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oracle sql

时间:2014-11-12 11:59:56      阅读:237      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


Data Definition

          CREATE, to create a new database object
          ALTER, to change an aspect of the structure of an existing database object
           DROP, to drop (remove) a database object

Data Manipulation and Transactions

         INSERT, to add rows to a table
         UPDATE, to change column values of existing rows
         DELETE, to remove rows from a table


COMMIT, to confirm all pending changes of the current transaction
ROLLBACK, to cancel all pending changes and restore the original situation


DELETE empties a table; DROP removes a table. TRUNCATE allows you to delete all the rows in a table in an efficient (but irrevocable) way.
UPDATE changes the contents of a table; ALTER changes its structure.
You can undo the consequences of data manipulation with ROLLBACK; data definition commands are irrevocable.

oracle sql



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