标签:des style blog http io color ar os 使用
作者:zhanhailiang 日期:2014-11-17
1. 安装node.js,npm工具(略)。
2. 安装grunt, grunt-init
npm install -g grunt-cli npm install -g grunt-init
3. 下载脚手架:grunt-init-node - Create a Node.js module, including Nodeunit unit tests.
git clone git@github.com:billfeller/grunt-init-node.git ~/.grunt-init/node
注意,其默认路径为~/.grunt-init/xxxx,如果下载到默认路径,后续只需要通过grunt-init xxxx就可直接初始化;若下载到私人指定路径时,则grunt-init /path/to/template使用绝对路径来初始化。
4. 初始化:
[root@~/wade/nodejs/grunt-init-node-demo]# grunt-init node Running "init:node" (init) task This task will create one or more files in the current directory, based on the environment and the answers to a few questions. Note that answering "?" to any question will show question-specific help and answering "none" to most questions will leave its value blank. "node" template notes: Project name shouldn‘t contain "node" or "js" and should be a unique ID not already in use at search.npmjs.org. Please answer the following: [?] Project name (grunt-init-node-demo) [?] Description (The best project ever.) [?] Version (0.1.0) [?] Project git repository (git://github.com/billfeller/grunt-init-node-demo.git) [?] Project homepage (https://github.com/billfeller/grunt-init-node-demo) [?] Project issues tracker (https://github.com/billfeller/grunt-init-node-demo/issues) [?] Licenses (MIT) [?] Author name (billfeller) [?] Author email (billfeller@gmail.com) [?] Author url (none) http://blog.csdn.net/billfeller [?] What versions of node does it run on? (>= 0.8.0) [?] Main module/entry point (lib/grunt-init-node-demo) [?] Npm test command (grunt nodeunit) [?] Will this project be tested with Travis CI? (Y/n) Y [?] Do you need to make any changes to the above before continuing? (y/N) N Writing .gitignore...OK Writing .jshintrc...OK Writing .travis.yml...OK Writing Gruntfile.js...OK Writing README.md...OK Writing lib/grunt-init-node-demo.js...OK Writing test/grunt-init-node-demo_test.js...OK Writing LICENSE-MIT...OK Writing package.json...OK Initialized from template "node". You should now install project dependencies with npm install. After that, you may execute project tasks with grunt. For more information about installing and configuring Grunt, please see the Getting Started guide: http://gruntjs.com/getting-started Done, without errors.
当看到“Done, without errors.”,就表示初始化成功,之后就可以开始专注于业务开发了。
[root@~/wade/nodejs]# grunt-init node Running "init:node" (init) task This task will create one or more files in the current directory, based on the environment and the answers to a few questions. Note that answering "?" to any question will show question-specific help and answering "none" to most questions will leave its value blank. Warning: Existing files may be overwritten! Use --force to continue. Aborted due to warnings.
5. grunt官方维护几个模板:
6. 参考:
标签:des style blog http io color ar os 使用