标签:reconnect cto state send class let 计时 开启 default
<script> import { collectService } from ‘@/services‘; export default { prop: [‘formWhere‘], data() { return { dialogPop: false, isDisabled: true, webInfo: [], id: null, ws: null,//建立的连接 lockReconnect: false,//是否真正建立连接 timeout: 58*1000,//58秒一次心跳 timeoutObj: null,//心跳心跳倒计时 serverTimeoutObj: null,//心跳倒计时 timeoutnum: null,//断开 重连倒计时 } }, created() { this.initWebpack(); }, methods: { initWebpack(){ const wsurl=‘wss://XXXXXXX‘;//ws地址,这里加入自己的地址即可 this.ws = new WebSocket(wsurl); this.ws.onopen = this.onopen; this.ws.onmessage = this.onmessage; this.ws.onclose = this.onclose; this.ws.onerror = this.onerror; }, reconnect() {//重新连接 var that = this; if(that.lockReconnect) { return; }; that.lockReconnect = true; //没连接上会一直重连,设置延迟避免请求过多 that.timeoutnum && clearTimeout(that.timeoutnum); that.timeoutnum = setTimeout(function () { //新连接 that.initWebpack(); that.lockReconnect = false; },5000); }, reset(){//重置心跳 var that = this; //清除时间 clearTimeout(that.timeoutObj); clearTimeout(that.serverTimeoutObj); //重启心跳 that.start(); }, start(){ //开启心跳 console.log(‘开启心跳‘); var self = this; self.timeoutObj && clearTimeout(self.timeoutObj); self.serverTimeoutObj && clearTimeout(self.serverTimeoutObj); self.timeoutObj = setTimeout(function(){ //这里发送一个心跳,后端收到后,返回一个心跳消息, if (self.ws.readyState == 1) {//如果连接正常 self.ws.send("heartCheck"); //这里可以自己跟后端约定 }else{//否则重连 self.reconnect(); } self.serverTimeoutObj = setTimeout(function() { //超时关闭 self.ws.close(); }, self.timeout); }, self.timeout) }, onopen() { console.log("open"); //开启心跳 this.start(); }, onmessage(e) { console.log(‘接收信息‘, e); console.log(‘接收信息‘, e.data); //下面这块代码,接收到后端返回的消息后,根据自己的需求去判断 if(e.data == ‘heartCheck‘){ // this.webInfo = ‘‘; }else { let data = JSON.parse(e.data); if(data && data.length > 0){ let arr = []; data.forEach(element => { if(element.collectorId == localStorage.getItem(‘id‘)) { arr.push(element); return; } }); this.webInfo = arr; console.log(‘this.webInfo--‘,this.webInfo); } } //收到服务器信息,心跳重置 this.reset(); }, onclose(e) { console.log("连接关闭"); console.log(‘websocket 断开: ‘ + e.code + ‘ ‘ + e.reason + ‘ ‘ + e.wasClean); //重连 this.reconnect(); }, onerror(e) { console.log("出现错误"); //重连 this.reconnect(); }, onsend(msg) {//向服务器发送信息 //数据发送 this.websock.send(msg); }, }, } </script>
标签:reconnect cto state send class let 计时 开启 default