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aws - Default VPC and default subnets

时间:2021-06-02 15:47:16      阅读:0      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:efault   and   option   when   nec   img   uid   div   abi   

Default VPC components

When we create a default VPC, we do the following to set it up for you:

  • Create a VPC with a size /16 IPv4 CIDR block ( This provides up to 65,536 private IPv4 addresses.

  • Create a size /20 default subnet in each Availability Zone. This provides up to 4,096 addresses per subnet, a few of which are reserved for our use.

  • Create an internet gateway and connect it to your default VPC.

  • Add a route to the main route table that points all traffic ( to the internet gateway.

  • Create a default security group and associate it with your default VPC.

  • Create a default network access control list (ACL) and associate it with your default VPC.

  • Associate the default DHCP options set for your AWS account with your default VPC.


The following figure illustrates the key components that we set up for a default VPC.







Default subnets

By default, a default subnet is a public subnet, because the main route table sends the subnet‘s traffic that is destined for the internet to the internet gateway. You can make a default subnet into a private subnet by removing the route from the destination to the internet gateway. However, if you do this, no EC2 instance running in that subnet can access the internet.





aws - Default VPC and default subnets

标签:efault   and   option   when   nec   img   uid   div   abi   


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