// TypeSwitch.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include <IOSTREAM> using namespace std; class Complex { public: Complex():real(0),imag(0){}; Complex(double r, double i):real(r), imag(i){}; //1> 转换构造函数 Complex(double r):real(r),imag(0) { cout<<"转换构造函数被调用。 \n"; }; void Print() { cout<< "real = " << real << " image = " << imag<< endl; } Complex& operator+(const Complex &cl) { this->real += cl.real; this->imag += cl.imag; return *this; } //2> = 赋值运算重载 // Complex& operator = (double i) // { // this->real = 0; // this->imag = i; // cout<<"赋值运算重载被调用"<<endl; // return *this; // } private: double real; double imag; }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { Complex cl;//构造函数Complex()被调用; cl.Print();//real = 0 imag = 0; cl = 1.5; //1>转换构造函数被调用;如果1>,2>都存在,2> = 赋值运算重载会被调用; cl.Print();//1>的时候,real = 1.5 imag = 0; 1>,2>的时候,real = 0 imag = 1.5; cl = Complex(2,3);//构造函数Complex(double r, double i)被调用后,调用默认=赋值运算; cl.Print();//real = 2 imag = 3; cl = Complex(1, 1) + 2.5;//1>转换构造函数被调用;如果1>,2>都存在,1>转换构造函数被调用 cl.Print();//real = 3.5 imag = 1; return 0; }