name = raw_input('What is your name? ') if name.endswith('Gumby'): print 'Hello, Mr.Gumby'
What is your name? Gumby Hello, Mr.Gumby
name = raw_input('What is your name? ') if name.endswith('Gumby'): print 'Hello, Mr.Gumby' else: print 'Hello, stranger'多个条件:
num = input('Enter a number: ') if num > 0: print 'The number is positive' elif num < 0: print 'The number is negative' else: print 'The number is zero'
Enter a number: 5 The number is positive
Enter a number: -1 The number is negative
Enter a number: 0 The number is zerowhile循环:
x = 1 while x<=100: print x x+=1for循环:
numbers = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] for number in numbers: print number
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9循环中的else:
for n in range(99,81,-1): root = sqrt(n) if root == int(root): print n break else: #只在没有调用break时执行 print "Didn't find it!"
Beginning Python From Novice to Professional (5) - 条件与循环