标签:hashmap OLE rri text data HERE func idt warning
<!-- 搜索 --> <div style="margin-top: 15px"> <el-select style="width: 150px" v-model="select" placeholder="请选择"> <el-option label="歌手列表" value="list"></el-option> <el-option label="歌手名" value="singer_name"></el-option> </el-select> <el-input placeholder="请输入内容" v-model="query_name" class="input-with-select" :clearable="true" @clear="query_clear" style="width: 550px" :disabled="select === ‘list‘ ? true : false" > <!-- <el-button slot="append" @click="query" icon="el-icon-search" ></el-button> --> </el-input> <el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-search" @click="handleSearch" :disabled="select === ‘list‘ ? true : false" >搜索</el-button > </div> //分页 <div class="pagination"> <el-pagination background layout="prev, pager, next" :current-page="pagination.pageIndex" :page-size="pagination.pageSize" :total="pageTotal" @current-change="handlePageChange" ></el-pagination> </div>
//清除输入框内容 query_clear() { this.freshList(); this.pageTotal = 1; this.select = "list"; this.pagination.pageIndex = 1; }, // 触发搜索按钮 handleSearch() { this.pagination.pageIndex = 1; this.query(); }, query() { let text = this.query_name; let query_mode = this.select; let _this = this; // this.pagination.pageIndex = 1; if (text != "") { if (query_mode === "singer_name") { this.$axios .get( "http://localhost:8181/admin/singer/findBySingerName/" + (_this.pagination.pageIndex - 1) * _this.pagination.pageSize + "/" + _this.pagination.pageSize + "/" + text ) .then(function (resp) { console.log(resp); switch (resp.data.status) { case 200: { _this.pageTotal = resp.data.data.singerCount; _this.current_list = resp.data.data.singerList; _this.$message.success("查找成功!"); break; } case 400: { _this.$message.error(resp.data.msg); _this.$router.push("login"); break; } } }); } } else{ this.$message.warning("请输入内容!"); } }, }, // 分页导航 handlePageChange(val) { console.log("handlePageChange",val); this.pagination.pageIndex = val; this.current_list = []; if (this.select != "list") { if(this.query_name != ‘‘){ this.query(); } else{ this.pageTotal = 1; } } else { this.freshList(); } },
//查询歌曲:歌手名 @GetMapping({"/admin/music/findBySingerName/{currentPage}/{pageSize}/{singer_name}"}) public Result findBySingerName(@PathVariable Integer currentPage, @PathVariable Integer pageSize,@PathVariable String singer_name){ MyParameter parameter = new MyParameter(); parameter.setSinger_name(singer_name); return musicService.findBySingerName(currentPage,pageSize,parameter); }
@Override public Result findBySingerName(Integer cp, Integer ps, MyParameter myParameter){ Map<String,Object> resp = new HashMap<>(); // System.out.println(music); resp.put("musicCount",mapper.getCountByParameter(myParameter)); resp.put("musicList", mapper.getMusicByParameter(cp,ps,myParameter)); return Result.ok(resp); }
<select id="getMusicByParameter" resultType="map"> select s.singer_name,m.id, m.music_name, m.music_lyrics , m.music_createdate as music_createDate,m.music_src , m.music_photosrc as music_photoSrc , m.music_introduction, m.music_class, m.music_downloadscore as music_downloadScore, m.musicvideo_id, m.singer_id from music m,singer s <where> <if test="parameter.singer_name != null"> s.singer_name like "%"#{parameter.singer_name}"%" and </if> <if test="parameter.music_name != null"> m.music_name like "%"#{parameter.music_name}"%" and </if> m.singer_id = s.id </where> limit #{currentPage},#{pageSize} </select>
毕设-element ui + springboot + mybatis 单条件查询模板
标签:hashmap OLE rri text data HERE func idt warning