标签:get ubuntu ref issue enc tor img 版本 follow
pip --version # Python2.x 版本命令
pip3 --version # Python3.x 版本命令
// 查看启用的源列表
yum repolist
// 查看禁用的源列表
yum repolist disabled
vim /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo
--enablerepo=epel --参数 yum --enablerepo=epel install python-pip --例如
1. First install required packages: git and Python pip as follows:
-------------- On Debian/Ubuntu -------------- $ sudo apt-get install git python-pip -------------- On CentOS/RHEL -------------- # yum install epel-release # yum install git python-pip -------------- On Fedora 22+ -------------- # dnf install git python-pip
2. If you have git and Python pip installed, next, install virtualenv which helps to deal with dependency issues for Python projects, as below:
# pip install virtualenv OR $ sudo pip install virtualenv
标签:get ubuntu ref issue enc tor img 版本 follow