标签:创建 section rem str 根据 开头 页面 new hang
计数器 | <counter> (Lists & Counters) - CSS 中文开发手册
CSS counters 让您根据在文档中的位置调整内容的外观。例如,您可以使用计数器自动为网页中的标题编号。计数器本质上是由CSS维护的变量,其值可以通过CSS规则递增来追踪它们被使用的次数。
该counter()函数有两种形式:‘counter(name)‘ 或 ‘counter(name, style)‘。生成的文本是给定伪元素范围内给定名称的最内层计数器的值。它被格式化为指定的样式(默认是decimal)。
该counters()函数还有两种形式: ‘counters(name, string)‘ 或‘counters(name, string, style)‘。生成的文本是给定伪元素的所有具有给定名称的计数器的值,从最外层到最内层,由指定的字符串分隔。计数器以指定的样式呈现(默认是decimal)。
body { counter-reset: section; /* Set a counter named ‘section‘, and it`s initial value is 0. */ } h3::before { counter-increment: section; /* Increment the value of section counter by 1 */ content: counter(section); /* Display the value of section counter */ }
<h3>Introduction</h3> <h3>Body</h3> <h3>Conclusion</h3>
ol { counter-reset: section; /* Creates a new instance of the section counter with each ol element */ list-style-type: none; } li::before { counter-increment: section; /* Increments only this instance of the section counter */ content: counters(section, ".") " "; /* Combines the values of all instances of the section counter, separated by a period */ }
<ol> <li>item</li> <!-- 1 --> <li>item <!-- 2 --> <ol> <li>item</li> <!-- 2.1 --> <li>item</li> <!-- 2.2 --> <li>item <!-- 2.3 --> <ol> <li>item</li> <!-- 2.3.1 --> <li>item</li> <!-- 2.3.2 --> </ol> <ol> <li>item</li> <!-- 2.3.1 --> <li>item</li> <!-- 2.3.2 --> <li>item</li> <!-- 2.3.3 --> </ol> </li> <li>item</li> <!-- 2.4 --> </ol> </li> <li>item</li> <!-- 3 --> <li>item</li> <!-- 4 --> </ol> <ol> <li>item</li> <!-- 1 --> <li>item</li> <!-- 2 --> </ol>
Specification | Status | Comment |
CSS Lists and Counters Module Level 3The definition of ‘CSS Counters‘ in that specification. | Working Draft | No change |
CSS Level 2 (Revision 1)The definition of ‘CSS Counters‘ in that specification. | Recommendation | Initial definition |
计数器 | <counter> (Lists & Counters) - CSS 中文开发手册 - Break易站
标签:创建 section rem str 根据 开头 页面 new hang