标签:style io color ar sp on bs ef as
1.。。。identifier of an instance of org.szgzw.ent.profile.baseinfo.enterprise.EnterpriseEntity was altered from 2c90e4da49514c750149515eb56f0003 to undefined; nested exception is org.hibernate.HibernateException: identifier of an instance of org.szgzw.ent.profile.baseinfo.enterprise.EnterpriseEntity
was altered from 2c90e4da49514c750149515eb56f0003 to undefined
注意本人这里是undedined ,在搜索中发现该类似错误有好多,如:not null from 11221 to 31211
我这里是undefined 。
其实这里报这个错的原因是,我提交表单过来时,有一个字段 在对应的controller 中没有去接收它。
例如。表单中有。<input type="hidden" name="enterprise.uuid" value="${entId }">
而我在controller中没有用@RequestParam(value = "entId", required = true) String entId, 这个去接收因而报该错。
标签:style io color ar sp on bs ef as