标签:tomcat 多线程 servlet 读书笔记 jsp
public void invoke(Request request, Response response) throws IOException, ServletException { // Invoke the first Valve in this pipeline for this request (new StandardPipelineValveContext()).invokeNext(request, response); }4StandardPipeline有个内部类StandardPipelineValveContext,它的invokeNext方法会循环管道(StandardContext的管道)里的所有阀,直到基础阀,并且调用其invoke方法。基础阀在StandardContext初始化的时候就默认指定了StandardContextValve();
Servlet instance = <get an instance of the servlet>; if ((servlet implementing SingleThreadModel>) { synchronized (instance) { instance.service(request, response); } } else { instance.service(request, response); }不过为了保持性能,StandardWrapper一般维护了一个STM servlet 实例池。
how tomcat works 读书笔记 十一 StandWrapper 上
标签:tomcat 多线程 servlet 读书笔记 jsp