标签:des style class blog c code
typeof是一个一元运算符,它返回的结果 始终是一个字符串,对不同的操作数,它返回不同的结果。
操作数类型 | 返回值 |
undefined | "undefined" |
Null | "object" |
Boolean | "boolean" |
Number | "number" |
String | "string" |
函数对象 | "function" |
E4X XML 对象 | "xml" |
E4X XMLList 对象 | "xml" |
其他对象 | "object" |
// Numbers typeof 37 === ‘number‘; typeof 3.14 === ‘number‘; typeof Math.LN2 === ‘number‘; typeof Infinity === ‘number‘; typeof NaN === ‘number‘; // Despite being "Not-A-Number" // Strings typeof "" === ‘string‘; typeof "bla" === ‘string‘; typeof (typeof 1) === ‘string‘; // typeof always return a string // Booleans typeof true === ‘boolean‘; typeof false === ‘boolean‘; // Undefined typeof undefined === ‘undefined‘; typeof blabla === ‘undefined‘; // an undefined variable // Objects typeof {a:1} === ‘object‘; typeof [1, 2, 4] === ‘object‘; // use Array.isArray or Object.prototype.toString.call to differentiate regular objects from arrays typeof new Date() === ‘object‘; typeof new Boolean(true) === ‘object‘; // this is confusing. Don‘t use! typeof new Number(1) === ‘object‘; // this is confusing. Don‘t use! typeof new String("abc") === ‘object‘; // this is confusing. Don‘t use! // Functions typeof function(){} === ‘function‘; typeof Math.sin === ‘function‘; typeof undefined;//"undefined" typeof null;//"object" This stands since the beginning of JavaScript typeof /s/ === ‘object‘; // Conform to ECMAScript 5.1
/* * 通过constructor判断对象是否为Array对象 */ var array = new Array(); array.constructor === Array; // true
通常来讲,使用 instanceof 就是判断一个实例是否属于某种类型。
// 判断 foo 是否是 Foo 类的实例 , 并且是否是其父类型的实例 function Aoo(){} function Foo(){} Foo.prototype = new Aoo();//JavaScript 原型继承 var foo = new Foo(); console.log(foo instanceof Foo)//true console.log(foo instanceof Aoo)//true
上面的代码表示,在多层继承关系中,instanceof 运算符同样适用。
以下代码为 instanceof 代码实现。
/** JavaScript instanceof 运算符代码 **/ function instance_of(L, R) {//L 表示左表达式,R 表示右表达式 var O = R.prototype;// 取 R 的显示原型 L = L.__proto__;// 取 L 的隐式原型 while (true) { if (L === null) return false; if (O === L)// 这里重点:当 O 严格等于 L 时,返回 true return true; L = L.__proto__; } }
console.log(Object instanceof Object);//true console.log(Function instanceof Function);//true console.log(Number instanceof Number);//false console.log(String instanceof String);//false console.log(Function instanceof Object);//true console.log(Foo instanceof Function);//true console.log(Foo instanceof Foo);//false
通过instanceof 和 constructor 在检测在跨框架(cross-frame)页面中的对象时,会失败。
var x = ""; Object.prototype.toString.call(x); // "[object String]" var x = 1; Object.prototype.toString.call(x); // "[object Number]" var x = NaN; Object.prototype.toString.call(x); // "[object Number]" var x = Infinity; Object.prototype.toString.call(x); // "[object Number]" var x = new Array(); Object.prototype.toString.call(x); // "[object Array]" var x = new Object(); Object.prototype.toString.call(x); // "[object Object]" var x = new Date(); Object.prototype.toString.call(x); // "[object Date]" var x = new Error(); Object.prototype.toString.call(x); // "[object Error]" var x = RegExp(); Object.prototype.toString.call(x); // "[object RegExp]" var x = undefined; Object.prototype.toString.call(x); // "[object Undefined]" var x = null; Object.prototype.toString.call(x); // "[object Null]"
Object.prototype.toString.call(arguments); // "[object Arguments]"
jQuery.isArray(x); //判定是否为数组 jQuery.isWindow(x); //判断是否为window对象,当前窗口和iframe jQuery.isNumeric(x); //判定是否为数字 NaN,Infinity,""...false jQuery.isFunction(x); //判定是否为javascript函数
javascript 判断对象类型,布布扣,bubuko.com
标签:des style class blog c code