = "appkey="+ ConfigHelper.GetValue("GoEasy:Appkey") + "&channel=" + channel + "&content=" + content; HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(ConfigHelper.GetValue("GoEasy:URL")); request.Method = "POST"; request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"; request.ContentLength = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(postDataStr); Stream myRequestStream = request.GetRequestStream(); byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postDataStr); myRequestStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); Stream myResponseStream = response.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader myStreamReader = new StreamReader(myResponseStream, Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8")); string retString = myStreamReader.ReadToEnd(); myStreamReader.Close(); myResponseStream.Close(); message = "success"; } catch (Exception ex) { message = ex.Message.ToString(); throw; } return message; } #endregion } }
#region GoEasy实现聊天 /// <summary> /// GoEasy实现聊天 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> [Route("GoEasySendMessage")] [HttpGet] public ActionResult GoEasySendMessage(string content) { string msg = other_GoEasyBLL.SendMessage("my_channel",content); if(msg== "success") { return Ok(new { code = "200", res = new { msg = "发送成功!" } }); } return Ok(new { code = "400", res = new { msg = msg} }); } #endregion
标签:toe har try 内容 The ann ESS res ast