标签:javascript jscript microsoft office microsoft word activex
/************************* Common Functions **********************************/ /* Tips: an alert emulator for Wscript host */ function alert(msg){ WScript.Echo(msg+""); } /* Tips: auto close popup in 3 seconds */ function popup(msg,delay){ delay = delay || 3 var sh = new ActiveXObject("Wscript.Shell"); var tip = "Tips in %D seconds".replace("%D",delay); sh.popup(msg+"", delay, tip, 64); } /* Tips: use safe VB Array for VBArray in JScript 8.0, this method can be use in multiple VB Array * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/848246/how-can-i-use-javascript-within-an-excel-macro * Return Keys as a SafeArray, then can be use: new VBArray(safeArray); */ function toVBArray(jsArray) { var dict = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.Dictionary"); for (var i in jsArray) dict.Add(i, jsArray[i]); return dict.Keys(); } /************************* Office Word Application ***************************/ var WdSaveOptions = { wdDoNotSaveChanges:0, wdPromptToSaveChanges:-2, wdSaveChanges:-1 } var WdBuiltinStyle = { wdStyleNormal:-1, // 正文。 wdStyleHeading1:-2, // 标题 1~10。 wdStyleHeading2:-3, wdStyleHeading3:-4, wdStyleHeading4:-5, wdStyleHeading5:-6, wdStyleHeading6:-7, wdStyleHeading7:-8, wdStyleHeading8:-9, wdStyleHeading9:-10, wdStyleNormalIndent:-29, // 正文缩进。 wdStyleBodyText:-67, // 正文文本。 wdStyleHyperlink:-86, // 超链接。 wdStylePlainText:-91, // 纯文本。 wdStyleQuote:-181 // 引用。 // ... and more }; var WdSaveFormat = { wdFormatDocument:0, // Microsoft Office Word 格式。 wdFormatDOSText:4, // Microsoft DOS 文本格式。 wdFormatDOSTextLineBreaks:5, // Microsoft DOS 文本格式,并且保留换行符。 wdFormatEncodedText:7, // 编码文本格式。 wdFormatFilteredHTML:10, // 筛选的 HTML 格式。 wdFormatHTML:8, // 标准 HTML 格式。 wdFormatRTF:6, // RTF 格式。 wdFormatTemplate:1, // Word 模板格式。 wdFormatDocument97:0, // Microsoft Word 97 文档格式。 wdFormatDocumentDefault:16 // Word 默认文档文件格式。对于 Microsoft Office Word 2007,这是 DOCX 格式。 //... }; /* 1. Create Winword application and let it visible */ var Word = new ActiveXObject("Word.Application"); Word.Visible = true; Word.DisplayAlerts = false; /* 2. Prepare a new document to writing, NOTE: the method Add does follow parentheses */ var Doc = Word.Documents.Add(); /* 3. Writes a contents and set style */ var p = Doc.Paragraphs.Add(); p.Range.Text = "Comming"; p.Style = Doc.Styles(WdBuiltinStyle.wdStyleHeading1); var p = Doc.Paragraphs.Add(); // create a new paragraph but the Range is the same p.Range.Text += "Hot baby to this document"; p.Style = Doc.Styles(WdBuiltinStyle.wdStyleNormal); var p = Doc.Paragraphs.Add(); p.Range.Text += "Hot baby to this document"; //p.Range.InsertFile("./some.txt.xls.doc"); popup("Insert Picture",6); Doc.SaveAs("./T.DOC",WdSaveFormat.wdFormatDocument97); var path = "./md1.png"; var p = Doc.Paragraphs.Add(); // add empty on avoid replace when Paste(). var p = Doc.Paragraphs.Add(); p.Range.Text = "PLACEHOLDER"; var iShape = Doc.InlineShapes.AddPicture(path); // Shapes or InlineShapes iShape.Range.Cut(); //iShape.Range.Select(); //Word.Selection.Cut(); p.Range.Paste(); popup("Winword be ready to exit",6); /* 4. Delete or Save you document */ Doc.Save(); //Doc.Close(WdSaveOptions.wdDoNotSaveChanges); //Doc.SaveAs("./T.DOC"); /* 5. Writes a paragraph */ Word.Quit(); /*************************** Office Excel Application ************************/ /* 1. create Excel application, and setting options * Excel.Application can be found in reg HKCR\Excel.Application or EXCEL.EXE */ var Excel = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application"); //var Sheet = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Sheet"); Excel.Visible = true; Excel.DisplayAlerts = false; /* 2. Prepare Workbook to working, NOTE: the method Add not follow parentheses */ var WorkBook = Excel.Workbooks.Add /* Tips: Reorder sheets use named parameters method in VBA */ WorkBook.Sheets("Sheet1").Move(null, WorkBook.Sheets("Sheet3")); // Move after sheet2 /* Tips: Delete wasted sheets */ var a = toVBArray(["Sheet1","Sheet2","Sheet3"]); //WorkBook.Sheets(a).Delete(); /* 3. Optionally you can create a new Sheet */ var Sheet = Excel.Sheets.Add; Sheet.Name = "New Sheet"; Sheet.Cells(1,1).Value = "This is column A, row 1"; //WorkBook.Sheets("Sheet1").Move( "after",WorkBook.Sheets("Sheet2") ); /* 4. Optionally save or delete your work */ //WorkBook.Close(false); WorkBook.SaveAs("./T.XLS"); popup("T.XLS save to:\r\n"+Sheet.Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path); /* 5. Keep away close application */ Excel.Quit();
Microsoft Office VBA ActiveX编程的JScript实现
标签:javascript jscript microsoft office microsoft word activex