标签:des style blog io color ar os sp java
2 3 4
7 6HintIn the first case, 3 * 3 * 3 = 27, so the rightmost digit is 7. In the second case, 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 = 256, so the rightmost digit is 6.
/*求N^N的最低位。只能观察尾数的规律。 很容易发现0,1,5,6的任何次幂都为本身。 2,3,7,8是每四次幂循环一次。4,9均是每两次幂一循环 */ #include<stdio.h> int a[10][4]={{0},{1},{6,2,4,8},{1,3,9,7},{6,4},{5},{6},{1,7,9,3},{6,8,4,2},{1,9}}; int main() { int test,n; scanf("%d",&test); while(test--) { scanf("%d",&n); if(n%10==0||n%10==1||n%10==5||n%10==6) printf("%d\n",a[n%10][0]); if(n%10==4||n%10==9) printf("%d\n",a[n%10][n%2]); if(n%10==2||n%10==3||n%10==7||n%10==8) printf("%d\n",a[n%10][n%4]); } return 0; }
Rightmost Digit(杭电1061)(求N^N的最低位)
标签:des style blog io color ar os sp java