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Windows Azure服务管理版本控制

时间:2014-11-11 12:54:46      阅读:240      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:operation   windows   continue   multiple   provided   azure   

1.Windows Azure‘s Service Management Versioning

    Operations provided by the Service Management API may have multiple versions. You must specify the version of an operation that you want to use by setting the x-ms-version request header. Requests without an x-ms-version header will be rejected and return a (400) Bad Request response. If your service calls an older version of an operation, you can choose to continue calling the older version, or modify your code to call a newer version. Any differences in functionality between versions are outlined in the documentation for the API call.


    Windows Azure是一个公有平台,所以为了满足不同版本的应用提供了不同版本的API,那么如何去告诉Http请求调用哪一个版本的API呢?上面说设置请求头的x-ms-version参数。不管你是老版本的还是新版本的,只要你设置了请求头的x-ms-version参数就可以根据设置的参数调用相应的API.

The x-ms-version request header value must be specified in the format YYYY-MM-DD. 

For example:

Request Headers:
x-ms-version: 2011-02-25



本文出自 “爱咖啡” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://4837471.blog.51cto.com/4827471/1575222

Windows Azure服务管理版本控制

标签:operation   windows   continue   multiple   provided   azure   


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