标签:dql 外连接 中国人 查看 城市 ati join sql文件 数据量
mysql> select * from test.student;
mysql> select count(*) from test.student;
mysql> select user,host from mysql.user;
mysql> select * from test.student where id=‘8‘;
mysql> select id,name from test.student where id=‘8‘;
[root@db01 ~]# rz world.sql
mysql> source /root/world.sql;
mysql> \. /root/world.sql
mysql> show tables from world;
mysql> use world
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_world |
| city |
| country |
| countrylanguage |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> desc city;
mysql> select count (*) from city;
mysql> select * from city;
mysql> select name,population from city;
mysql> select name,population from city order by population;
mysql> select name,population from city order by population desc;
mysql> select name,population from city order by population desc limit 10;
mysql> select id,name,population from city limit 10,20;
mysql> select id,name,population from city limit 0,60;
mysql> select id,name,population from city limit 60,60;
mysql> select id,name,population from city limit 120,60;
where的条件符号: = < > >= <= != <>
where的连接符:and or like in
mysql> select CountryCode,name,population from city where CountryCode=‘CHN‘;
mysql> select CountryCode,District,name,population from city where CountryCode=‘CHN‘ and District=‘heilongjiang‘;
mysql> select CountryCode,population,name from city where CountryCode=‘CHN‘ and population<‘100000‘;
mysql> select * from city where CountryCode like ‘H%‘;
mysql> select * from city where CountryCode like ‘%H‘;
mysql> select * from city where CountryCode like ‘%H%‘;
mysql> select CountryCode,name,population from city where CountryCode=‘CHN‘ or CountryCode=‘USA‘;
mysql> select CountryCode,name,population from city where CountryCode in (‘CHN‘,‘USA‘);
mysql> select CountryCode,name,population from city where CountryCode=‘CHN‘ union all select CountryCode,name,population from city where CountryCode=‘USA‘;
城市名字 城市人口数量 国家名字
城市名字 城市人口数量 国家名字
city.name city.population country.name
select city.name,city.population,country.name from city,country where city.countrycode=country.code and city.population < ‘100‘;
select city.name,city.population,country.name from city natural join country where city.population < ‘100‘;
城市名字 城市人口数量 国家名字 国家的语言
城市名字 城市人口数量 国家名字 国家的语言
city.name city.population country.name countrylanguage.language
select city.name,city.population,country.name,countrylanguage.language from city,country,countrylanguage where city.countrycode=country.code and country.code=countrylanguage.CountryCode and city.population < ‘100‘;
select city.name,city.population,countrylanguage.CountryCode,countrylanguage.language from city,countrylanguage where countrylanguage.CountryCode=city.CountryCode and city.population > ‘1000000‘;
select city.name,city.population,countrylanguage.CountryCode,countrylanguage.language from city natural join countrylanguage where city.population > ‘1000000‘;
select * from 表1 join 表2 on 关联条件 where 条件
表 1 是小表
表 2 是大表
select city.population,city.name,country.name,country.code from city,country where country.code=city.countrycode and city.population < ‘100‘;
select city.population,city.name,country.name,country.code from country join city on country.code=city.countrycode where city.population < ‘100‘;
select city.population,city.name,country.name,countrylanguage.language from country join city on city.countrycode=country.code join countrylanguage on country.code=countrylanguage.countrycode where city.population < ‘100‘;
select city.name,city.countrycode,country.name
from city left join country
on city.countrycode=country.code
and city.population<100;
select city.name,city.countrycode,country.name
from city right join country
on city.countrycode=country.code
and city.population<100;
mysql> select * from city where countrycode=‘CHN‘ or countrycode=‘USA‘;
mysql> select * from city where countrycode in (‘CHN‘,‘USA‘);
mysql> select * from city where countrycode=‘CHN‘
union all
select * from city where countrycode=‘USA‘ limit 10;
标签:dql 外连接 中国人 查看 城市 ati join sql文件 数据量